Source code for biothings.cli.utils

import asyncio
import logging
import math
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import time
from pprint import pformat
from types import SimpleNamespace

import tornado.template
import typer
import yaml
from rich import box, print as rprint
from rich.console import Console
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table

import biothings.utils.inspect as btinspect
from biothings.utils import es
from biothings.utils.common import timesofar
from biothings.utils.dataload import dict_traverse
from biothings.utils.serializer import load_json, to_json
from biothings.utils.sqlite3 import get_src_db
from biothings.utils.workers import upload_worker

[docs] def get_logger(name=None): """Get a logger with the given name. If name is None, return the root logger.""" # basicConfig has been setup in, so we don't need to do it again here # If everything works as expected, we can delete this block. # logging.basicConfig( # level="INFO", # format="%(message)s", # datefmt="[%X]", # handlers=[RichHandler(rich_tracebacks=True, show_path=False)], # ) logger = logging.getLogger(name=None) return logger
[docs] def run_sync_or_async_job(func, *args, **kwargs): """When func is defined as either normal or async function/method, we will call this function properly and return the results. For an async function/method, we will use CLIJobManager to run it. """ if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): from biothings.utils.manager import CLIJobManager job_manager = CLIJobManager() kwargs["job_manager"] = job_manager return job_manager.loop.run_until_complete(func(*args, **kwargs)) else: # otherwise just run it as normal return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_plugin_managers(plugin_path, plugin_name=None, data_folder=None): """Load a data plugin from <plugin_path>, and return a tuple of (dumper_manager, upload_manager)""" from biothings import config as btconfig from biothings.hub.dataload.dumper import DumperManager from biothings.hub.dataload.uploader import UploaderManager from biothings.hub.dataplugin.assistant import LocalAssistant from biothings.hub.dataplugin.manager import DataPluginManager from biothings.utils.hub_db import get_data_plugin plugin_manager = DataPluginManager(job_manager=None) dmanager = DumperManager(job_manager=None) upload_manager = UploaderManager(job_manager=None) LocalAssistant.data_plugin_manager = plugin_manager LocalAssistant.dumper_manager = dmanager LocalAssistant.uploader_manager = upload_manager _plugin_path = pathlib.Path(plugin_path).resolve() btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER = _plugin_path.parent.as_posix() plugin_name = plugin_name or data_folder = data_folder or f"./{plugin_name}" assistant = LocalAssistant(f"local://{plugin_name}") # print(assistant.plugin_name, plugin_name, _plugin_path.as_posix(), btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER) dp = get_data_plugin() dp.remove({"_id": assistant.plugin_name}) dp.insert_one( { "_id": assistant.plugin_name, "plugin": { "url": f"local://{plugin_name}", "type": assistant.plugin_type, "active": True, }, "download": { "data_folder": data_folder, # tmp path to your data plugin }, } ) p_loader = assistant.loader p_loader.load_plugin() return p_loader.__class__.dumper_manager, assistant.__class__.uploader_manager
[docs] def get_plugin_name(plugin_name=None, with_working_dir=True): """return a valid plugin name (the folder name contains a data plugin) When plugin_name is provided as None, it use the current working folder. when with_working_dir is True, returns (plugin_name, working_dir) tuple """ working_dir = pathlib.Path().resolve() if plugin_name is None: plugin_name = else: valid_names = [ for f in os.scandir(working_dir) if f.is_dir() and not".")] if not plugin_name or plugin_name not in valid_names: rprint("[red]Please provide your data plugin name! [/red]") rprint("Choose from:\n " + "\n ".join(valid_names)) raise typer.Exit(code=1) return plugin_name, working_dir if with_working_dir else plugin_name
[docs] def is_valid_data_plugin_dir(data_plugin_dir): """Return True/False if the given folder is a valid data plugin folder (contains either manifest.yaml or manifest.json)""" return ( pathlib.Path(data_plugin_dir, "manifest.yaml").exists() or pathlib.Path(data_plugin_dir, "manifest.json").exists() )
