Source code for biothings.utils.mongo

import datetime
import glob
import inspect
import io
import logging
import os
import time
from import Iterable
from functools import partial, wraps

import bson
import dateutil.parser as date_parser
from pymongo import DESCENDING, MongoClient
from pymongo.client_session import ClientSession
from pymongo.collection import Collection as PymongoCollection
from pymongo.database import Database as PymongoDatabase
from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect

from biothings.utils.backend import DocESBackend, DocMongoBackend
from biothings.utils.common import (
    # timesofar,
from biothings.utils.hub_db import IDatabase

# stub, until set to real config module
config = None

[docs] def handle_autoreconnect(cls_instance, func): """ After upgrading the pymongo package from 3.12 to 4.x, the "AutoReconnect: connection pool paused" problem appears quite often. It is not clear that the problem happens with our codebase, maybe a pymongo's problem. This function is an attempt to handle the AutoReconnect exception, without modifying our codebase. When the exception is raised, we just wait for some time, then retry. If the error still happens after MAX_RETRY, it must be a connection-related problem. We should stop retrying and raise error. Ref: """ MAX_RETRY = 30 SLEEP_TIME = 0.5 # seconds def inner(*args, **kwargs): retry = 0 while retry < MAX_RETRY: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except AutoReconnect: retry += 1 time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) raise MaxRetryAutoReconnectException() return inner
[docs] class HandleAutoReconnectMixin: """This mixin will decor any non-hidden method with handle_autoreconnect decorator""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for name, func in inspect.getmembers(self, inspect.ismethod): if name.startswith("_"): continue setattr(self, name, handle_autoreconnect(self, func))
[docs] class MaxRetryAutoReconnectException(AutoReconnect): """Raised when we reach maximum retry to connect to Mongo server"""
[docs] class DummyCollection(dotdict):
[docs] def count(self): return None
[docs] def drop(self): pass
def __getitem__(self, what): # FIXME return DummyCollection() # ???
[docs] class DummyDatabase(dotdict):
[docs] def collection_names(self): return []
def __getitem__(self, what): return DummyCollection()
[docs] class Collection(HandleAutoReconnectMixin, PymongoCollection): # def __bool__(self): return self is not None
[docs] def insert(self, doc_or_docs, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(doc_or_docs, Iterable): return self.insert_many(doc_or_docs) else: return self.insert_one(doc_or_docs)
[docs] def update(self, spec, doc, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.pop("multi", None): return self.update_many(spec, doc, *args, **kwargs) else: return self.update_one(spec, doc, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, spec_or_id=None, **kwargs): if kwargs.pop("multi", None): return self.delete_many(spec_or_id, **kwargs) else: return self.delete_one(spec_or_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, doc, *args, **kwargs): if "_id" in doc: kwargs["upsert"] = True self.replace_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, doc, *args, **kwargs) return doc["_id"] else: res = self.insert_one(doc, *args, **kwargs) return res.inserted_id
[docs] def count(self, _filter=None, **kwargs): if _filter: return self.count_documents(_filter, **kwargs) return self.estimated_document_count(**kwargs)
[docs] class Database(HandleAutoReconnectMixin, PymongoDatabase): def __bool__(self): return self is not None def __getitem__(self, name): return Collection(self, name)
[docs] def collection_names(self, include_system_collections=True, session=None): _filter = None if not include_system_collections: _filter = {"name": {"$regex": r"^(?!system\\.)"}} return self.list_collection_names(session=session, filter=_filter)
[docs] class DatabaseClient(HandleAutoReconnectMixin, MongoClient, IDatabase): def __getitem__(self, name): return Database(self, name)
