Source code for biothings.hub.databuild.prebuilder

import pymongo

import biothings.utils.redis as redis
from biothings.utils.mongo import doc_feeder

[docs] class BasePreCompiledDataProvider(object): def __init__(self, name): """ 'name' is a way to identify this provider (usually linked to a database name behind the scene) """ = name
[docs] def register(self, _id, col_name): """ Tell provider that _id can be found in collection named 'col_name' """ raise NotImplementedError("implement in sub-class")
[docs] def get_all(self): """ Iterate over all register _ids, return a list of collection names where they can be found """ raise NotImplementedError("implement in sub-class")
[docs] class RedisPreCompiledDataProvider(BasePreCompiledDataProvider): def __init__(self, name, connection_params): super(RedisPreCompiledDataProvider, self).__init__(name) self.connection_params = connection_params self.client = redis.RedisClient(connection_params) try: self.client.check() except AssertionError: self.client.initialize() self.db = self.client.get_db(
[docs] def register(self, _id, col_name): self.db.hset(_id, col_name, 1)
[docs] def get_all(self): for _id in self.db.scan_iter(): # cols = list(self.db.hgetall(_id).keys()) cols = [] yield (_id, cols)
[docs] class MongoDBPreCompiledDataProvider(BasePreCompiledDataProvider): def __init__(self, db_name, name, connection_params): self.db_name = db_name self.col_name = name self.connection_params = connection_params self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(connection_params) self.col = self.client[self.db_name][self.col_name]
[docs] def register(self, _id, col_name): updt = {"$set": {"srcs.%s" % col_name: 1}} if type(_id) == list: bulk = [] for oneid in _id: bulk.append(pymongo.UpdateOne(filter={"_id": oneid}, update=updt, upsert=True)) if bulk: self.col.bulk_write(bulk, ordered=False) else: self.col.update_one({"_id": _id}, updt, upsert=True)
[docs] def get_all(self, batch_size=100000): for doc_ids in doc_feeder(self.col, step=batch_size, inbatch=True): for d in doc_ids: yield d