Source code for biothings.utils.sqlite3

import json
import logging
import os
import sqlite3
from functools import wraps

from biothings.utils.common import find_value_in_doc, json_serial
from biothings.utils.dataload import update_dict_recur
from biothings.utils.dotfield import parse_dot_fields
from biothings.utils.hub_db import IDatabase
from biothings.utils.serializer import json_loads

config = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def requires_config(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global config if not config: try: from biothings import config as config_mod config = config_mod except ImportError: raise Exception("call biothings.config_for_app() first") return func(*args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper
[docs] @requires_config def get_hub_db_conn(): conn = DatabaseClient() return conn
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_conn(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_db(): conn = get_src_conn() return conn[config.DATA_SRC_DATABASE]
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_dump(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][getattr(config, "DATA_SRC_DUMP_COLLECTION", "src_dump")]
[docs] @requires_config def get_src_master(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_SRC_MASTER_COLLECTION]
[docs] def get_src_build(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_SRC_BUILD_COLLECTION]
[docs] def get_src_build_config(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_SRC_BUILD_COLLECTION + "_config"]
[docs] def get_data_plugin(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.DATA_PLUGIN_COLLECTION]
[docs] def get_api(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.API_COLLECTION]
[docs] def get_cmd(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][config.CMD_COLLECTION]
[docs] def get_event(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][getattr(config, "EVENT_COLLECTION", "event")]
[docs] def get_hub_config(): conn = get_hub_db_conn() return conn[config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE][getattr(config, "HUB_CONFIG_COLLECTION", "hub_config")]
[docs] def get_last_command(): try: db = get_cmd() res = db.get_conn().execute("SELECT MAX(_id) FROM cmd").fetchall() assert res[0][0], "No command ID found, bootstrap ?" return {"_id": res[0][0]} except Exception: return {"_id": 1}
[docs] def get_source_fullname(col_name): """ Assuming col_name is a collection created from an upload process, find the main source & sub_source associated. """ src_dump = get_src_dump() info = None for doc in src_dump.find(): if col_name in doc.get("upload", {}).get("jobs", {}).keys(): info = doc if info: name = info["_id"] if name != col_name: # col_name was a sub-source name return "%s.%s" % (name, col_name) else: return name
[docs] class Database(IDatabase): def __init__(self, db_folder, name=None): super(Database, self).__init__() if not name: = config.DATA_HUB_DB_DATABASE else: = name self.dbfile = os.path.join(db_folder, self.cols = {} @property def address(self): return self.dbfile
[docs] def get_conn(self): return sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile)
[docs] def collection_names(self): tables = self.get_conn().execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'").fetchall() return [name[0] for name in tables]
[docs] def create_collection(self, colname): return self[colname]
[docs] def create_if_needed(self, table): existings = [ tname[0] for tname in self.get_conn() .execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and " + "name = ?", (table,)) .fetchall() ] if table not in existings: # TODO: injection... self.get_conn().execute("CREATE TABLE %s (_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, document TEXT)" % table).fetchone()
def __getitem__(self, colname): if colname not in self.cols: self.create_if_needed(colname) self.cols[colname] = Collection(colname, self) return self.cols[colname]
[docs] class DatabaseClient(IDatabase): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.sqlite_db_folder = config.HUB_DB_BACKEND["sqlite_db_folder"] if not os.path.exists(self.sqlite_db_folder): os.makedirs(self.sqlite_db_folder) = None self.dbfile = None self.cols = {} def __getitem__(self, name): return Database(self.sqlite_db_folder, name)