[docs] def requires_config(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global config if not config: try: from biothings import config as config_mod config = config_mod except ImportError: raise Exception("call biothings.config_for_app() first") return func(*args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper
[docs] @requires_config def get_conn(server, port): try: if config.DATA_SRC_SERVER_USERNAME and config.DATA_SRC_SERVER_PASSWORD: uri = f"mongodb://{config.DATA_SRC_SERVER_USERNAME}:{config.DATA_SRC_SERVER_PASSWORD}@{server}:{port}" else: uri = f"mongodb://{server}:{port}" conn = DatabaseClient(uri) return conn except (AttributeError, ValueError): # missing config variables (or invalid), we'll pretend it's a dummy connection to mongo # (dummy here means there really shouldn't be any call to get_conn() but mongo is too much tied to the code and needs more work to unlink it) return DummyDatabase()
[docs] @requires_config def get_hub_db_conn(): conn = DatabaseClient(config.HUB_DB_BACKEND["uri"]) return conn
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_conn(): return get_conn(config.DATA_SRC_SERVER, getattr(config, "DATA_SRC_PORT", 27017))
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_db(conn=None): conn = conn or get_src_conn() return conn[config.DATA_SRC_DATABASE]
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_master(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_SRC_MASTER_COLLECTION]
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_dump(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][getattr(config, "DATA_SRC_DUMP_COLLECTION", "src_dump")]
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_build(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_SRC_BUILD_COLLECTION]
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_build_config(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_SRC_BUILD_COLLECTION + "_config"]
[docs] @requires_config def get_data_plugin(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_PLUGIN_COLLECTION]
[docs] @requires_config def get_api(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.API_COLLECTION]
[docs] @requires_config def get_cmd(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.CMD_COLLECTION]
[docs] @requires_config def get_event(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][getattr(config, "EVENT_COLLECTION", "event")]
[docs] @requires_config def get_hub_config(conn=None): conn = conn or get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][getattr(config, "HUB_CONFIG_COLLECTION", "hub_config")]
[docs] @requires_config def get_last_command(conn=None): cmd = get_cmd(conn) cur = cmd.find({}, {"_id": 1}).sort("_id", DESCENDING).limit(1) return next(cur)
[docs] @requires_config def get_target_conn(): if config.DATA_TARGET_SERVER_USERNAME and config.DATA_TARGET_SERVER_PASSWORD: uri = "mongodb://{}:{}@{}:{}".format( config.DATA_TARGET_SERVER_USERNAME, config.DATA_TARGET_SERVER_PASSWORD, config.DATA_TARGET_SERVER, config.DATA_TARGET_PORT, ) else: uri = "mongodb://{}:{}".format(config.DATA_TARGET_SERVER, config.DATA_TARGET_PORT) conn = DatabaseClient(uri) return conn
[docs] @requires_config def get_target_db(conn=None): conn = conn or get_target_conn() return conn[config.DATA_TARGET_DATABASE]
[docs] @requires_config def get_target_master(conn=None): conn = conn or get_target_conn() return conn[config.DATA_TARGET_DATABASE][config.DATA_TARGET_MASTER_COLLECTION]
[docs] @requires_config def get_source_fullname(col_name): """ Assuming col_name is a collection created from an upload process, find the main source & sub_source associated. """ src_dump = get_src_dump() # "sources" in config is a list a collection names. src_dump _id is the name of the # resource but can have sub-resources with different collection names. We need # to query inner keys upload.job.*.step, which always contains the collection name info = src_dump.find_one( { "$where": 'function() {if(this.upload) {for(var index in {if([index].step == "%s") return this;}}}' % col_name } ) if info: name = info["_id"] if name != col_name: # col_name was a sub-source name return "%s.%s" % (name, col_name) else: return name