[docs] def load_plugin(plugin_name=None, dumper=True, uploader=True, logger=None): """Return a plugin object for the given plugin_name. If dumper is True, include a dumper instance in the plugin object. If uploader is True, include uploader_classes in the plugin object. If <plugin_name> is not valid, raise the proper error and exit. """ logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) _plugin_name, working_dir = get_plugin_name(plugin_name, with_working_dir=True) data_plugin_dir = pathlib.Path(working_dir) if plugin_name is None else pathlib.Path(working_dir, _plugin_name) if not is_valid_data_plugin_dir(data_plugin_dir): if plugin_name is None: err = ( "This command must be run inside a data plugin folder. Please go to a data plugin folder and try again!" ) else: err = f'The data plugin folder "{data_plugin_dir}" is not a valid data plugin folder. Please try another.' logger.error(err, extra={"markup": True}) raise typer.Exit(1) if plugin_name is None: # current working_dir has the data plugin dumper_manager, uploader_manager = load_plugin_managers(working_dir, data_folder=".") else: dumper_manager, uploader_manager = load_plugin_managers(_plugin_name) current_plugin = SimpleNamespace( plugin_name=_plugin_name, data_plugin_dir=data_plugin_dir, in_plugin_dir=plugin_name is None, ) if dumper: dumper_class = dumper_manager[_plugin_name][0] _dumper = dumper_class() _dumper.prepare() current_plugin.dumper = _dumper if uploader: uploader_classes = uploader_manager[_plugin_name] if not isinstance(uploader_classes, list): uploader_classes = [uploader_classes] current_plugin.uploader_classes = uploader_classes return current_plugin
######################## # for create command # ########################
[docs] def do_create(name, multi_uploaders=False, parallelizer=False, logger=None): """Create a new data plugin from the template""" logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) working_dir = pathlib.Path().resolve() biothing_source_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() template_dir = os.path.join(biothing_source_dir, "hub", "dataplugin", "templates") plugin_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, name) if os.path.isdir(plugin_dir): logger.error("Data plugin with the same name is already exists, please remove it before create") return exit(1) shutil.copytree(template_dir, plugin_dir) # create manifest file loader = tornado.template.Loader(plugin_dir) parsed_template = ( loader.load("manifest.yaml.tpl").generate(multi_uploaders=multi_uploaders, parallelizer=parallelizer).decode() ) manifest_file_path = os.path.join(working_dir, name, "manifest.yaml") with open(manifest_file_path, "w") as fh: fh.write(parsed_template) # remove manifest template os.unlink(f"{plugin_dir}/manifest.yaml.tpl") if not parallelizer: os.unlink(f"{plugin_dir}/")"Successfully created data plugin template at: \n {plugin_dir}")
############################### # for dump & upload command # ###############################
[docs] def do_dump(plugin_name=None, show_dumped=True, logger=None): """Perform dump for the given plugin""" from biothings import config from biothings.utils import hub_db hub_db.setup(config) logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) _plugin = load_plugin(plugin_name, dumper=True, uploader=False, logger=logger) dumper = _plugin.dumper dumper.prepare() run_sync_or_async_job(dumper.create_todump_list, force=True) for item in dumper.to_dump:'Downloading remote data from "%s"...', item["remote"])["remote"], item["local"])'Downloaded locally as "%s"', item["local"]) dumper.steps = ["post"] dumper.post_dump() dumper.register_status("success") dumper.release_client() # cleanup # Commented out this line below. we should keep the dump info in src_dump collection for other cmds, e.g. upload, list etc # dumper.src_dump.remove({"_id": dumper.src_name}) dp = hub_db.get_data_plugin() dp.remove({"_id": _plugin.plugin_name}) data_folder = dumper.new_data_folder if show_dumped:"[green]Success![/green] :rocket:", extra={"markup": True}) show_dumped_files(data_folder, _plugin.plugin_name) return _plugin