[docs] class Collection(object): def __init__(self, colname, db): self.colname = colname self.db = db
[docs] def get_conn(self): return sqlite3.connect(self.db.dbfile)
@property def name(self): return self.colname @property def database(self): return self.db
[docs] def find_one(self, *args, **kwargs): if args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): if len(args[0]) == 1 and "_id" in args[0]: strdoc = ( self.get_conn() .execute("SELECT document FROM %s WHERE _id = ?" % self.colname, (args[0]["_id"],)) .fetchone() ) if strdoc: return json_loads(strdoc[0]) else: return None else: return self.find(*args, find_one=True) elif args or kwargs: raise NotImplementedError("find(): %s %s" % (repr(args), repr(kwargs))) else: return self.find(find_one=True)
[docs] def findv2(self, *args, **kwargs): """This is a new version of find() that uses json feature of sqlite3, will replace find in the future""" start = kwargs.get("start", 0) limit = kwargs.get("limit", 10) return_total = kwargs.get("return_total", False) # return (results, total) tuple if True, default False return_list = kwargs.get("return_list", False) # return list instead of generator if True, default False conn = self.get_conn() tbl_name = self.colname if args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict) and len(args[0]) > 0: # it's key/value search, args[0] like {"a.b": "test", "a.b.c", "value"} sub_queries = [] for k, v in args[0].items(): if "*" in v or "?" in v: _v = v.replace("*", "%").replace("?", "_") _v = f"LIKE '{_v}'" else: _v = f"= '{v}'" if k == "_id": where = f"(_id {_v})" sub_query = f"SELECT _id FROM {tbl_name} WHERE {where}" elif "." in k: # nested field name like a.b.c, we will use json_tree.fullkey to match # Here is an example for the query {"object.symbol": "BRD1"}: # SELECT document FROM TISSUES, json_tree(TISSUES.document) # WHERE (json_tree.fullkey LIKE '$.%object%.%symbol%' AND json_tree.value = 'BRD1') k = k.replace(".", "%.%") k = f"$.%{k}%" where = f"(json_tree.fullkey LIKE '{k}' AND json_tree.value {_v})" sub_query = f"SELECT _id FROM {tbl_name}, json_tree({tbl_name}.document) WHERE {where}" else: # just a top level field, we will use json_each.key to match # _v matches the value directly using LIKE or = (for a scalar field); # _v2 matches the double-quoted value using LIKE (for an array field) # Here is an example for the query {"ancestors": "CHEBI:75771"}: # "SELECT _id FROM chebi, json_each(chebi.document) # WHERE (json_each.key = 'ancestors' AND # (json_each.value = 'CHEBI:75771' OR json_each.value LIKE '%"CHEBI:75771"%') # ) _v2 = _v.replace("LIKE '", "LIKE '%\"").replace("= '", "LIKE '%\"") _v2 = _v2[:-1] + "\"%'" where = f"(json_each.key = '{k}' AND (json_each.value {_v} OR json_each.value {_v2}))" sub_query = f"SELECT _id FROM {tbl_name}, json_each({tbl_name}.document) WHERE {where}" sub_queries.append(sub_query) if sub_queries: if len(sub_queries) == 1: query = sub_queries[0].replace("SELECT _id FROM", "SELECT document FROM") else: # JOIN multiple sub queries: # Here is an example for the query: # SELECT document FROM TISSUES WHERE _id IN # (SELECT _id FROM # (SELECT _id FROM TISSUES, json_tree(TISSUES.document) # WHERE (json_tree.fullkey LIKE '$.%object%.%symbol%' AND json_tree.value = 'BRD1') # ) AS subq0 # INNER JOIN # (SELECT _id FROM TISSUES, json_tree(TISSUES.document) # WHERE (json_tree.fullkey LIKE '$.%subject%.%id%' AND json_tree.value = 'BTO:0000017') # ) AS subq1 # USING (_id) # ) query = f"SELECT _id FROM ({sub_queries[0]}) AS subq0" for i, sub_query in enumerate(sub_queries[1:]): query += f" INNER JOIN ({sub_query}) AS subq{i+1} USING (_id)" query = f"SELECT document FROM {tbl_name} WHERE _id IN ({query})" elif not args or len(args) == 1 and len(args[0]) == 0: # nothing or empty dict query = f"SELECT document FROM {tbl_name}" else: raise NotImplementedError("find: args=%s kwargs=%s" % (repr(args), repr(kwargs))) # include limit and offset _query = query + f" LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {start}" logger.debug('SQLite query: "%s"', _query) results = (json_loads(doc[0]) for doc in conn.execute(_query)) # results is a generator if return_list: results = list(results) if return_total: # get total count without limit and offset total = conn.execute(query.replace("SELECT document FROM", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM")).fetchone()[0] return results, total else: return results