[docs] def get_source_fullnames(col_names): main_sources = set() for col_name in col_names: main_source = get_source_fullname(col_name) if main_source: main_sources.add(main_source) return list(main_sources)
[docs] def doc_feeder(collection, step=1000, s=None, e=None, inbatch=False, query=None, batch_callback=None, fields=None, logger=logging, session_refresh_interval=5): """ An iterator returning docs in a collection, with batch query. Additional filter query can be passed via `query`, e.g., `doc_feeder(collection, query={'taxid': {'$in': [9606, 10090, 10116]}})` `batch_callback` is a callback function as `fn(index, t)`, called after every batch. `fields` is an optional parameter to restrict the fields to return. `session_refresh_interval` is 5 minutes by default. We call `refreshSessions` command every 5 minutes to keep a session alive, otherwise the session and all cursors attached (explicitly or implicitly) to the session will time out after idling for 30 minutes, even if we have `no_cursor_timeout` set True for a cursor. See and """ if isinstance(collection, DocMongoBackend): collection = collection.target_collection # Determine the partition of the collection we iterate over. # E.g. when s = 10000 and e = 15000, the collection partition is range(10000, 15000) and the partition size is 10000 - 15000 = 5000. # We will return those 5000 docs one by one, or in 5 batches if `inbatch = True` and `step = 1000`. n = collection.count_documents(query or {}) s = s or 0 # start of the collection partition (inclusive) e = e or n # end of the collection partition (exclusive) logger.debug("Retrieving documents from collection '%s'. start = %d, end = %d, total = %d.",, s, e, n) cursor_index = s # the integer index in the collection that the cursor is pointing to # job_start_time = time.time() batch_start_time = time.time() try: # Explicitly create a session object for the cursor to attach session: ClientSession = collection.database.client.start_session() session_uuid = session.session_id["id"].as_uuid() logger.debug("Session '%s' started for collection '%s'.", session_uuid, cur = collection.find(query, no_cursor_timeout=True, projection=fields, session=session) # logger.debug("Querying '%s' from collection '%s' in session '%s'.", query,, session_uuid) if s: cur.skip(s) # logger.debug("Skipped %d documents from collection '%s'.", s, if e: cur.limit(e - s) # specify the maximum number of documents the cursor will return # logger.debug("Limited the cursor to fetch only %d documents (%d ~ %d) from collection '%s'.", e - s, s, e, cur.batch_size(step) # specify the number of documents the cursor returns per batch (transparent to cursor iterators) if inbatch: # which specifies this `doc_feeder` function to return docs in batch. Not related to `cursor.batch_size()` doc_batch = [] session_last_refresh_time = time.time() for doc in cur: session_current_time = time.time() # session_current_time and session_last_refresh_time are in second, while session_refresh_interval is in minute session_should_refresh = (session_current_time - session_last_refresh_time) > session_refresh_interval * 60 if session_should_refresh: cmd_resp = collection.database.command("refreshSessions", [session.session_id], session=session) logger.debug("Session '%s' refreshed, resp=%s", session_uuid, cmd_resp) session_last_refresh_time = session_current_time if inbatch: doc_batch.append(doc) else: yield doc cursor_index += 1 if cursor_index % step == 0: # batch is full if inbatch: yield doc_batch doc_batch = [] # logger.debug("Done.[%.1f%%,%s]", cursor_index * 100. / n, timesofar(batch_start_time)) # logger.debug("Processing %d-%d documents...", cursor_index + 1, min(cursor_index + step, e)) if batch_callback: batch_callback(cursor_index, time.time() - batch_start_time) if cursor_index < e: batch_start_time = time.time() if inbatch and doc_batch: # Important: need to yield the last batch here yield doc_batch # logger.debug("Finished.[total time: %s]", timesofar(job_start_time)) finally: cur.close() logger.debug("Session '%s' to be ended.", session_uuid) session.end_session()
