Source code for biothings.hub.dataexport.ids

import os
import shutil
import subprocess

import boto3

from biothings import config as btconfig
from import send_s3_file
from biothings.utils.common import anyfile
from biothings.utils.hub_db import get_src_build
from biothings.utils.mongo import get_cache_filename, get_src_db, get_target_db, id_feeder

logging = btconfig.logger

[docs] def export_ids(col_name): """ Export all _ids from collection named col_name. If col_name refers to a build where a cold_collection is defined, will also extract _ids and sort/uniq them to have the full list of _ids of the actual merged (cold+hot) collection Output file is stored in DATA_EXPORT_FOLDER/ids, defaulting to <DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT>/export/ids. Output filename is returned as the end, if successful. """ # prepare output directory DATA_EXPORT_FOLDER = getattr(btconfig, "DATA_EXPORT_FOLDER", None) if not DATA_EXPORT_FOLDER: DATA_EXPORT_FOLDER = os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT, "export") ids_export_folder = os.path.join(DATA_EXPORT_FOLDER, "ids") if not os.path.exists(ids_export_folder): logging.debug("Creating export/ids folder: %s" % ids_export_folder) os.makedirs(ids_export_folder) build = get_src_build().find_one({"_id": col_name}) cold = None if build: col = get_target_db()[col_name] if build.get("build_config", {}).get("cold_collection"): cold_name = build["build_config"]["cold_collection"] cold = get_target_db()[cold_name]"Found a cold collection '%s' associated to '%s'" % (cold_name, col_name)) else: # it's a src col = get_src_db()[col_name] # first iterate over all _ids. This will potentially update underlying _id cache it's not valid anymore, # so we're sure to work with latest data. If cache is valid, this will be pretty fast"Screening _ids in collection '%s'" % for _id in id_feeder(col, validate_only=True): pass # now accessing cache col_ids_cache = get_cache_filename( assert os.path.exists(col_ids_cache)"Now using cache file %s" % col_ids_cache) if cold:"Screening _ids in cold collection '%s'" % for _id in id_feeder(cold, validate_only=True): pass # now accessing cache cold_ids_cache = get_cache_filename( assert os.path.exists(cold_ids_cache)"Now using cache file %s" % cold_ids_cache) outfn = os.path.join(ids_export_folder, "%s_ids.xz" % col_name) # NOTE: can't use anyfile to open cache files and send _id through pipes # because it would load _id in memory (unless using hacks) so use cat (and # existing uncompressing ones, like gzcat/xzcat/...) to fully run the pipe # on the shell if cold: fout = anyfile(outfn, "wb") colext = os.path.splitext(col_ids_cache)[1] coldext = os.path.splitext(cold_ids_cache)[1] assert ( colext == coldext ), "Hot and Cold _id cache are compressed differently (%s and %s), it should be the same" % (coldext, coldext) comp = colext.replace(".", "") supportedcomps = ["xz", "gz", ""] # no compression allowed as well assert comp in supportedcomps, "Compression '%s' isn't supported (%s)" % (comp, supportedcomps) # IDs sent to pipe's input (sort) then compress it (xz) pcat = subprocess.Popen(["%scat" % comp, col_ids_cache, cold_ids_cache], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) psort = subprocess.Popen(["sort", "-u"], stdin=pcat.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) pcat.stdout.close() # will raise end of pipe error when finished if comp: pcomp = subprocess.Popen(["xz", "-c"], stdin=psort.stdout, stdout=fout) else: # just print stdin to stdout pcomp = subprocess.Popen(["tee"], stdin=psort.stdout, stdout=fout) psort.stdout.close() try:"Running pipe to compute list of unique _ids") (out, err) = pcomp.communicate() # run the pipe! (blocking) if err: raise Exception(err) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error while running pipe to export _ids: %s" % e) # make sure to clean empty or half processed files try: os.unlink(outfn) finally: pass raise else:"Copying cache _id file") try: shutil.copyfile(col_ids_cache, outfn) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error while exporting _ids: %s" % e) # make sure to clean empty or half processed files try: os.unlink(outfn) finally: pass raise"Done exporting _ids to '%s'" % outfn) return outfn
[docs] def upload_ids(ids_file, redirect_from, s3_bucket, aws_key, aws_secret): """ Upload file ids_file into s3_bucket and modify redirect_from key's metadata so redirect_from link will now point to ids_file redirect_from s3 key must exist. """ # cache file should be named the same as target_name"Uploading _ids file %s to s3 (bucket: %s)" % (repr(ids_file), s3_bucket)) s3path = os.path.basename(ids_file) send_s3_file( ids_file, s3path, overwrite=True, s3_bucket=s3_bucket, aws_key=aws_key, aws_secret=aws_secret, ) # make the file public s3_resource = boto3.resource( "s3", aws_access_key_id=aws_key, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret, ) actual_object = s3_resource.Object(bucket_name=s3_bucket, key=s3path) actual_object.Acl().put(ACL="public-read") # update permissions and redirect metadata redir_object = s3_resource.Object(bucket_name=s3_bucket, key=redirect_from) redir_object.load() # check if object exists, will raise if not redir_object.put(WebsiteRedirectLocation="/%s" % s3path) redir_object.Acl().put(ACL="public-read") "IDs file '%s' uploaded to s3, redirection set from '%s'", ids_file, redirect_from, extra={"notify": True} )