[docs] def find(self, *args, **kwargs): results = [] if args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict) and len(args[0]) > 0: # it's key/value search, let's iterate for doc in self.get_conn().execute("SELECT document FROM %s" % self.colname).fetchall(): found = [] doc = json_loads(doc[0]) for k, v in args[0].items(): _found = find_value_in_doc(k, v, doc) found.append(_found) if all(found): if "find_one" in kwargs: return doc else: results.append(doc) if "limit" in kwargs: start = kwargs.get("start", 0) end = start + kwargs.get("limit", 0) return results[start:end] return results elif not args or len(args) == 1 and len(args[0]) == 0: # nothing or empty dict results = [ json_loads(doc[0]) for doc in self.get_conn().execute("SELECT document FROM %s" % self.colname).fetchall() ] if "limit" in kwargs: start = kwargs.get("start", 0) end = start + kwargs.get("limit", 0) return results[start:end] return results else: raise NotImplementedError("find: args=%s kwargs=%s" % (repr(args), repr(kwargs)))
[docs] def insert_one(self, doc): assert "_id" in doc with self.get_conn() as conn: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO %s (_id,document) VALUES (?,?)" % self.colname, (doc["_id"], json.dumps(doc, default=json_serial)), ).fetchone() conn.commit()
[docs] def insert(self, docs, *args, **kwargs): with self.get_conn() as conn: for doc in docs: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO %s (_id,document) VALUES (?,?)" % self.colname, (doc["_id"], json.dumps(doc, default=json_serial)), ).fetchone() conn.commit()
[docs] def bulk_write(self, docs, *args, **kwargs): doc_objs = [item._doc for item in docs] self.insert(doc_objs, *args, **kwargs) return Cursor(len(doc_objs))
[docs] def update_one(self, query, what, upsert=False): assert len(what) == 1 and ( "$set" in what or "$unset" in what or "$push" in what ), "$set/$unset/$push operators not found" doc = self.find_one(query) if doc: if "$set" in what: # parse_dot_fields uses json.dumps internally, we can to make # sure everything is serializable first what = json.loads(json.dumps(what, default=json_serial)) what = parse_dot_fields(what["$set"]) doc = update_dict_recur(doc, what) elif "$unset" in what: for keytounset in what["$unset"].keys(): doc.pop(keytounset, None) elif "$push" in what: for listkey, elem in what["$push"].items(): assert "." not in listkey, "$push not supported for nested keys: %s" % listkey doc.setdefault(listkey, []).append(elem) elif upsert: assert "$set" in what query.update(what["$set"])
[docs] def update(self, query, what, upsert=False): docs = self.find(query) for doc in docs: self.update_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, what, upsert)
[docs] def save(self, doc): if self.find_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}): with self.get_conn() as conn: conn.execute( "UPDATE %s SET document = ? WHERE _id = ?" % self.colname, (json.dumps(doc, default=json_serial), doc["_id"]), ) conn.commit() else: self.insert_one(doc)
[docs] def replace_one(self, query, doc, upsert=False): assert "_id" in query orig = self.find_one(query) if orig: orig["_id"] = query["_id"] with self.get_conn() as conn: conn.execute( "UPDATE %s SET document = ? WHERE _id = ?" % self.colname, (json.dumps(doc, default=json_serial), orig["_id"]), ) conn.commit() elif upsert: doc["_id"] = query["_id"]
[docs] def remove(self, query): docs = self.find(query) with self.get_conn() as conn: for doc in docs: conn.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE _id = ?" % self.colname, (doc["_id"],)).fetchone() conn.commit()
[docs] def rename(self, new_name, dropTarget=False): with self.get_conn() as conn: if dropTarget: conn.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {new_name}") conn.execute(f"ALTER TABLE {self.colname} RENAME TO {new_name}").fetchall()
[docs] def count(self): return self.get_conn().execute("SELECT count(_id) FROM %s" % self.colname).fetchone()[0]
[docs] def drop(self): self.get_conn().execute("DROP TABLE %s" % self.colname).fetchall()
def __getitem__(self, _id): return self.find_one({"_id": _id}) def __getstate__(self): self.__dict__.pop("db", None) return self.__dict__
[docs] class Cursor(object): def __init__(self, inserted_count): self.inserted_count = inserted_count