[docs] def do_upload(plugin_name=None, show_uploaded=True, logger=None): """Perform upload for the given list of uploader_classes""" logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) _plugin = load_plugin(plugin_name, dumper=False, uploader=True, logger=logger) for uploader_cls in _plugin.uploader_classes: uploader = uploader_cls.create(db_conn_info="") uploader.make_temp_collection() uploader.prepare() if not uploader.data_folder or not pathlib.Path(uploader.data_folder).exists(): logger.error( 'Data folder "%s" for "%s" is empty or does not exist yet. Have you run "dump" yet?', uploader.data_folder, uploader.fullname, ) raise typer.Exit(1) else: upload_worker( uploader.fullname, uploader.__class__.storage_class, uploader.load_data, uploader.temp_collection_name, 10000, 1, uploader.data_folder, db=uploader.db, ) uploader.switch_collection() uploader.keep_archive = 3 # keep 3 archived collections, that's probably good enough for CLI, default is 10 uploader.clean_archived_collections() if show_uploaded:"[green]Success![/green] :rocket:", extra={"markup": True}) show_uploaded_sources(pathlib.Path(_plugin.data_plugin_dir), _plugin.plugin_name) return _plugin
[docs] def do_dump_and_upload(plugin_name, logger=None): """Perform both dump and upload for the given plugin""" logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) _plugin = do_dump(plugin_name, show_dumped=False, logger=logger) do_upload(plugin_name, show_uploaded=False, logger=logger)"[green]Success![/green] :rocket:", extra={"markup": True}) show_dumped_files(_plugin.dumper.new_data_folder, _plugin.plugin_name) show_uploaded_sources(pathlib.Path(_plugin.data_plugin_dir), _plugin.plugin_name)
######################## # for inspect command # ########################
[docs] def process_inspect(source_name, mode, limit, merge, logger, do_validate, output=None): """Perform inspect for the given source. It's used in do_inspect function below""" VALID_INSPECT_MODES = ["jsonschema", "type", "mapping", "stats"] mode = mode.split(",") if "jsonschema" in mode: mode = ["jsonschema", "type"] for m in mode: if m not in VALID_INSPECT_MODES: logger.error('"%s" is not a valid inspect mode', m) raise typer.Exit(1) if not limit: limit = None sample = None clean = True t0 = time.time() data_provider = ("src", source_name) src_db = get_src_db() pre_mapping = "mapping" in mode src_cols = src_db[source_name] inspected = {} converters, mode = btinspect.get_converters(mode) for m in mode: inspected.setdefault(m, {}) cur = src_cols.findv2() res = btinspect.inspect_docs( cur, mode=mode, clean=clean, merge=merge, logger=logger, pre_mapping=pre_mapping, limit=limit, sample=sample, metadata=False, auto_convert=False, ) for m in mode: inspected[m] = btinspect.merge_record(inspected[m], res[m], m) for m in mode: if m == "mapping": try: inspected["mapping"] = es.generate_es_mapping(inspected["mapping"]) # metadata for mapping only once generated inspected = btinspect.compute_metadata(inspected, m) except es.MappingError as e: inspected["mapping"] = {"pre-mapping": inspected["mapping"], "errors": e.args[1]} else: inspected = btinspect.compute_metadata(inspected, m) btinspect.run_converters(inspected, converters) res = btinspect.stringify_inspect_doc(inspected) _map = {"results": res, "data_provider": repr(data_provider), "duration": timesofar(t0)} # _map["started_at"] = started_at def clean_big_nums(k, v): # TODO: same with float/double? seems mongo handles more there ? if isinstance(v, int) and v > 2**64: return k, math.nan else: return k, v dict_traverse(_map, clean_big_nums) mapping = _map["results"].get("mapping", {}) type_and_stats = { source_name: { _mode: btinspect.flatten_and_validate(_map["results"].get(_mode, {}), do_validate) for _mode in ["type", "stats"] } } mapping_table = None if "mapping" in mode and mapping: if mapping.get("errors"): mapping_table = f"[red]{mapping.get('errors')}[/red]" else: mapping_table = Table( title="[bold green]MAPPING[/bold green]", box=box.SQUARE_DOUBLE_HEAD, expand=False, show_lines=True, ) mapping_table.add_column(f"Sub source name: [bold]{source_name}[/bold]", justify="left", style="cyan") mapping_table.add_row(to_json(mapping, indent=True, sort_keys=True)) report = [] problem_summary = [] if "stats" in mode: report = type_and_stats[source_name]["stats"] elif "type" in mode: for item in type_and_stats[source_name]["type"]: item.pop("stats", None) report.append(item) console = Console() if report: panel = Panel( f"This is the field type and stats for datasource: [bold green]{source_name}[/bold green]\n" f"It provides a summary of the data structure, including: a map of all types involved in the data;\n" f"basic statistics, showing how volumetry fits over data structure.