[docs] def get_cache_filename(col_name): cache_folder = getattr(config, "CACHE_FOLDER", None) if not cache_folder: return # we don't even use cache, forget it cache_format = getattr(config, "CACHE_FORMAT", None) cache_file = os.path.join(config.CACHE_FOLDER, col_name) cache_file = cache_format and (cache_file + ".%s" % cache_format) or cache_file return cache_file
[docs] def invalidate_cache(col_name, col_type="src"): if col_type == "src": src_dump = get_src_dump() if "." not in col_name: fullname = get_source_fullname(col_name) # FIXME so we are assuming that col_name must contain ".", otherwise the following assertion would fail assert fullname, "Can't resolve source '%s' (does it exist ?)" % col_name main, sub = fullname.split(".") doc = src_dump.find_one({"_id": main}) assert doc, "No such source '%s'" % main assert doc.get("upload", {}).get("jobs", {}).get(sub), "No such sub-source '%s'" % sub # this will make the cache too old doc["upload"]["jobs"][sub]["started_at"] = src_dump.update_one({"_id": main}, {"$set": {"" % sub:}}) elif col_type == "target": # just delete the cache file cache_file = get_cache_filename(col_name) if cache_file: try: os.remove(cache_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass
# TODO: this func deals with different backend, should not be in bt.utils.mongo # and doc_feeder should do the same as this function regarding backend support
[docs] @requires_config def id_feeder(col, batch_size=1000, build_cache=True, logger=logging, force_use=False, force_build=False, validate_only=False): """ Return an iterator for all _ids in collection "col". Search for a valid cache file if available, if not, return a doc_feeder for that collection. Valid cache is a cache file that is newer than the collection. "db" can be "target" or "src". "build_cache" True will build a cache file as _ids are fetched, if no cache file was found. "force_use" True will use any existing cache file and won't check whether it's valid of not. "force_build" True will build a new cache even if current one exists and is valid. "validate_only" will directly return [] if the cache is valid (convenient way to check if the cache is valid). """ src_db = get_src_db() col_ts = None # timestamp of the collection found_meta = True if isinstance(col, DocMongoBackend): col = col.target_collection try: if == config.DATA_TARGET_DATABASE: info = src_db["src_build"].find_one({"_id":}) if not info: logger.warning("Can't find information for target collection '%s'", else: col_ts = info.get("_meta", {}).get("build_date") col_ts = col_ts and date_parser.parse(col_ts).timestamp() elif == config.DATA_SRC_DATABASE: src_dump = get_src_dump() info = src_dump.find_one( { "$where": 'function() {if(this.upload) {for(var index in {if([index].step == "%s") return this;}}}' % } ) if not info: logger.warning("Can't find information for source collection '%s'", else: col_ts = info["upload"]["jobs"][]["started_at"].timestamp() else: logger.warning("Can't find metadata for collection '%s' (not a target, not a source collection)", col) found_meta = False build_cache = False except KeyError: logger.warning("Couldn't find timestamp in database for '%s'", except Exception as e:"%s is not a mongo collection, _id cache won't be built (error: %s)", col, e) build_cache = False # try to find a cache file use_cache = False cache_file = None cache_format = getattr(config, "CACHE_FORMAT", None) if found_meta and getattr(config, "CACHE_FOLDER", None): cache_file = get_cache_filename( try: # size of empty file differs depending on compression empty_size = {None: 0, "xz": 32, "gzip": 25, "bz2": 14} if force_build: logger.warning("Force building cache file") use_cache = False # check size, delete if invalid elif os.path.getsize(cache_file) <= empty_size.get(cache_format, 32): logger.warning("Cache file exists but is empty, delete it") os.remove(cache_file) elif force_use: use_cache = True"Force using cache file") else: cache_ts = os.path.getmtime(cache_file) # Get DLM (Date Last Modified) of the cache file in timestamp format if col_ts and cache_ts >= col_ts: cache_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cache_ts).isoformat() col_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(col_ts).isoformat() logger.debug("Cache is valid, cache_datetime:%s >= collection_datetime:%s", cache_dt, col_dt) use_cache = True else:"Cache is too old, discard it") except FileNotFoundError: pass if use_cache: logger.debug("Found valid cache file for '%s': %s",, cache_file) if validate_only: logger.debug("Only validating cache, now return") yield [] return with open_compressed_file(cache_file) as cache_in: if cache_format: io_cache = io.TextIOWrapper(cache_in) else: io_cache = cache_in for ids in iter_n(io_cache, batch_size): yield [_id.strip() for _id in ids if _id.strip()] else: logger.debug("No cache file found (or invalid) for '%s', use doc_feeder", cache_out = None cache_temp = None if getattr(config, "CACHE_FOLDER", None) and config.CACHE_FOLDER and build_cache: if not os.path.exists(config.CACHE_FOLDER): os.makedirs(config.CACHE_FOLDER) cache_temp = f"{cache_file}._tmp_" # clean aborted cache file generation for tmp_cache in glob.glob(os.path.join(config.CACHE_FOLDER, f"{cache_temp}*")):"Removing aborted cache file '%s'", tmp_cache) os.remove(tmp_cache) # use temp file and rename once done cache_temp = f"{cache_temp}{get_random_string()}" cache_out = get_compressed_outfile(cache_temp, compress=cache_format)"Building cache file '%s'", cache_temp) else:"Can't build cache, cache not allowed or no cache folder") build_cache = False if isinstance(col, PymongoCollection): doc_feeder_func = partial(doc_feeder, col, step=batch_size, inbatch=True, fields={"_id": 1}, logger=logger) elif isinstance(col, DocMongoBackend): doc_feeder_func = partial(doc_feeder, col.target_collection, step=batch_size, inbatch=True, fields={"_id": 1}, logger=logger) elif isinstance(col, DocESBackend): # get_id_list directly return the _id, wrap it to match other # doc_feeder_func returned vals. Also return a batch of id def wrap_id(): ids = [] for _id in col.get_id_list(step=batch_size): ids.append({"_id": _id}) if len(ids) >= batch_size: yield ids ids = [] if ids: yield ids doc_feeder_func = partial(wrap_id) else: raise Exception("Unknown backend %s" % col) for doc_ids in doc_feeder_func(): doc_ids = [str(_doc["_id"]) for _doc in doc_ids] if build_cache: str_out = "\n".join(doc_ids) + "\n" if cache_format: # assuming binary format (b/compressed) cache_out.write(str_out.encode()) else: cache_out.write(str_out) yield doc_ids if build_cache: cache_out.close() cache_final = os.path.splitext(cache_temp)[0] try: os.rename(cache_temp, cache_final) except OSError: logger.exception("Couldn't set final cache filename, building cache failed")
[docs] def check_document_size(doc): """ Return True if doc isn't too large for mongo DB """ return len(bson.BSON.encode(doc)) < 16777216 # 16*1024*1024
[docs] def get_previous_collection(new_id): """ Given 'new_id', an _id from src_build, as the "new" collection, automatically select an "old" collection. By default, src_build's documents will be sorted according to their name (_id) and old collection is the one just before new_id. Note: because there can be more than one build config used, the actual build config name is first determined using new_id collection name, then the find().sort() is done on collections containing that build config name. """ # TODO: this is not compatible with a generic hub_db backend # TODO: this should return a collection with status=success col = get_src_build() doc = col.find_one({"_id": new_id}) assert doc, "No build document found for '%s'" % new_id assert "build_config" in doc, "No build configuration found for document '%s'" % new_id assert doc["build_config"]["name"] == doc["build_config"]["_id"] docs = ( get_src_build() .find( { "$and": [ {"started_at": {"$lte": doc["started_at"]}}, {"": doc["build_config"]["name"]}, {"archived": {"$exists": 0}}, ] }, {"_id": 1}, ) .sort([("started_at", -1)]) .limit(2) ) _ids = [d["_id"] for d in docs] assert len(_ids) == 2, "Expecting 2 collection _ids, got: %s" % _ids assert _ids[0] == new_id, "Can't find collection _id '%s'" % new_id return _ids[1]