\n" f"The basic statistics include these fields:\n" f"* [italic]_count[/italic]: Total records\n" f"* [italic]_max[/italic]: Maximum value\n" f"* [italic]_min[/italic]: Minimum value\n" f"* [italic]_none[/italic]: number of records have no value", title=f"[bold green]{source_name}[/bold green]", box=box.HORIZONTALS, ) for field in report: warnings = field.pop("warnings", []) field["warning"] = "" for warning in warnings: field_name = field.get("field_name") if field_name == "__root__": continue warning_mgs = f"* [red]{warning['code']}[/red]: {warning['message']}" problem_summary.append(warning_mgs) if warnings: field["warning"] = ",".join(item["code"] for item in warnings) table = Table( title="[bold green]TYPE & STATS[/bold green]", box=box.SQUARE_DOUBLE_HEAD, show_lines=True, ) table.add_column("Field name", justify="left", style="cyan") table.add_column("Field type", justify="center", style="magenta") table.add_column("Stats._count", justify="right", style="green") table.add_column("Stats._max", justify="right", style="green") table.add_column("Stats._min", justify="right", style="green") table.add_column("Stats._none", justify="right", style="green") table.add_column("Warning", justify="right", style="red") for item in report: if item["field_name"] == "__root__": continue field_name = f'[bold]{item["field_name"]}[/bold]' if item["warning"] != "": field_name += "[red] \u26a0[/red]" * len(item["warning"].split(",")) table.add_row( field_name, str(item["field_type"]), str(item.get("stats", {}).get("_count", "")), str(item.get("stats", {}).get("_max", "")), str(item.get("stats", {}).get("_min", "")), str(item.get("stats", {}).get("_none", "")), item["warning"], ) problem_panel = None if problem_summary: problem_panel = Panel("[yellow]Warnings:[/yellow]\n" + "\n".join(problem_summary)) console.print(panel) if mapping_table: console.print(mapping_table) console.print(table) if problem_panel: console.print(problem_panel) elif mapping_table: console.print(mapping_table) if "mapping" in mode and mapping and output: # TODO: the following block is commented out because we don't need to append the mapping info to the existing. Delete this block if we verify it's not needed. # with open(output, "w+") as fp: # current_content = # if current_content: # current_content = load_json(current_content) # else: # current_content = {} # current_content.update(mapping) # fp.write(to_json(current_content, indent=True, sort_keys=True)) with open(output, "w") as fp: fp.write(to_json(mapping, indent=True, sort_keys=True)) rprint(f"[green]Successfully wrote the mapping info to the JSON file: [bold]{output}[/bold][/green]")
[docs] def do_inspect( plugin_name=None, sub_source_name=None, mode="type,stats", limit=None, merge=False, output=None, logger=None ): """Perform inspection on a data plugin.""" logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) if not limit: limit = None _plugin = load_plugin(plugin_name, logger=logger) # source_full_name = _plugin.plugin_name if sub_source_name else f"{_plugin.plugin_name}.{sub_source_name}" if len(_plugin.uploader_classes) > 1: if not sub_source_name: logger.error('This is a multiple uploaders data plugin, so "--sub-source-name" must be provided!') logger.error( 'Accepted values of "--sub-source-name" are: %s', ", ".join( for uploader in _plugin.uploader_classes), ) raise typer.Exit(code=1) 'Inspecting data plugin "%s" (sub_source_name="%s", mode="%s", limit=%s)', _plugin.plugin_name, sub_source_name, mode, limit, ) else:'Inspecting data plugin "%s" (mode="%s", limit=%s)', _plugin.plugin_name, mode, limit) # table_space = get_uploaders(pathlib.Path(f"{working_dir}/{plugin_name}")) table_space = [ for item in _plugin.uploader_classes] if sub_source_name and sub_source_name not in table_space: logger.error('Your source name "%s" does not exits', sub_source_name) raise typer.Exit(code=1) if sub_source_name: process_inspect(sub_source_name, mode, limit, merge, logger=logger, do_validate=True, output=output) else: for source_name in table_space: process_inspect(source_name, mode, limit, merge, logger=logger, do_validate=True, output=output)
[docs] def get_manifest_content(working_dir): """return the manifest content of the data plugin in the working directory""" manifest_file_yml = os.path.join(working_dir, "manifest.yaml") manifest_file_json = os.path.join(working_dir, "manifest.json") if os.path.isfile(manifest_file_yml): manifest = yaml.safe_load(open(manifest_file_yml)) return manifest elif os.path.isfile(manifest_file_json): manifest = load_json(open(manifest_file_json).read()) return manifest else: raise FileNotFoundError("manifest file does not exits in current working directory")
######################## # for list command # ########################
[docs] def get_uploaders(working_dir: pathlib.Path): """A helper function to get the uploaders from the manifest file in the working directory, used in show_uploaded_sources function below""" data_plugin_name = manifest = get_manifest_content(working_dir) upload_section = manifest.get("uploader") table_space = [data_plugin_name] if not upload_section: upload_sections = manifest.get("uploaders") table_space = [item["name"] for item in upload_sections] return table_space
[docs] def show_dumped_files(data_folder, plugin_name): """A helper function to show the dumped files in the data folder""" console = Console() if not os.path.isdir(data_folder) or not os.listdir(data_folder): console.print( Panel( f"[green]Source:[/green][bold] {plugin_name}[/bold]\n" + f"[green]Data Folder:[/green][bold] {data_folder}:[/bold]\n" + "Empty file!", title="[bold]Dump[/bold]", title_align="left", ) ) else: console.print( Panel( f"[green]Source:[/green][bold] {plugin_name}[/bold]\n" + f"[green]Data Folder:[/green][bold] {data_folder}:[/bold]\n - " + "\n - ".join(os.listdir(data_folder)), title="[bold]Dump[/bold]", title_align="left", ) )
[docs] def get_uploaded_collections(src_db, uploaders): """A helper function to get the uploaded collections in the source database""" uploaded_sources = [] archived_sources = [] temp_sources = [] for item in src_db.collection_names(): if item in uploaders: uploaded_sources.append(item) for uploader_name in uploaders: if item.startswith(f"{uploader_name}_archive_"): archived_sources.append(item) if item.startswith(f"{uploader_name}_temp_"): temp_sources.append(item) return uploaded_sources, archived_sources, temp_sources
[docs] def show_uploaded_sources(working_dir, plugin_name): """A helper function to show the uploaded sources from given plugin.""" console = Console() uploaders = get_uploaders(working_dir) src_db = get_src_db() uploaded_sources, archived_sources, temp_sources = get_uploaded_collections(src_db, uploaders) if not uploaded_sources: console.print( Panel( f"[green]Source:[/green] [bold]{plugin_name}[/bold]\n" + f"[green]DB path:[/green] [bold]{working_dir}/{src_db.dbfile}[/bold]\n" + f"[green]- Database:[/green] [bold]{}[/bold]\n" + "Empty source!", title="[bold]Upload[/bold]", title_align="left", ) ) else: console.print( Panel( f"[green]Source:[/green] [bold]{plugin_name}[/bold]\n" + f"[green]DB path:[/green] [bold]{working_dir}/{src_db.dbfile}[/bold]\n" + f"[green]- Database:[/green] [bold]{}[/bold]\n" + " -[green] Collections:[/green] [bold]\n " + "\n ".join(uploaded_sources) + "[/bold] \n" + " -[green] Archived collections:[/green][bold]\n " + "\n ".join(archived_sources) + "[/bold] \n" + " -[green] Temporary collections:[/green][bold]\n " + "\n ".join(temp_sources), title="[bold]Upload[/bold]", title_align="left", ) )
[docs] def show_hubdb_content(): """Output hubdb content in a pretty format.""" from biothings import config from biothings.utils import hub_db console = Console() hub_db.setup(config) coll_list = [ hub_db.get_data_plugin(), hub_db.get_src_dump(), hub_db.get_src_master(), hub_db.get_hub_config(), hub_db.get_event(), ] hub_db_content = [] for collection in coll_list: content = collection.find() if content: hub_db_content.append(f"[green]Collection:[/green] [bold]{}[/bold]\n{pformat(content)}") hub_db_content = "\n".join(hub_db_content) console.print( Panel( hub_db_content, title="[bold]Hubdb[/bold]", title_align="left", ) )
[docs] def do_list(plugin_name=None, dump=False, upload=False, hubdb=False, logger=None): """List the dumped files, uploaded sources, or hubdb content.""" logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) if dump is False and upload is False and hubdb is False: # if all set to False, we list both dump and upload as the default dump = upload = True _plugin = load_plugin(plugin_name, dumper=True, uploader=False, logger=logger) if dump: data_folder = _plugin.dumper.current_data_folder if not data_folder: # data_folder should be saved in hubdb already, if dump has been done successfully first logger.error('Data folder is not available. Please run "dump" first.') # Typically we should not need to use new_data_folder as the data_folder, # but we keep the code commented out below for future reference # utils.run_sync_or_async_job(dumper.create_todump_list, force=True) # data_folder = dumper.new_data_folder else: show_dumped_files(data_folder, _plugin.plugin_name) if upload: show_uploaded_sources(pathlib.Path(_plugin.data_plugin_dir), _plugin.plugin_name) if hubdb: show_hubdb_content()
######################## # for serve command # ########################
[docs] def serve(host, port, plugin_name, table_space): """Serve a simple API server to query the data plugin source.""" from .web_app import main src_db = get_src_db() rprint(f"[green]Serving data plugin source: {plugin_name}[/green]"), port=port, db=src_db, table_space=table_space))
[docs] def do_serve(plugin_name=None, host="localhost", port=9999, logger=None): logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) _plugin = load_plugin(plugin_name, dumper=False, uploader=True, logger=logger) uploader_classes = _plugin.uploader_classes table_space = [ for item in uploader_classes] serve(host=host, port=port, plugin_name=_plugin.plugin_name, table_space=table_space)
######################## # for clean command # ########################
[docs] def remove_files_in_folder(folder_path): """Remove all files in a folder.""" for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: rprint("[red]Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s [/red]" % (file_path, e)) shutil.rmtree(folder_path)
[docs] def do_clean_dumped_files(data_folder, plugin_name): """Remove all dumped files by a data plugin in the data folder.""" if not os.path.isdir(data_folder): rprint(f"[red]Data folder {data_folder} not found! Nothing has been dumped yet[/red]") return if not os.listdir(data_folder): rprint("[red]Empty folder![/red]") else: rprint(f"[green]There are all files dumped by [bold]{plugin_name}[/bold]:[/green]") print("\n".join(os.listdir(data_folder))) delete = typer.confirm("Do you want to delete them?") if not delete: raise typer.Abort() remove_files_in_folder(data_folder) rprint("[green]Deleted![/green]")
[docs] def do_clean_uploaded_sources(working_dir, plugin_name): """Remove all uploaded sources by a data plugin in the working directory.""" uploaders = get_uploaders(working_dir) src_db = get_src_db() uploaded_sources = [] for item in src_db.collection_names(): if item in uploaders: uploaded_sources.append(item) for uploader_name in uploaders: if item.startswith(f"{uploader_name}_archive_") or item.startswith(f"{uploader_name}_temp_"): uploaded_sources.append(item) if not uploaded_sources: rprint("[red]No source has been uploaded yet! [/red]") else: rprint(f"[green]There are all sources uploaded by [bold]{plugin_name}[/bold]:[/green]") print("\n".join(uploaded_sources)) delete = typer.confirm("Do you want to drop them?") if not delete: raise typer.Abort() for source in uploaded_sources: src_db[source].drop() rprint("[green]All collections are dropped![/green]")
[docs] def do_clean(plugin_name=None, dump=False, upload=False, clean_all=False, logger=None): """Clean the dumped files, uploaded sources, or both.""" logger = logger or get_logger(__name__) if clean_all: dump = upload = True if dump is False and upload is False: logger.error("Please provide at least one of following option: --dump, --upload, --all") raise typer.Exit(1) _plugin = load_plugin(plugin_name, dumper=True, uploader=False, logger=logger) if dump: data_folder = _plugin.dumper.current_data_folder if not data_folder: # data_folder should be saved in hubdb already, if dump has been done successfully first logger.error('Data folder is not available. Please run "dump" first.') do_clean_dumped_files(data_folder, _plugin.plugin_name) if upload: do_clean_uploaded_sources(_plugin.data_plugin_dir, _plugin.plugin_name)