Source code for biothings.hub.dataload.dumper

import asyncio
import cgi
import concurrent.futures
import email.utils
import inspect
import multiprocessing
import os
import os.path
import pprint
import re
import stat
import subprocess
import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from ftplib import FTP
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib import parse as urlparse

    import docker
    from docker.errors import ImageNotFound, NotFound, NullResource

    docker_avail = True
except ImportError:
    docker_avail = False

import orjson
import requests

from biothings import config as btconfig
from biothings.hub import DUMPER_CATEGORY, UPLOADER_CATEGORY, renderer as job_renderer
from biothings.hub.dataload.uploader import set_pending_to_upload
from biothings.utils.common import rmdashfr, timesofar, untarall
from biothings.utils.hub_db import get_src_dump
from biothings.utils.loggers import get_logger
from biothings.utils.manager import BaseSourceManager, ResourceError
from biothings.utils.parsers import docker_source_info_parser

logging = btconfig.logger

[docs] class DumperException(Exception): pass
[docs] class DockerContainerException(Exception): pass
[docs] class BaseDumper(object): # override in subclass accordingly SRC_NAME = None SRC_ROOT_FOLDER = None # source folder (without version/dates) # Should an upload be triggered after dump ? AUTO_UPLOAD = True # attribute used to generate data folder path suffix # by default, it uses self.release value, which is typically set in self.set_release method SUFFIX_ATTR = "release" # Max parallel downloads (None = no limit). MAX_PARALLEL_DUMP = None # waiting time between download (0.0 = no waiting) SLEEP_BETWEEN_DOWNLOAD = 0.0 # keep all release (True) or keep only the latest ? ARCHIVE = True SCHEDULE = None # crontab format schedule, if None, won't be scheduled def __init__(self, src_name=None, src_root_folder=None, log_folder=None, archive=None): # unpickable attrs, grouped self.init_state() self.src_name = src_name or self.SRC_NAME self.src_root_folder = src_root_folder or self.SRC_ROOT_FOLDER self.log_folder = log_folder or btconfig.LOG_FOLDER self.archive = archive or self.ARCHIVE self.to_dump = [] self.to_delete: List[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]] = [] """Populate with list of relative path of files to delete""" self.release = None self.t0 = time.time() self.logfile = None self.prev_data_folder = None self.timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") self.prepared = False self.steps = ["dump", "post"]
[docs] def init_state(self): self._state = { "client": None, "src_dump": None, "logger": None, "src_doc": None, }
# specific setters for attrs that can't be pickled # note: we can't use a generic __setattr__ as it collides # (infinite recursion) with __getattr__, and we can't use # __getattr__ as well as @x.setter required @property(x) to # be defined. We'll be explicit there... @property def client(self): if not self._state["client"]: try: self.prepare_client() except Exception as e: # if accessed but not ready, then just ignore and return invalid value for a client logging.exception("Can't prepare client: %s" % e) return None return self._state["client"] @property def src_dump(self): if not self._state["src_dump"]: self.prepare() return self._state["src_dump"] @property def logger(self): if not self._state["logger"]: self.prepare() return self._state["logger"] @property def src_doc(self): # this one is pickable but it's a lazy load # (based on non-pickable src_dump) if not self._state["src_doc"]: self.prepare() return self._state["src_doc"] @client.setter def client(self, value): self._state["client"] = value @src_dump.setter def src_dump(self, value): self._state["src_dump"] = value @logger.setter def logger(self, value): self._state["logger"] = value @src_doc.setter def src_doc(self, value): self._state["src_doc"] = value
[docs] def create_todump_list(self, force=False, **kwargs): """Fill self.to_dump list with dict("remote":remote_path,"local":local_path) elements. This is the todo list for the dumper. It's a good place to check whether needs to be downloaded. If 'force' is True though, all files will be considered for download""" raise NotImplementedError("Define in subclass")
[docs] def prepare_client(self): """do initialization to make the client ready to dump files""" raise NotImplementedError("Define in subclass")
[docs] def need_prepare(self): """check whether some prepare step should executed before running dump"""
[docs] def release_client(self): """Do whatever necessary (like closing network connection) to "release" the client""" raise NotImplementedError("Define in subclass")
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): """Compared to local file, check if remote file is worth downloading. (like either bigger or newer for instance)""" raise NotImplementedError("Define in subclass")
[docs] def download(self, remotefile, localfile): """ Download "remotefile' to local location defined by 'localfile' Return relevant information about remotefile (depends on the actual client) """ raise NotImplementedError("Define in subclass")
[docs] def post_download(self, remotefile, localfile): """Placeholder to add a custom process once a file is downloaded. This is a good place to check file's integrity. Optional""" pass
[docs] def post_dump_delete_files(self): """ Delete files after dump Invoke this method in post_dump to synchronously delete the list of paths stored in `self.to_delete`, in order. Non-recursive. If directories need to be removed, build the list such that files residing in the directory are removed first and then the directory. (Hint: see `os.walk(dir, topdown=False)`) """ base_dir: str = os.path.realpath(self.new_data_folder) self.logger.debug("Only delete files under %s", base_dir) # assume this path is good for rel_file_name in self.to_delete: delete_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(base_dir, rel_file_name)) # figure out the full path self.logger.debug("%s is %s", rel_file_name, delete_path) common_path = os.path.commonpath((base_dir, delete_path)) self.logger.debug("Calculated common prefix path: %s", common_path) if common_path != base_dir or delete_path == base_dir: raise RuntimeError("Attempting to delete something outside the download " "directory") try: s = os.stat(delete_path) self.logger.debug("stat(%s): %s", delete_path, s) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.warning("Cannot delete %s (%s), does not exist", rel_file_name, delete_path) continue # there is a race condition but the effects are limited if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode):"Deleting regular file %s (%s)", rel_file_name, delete_path) try: os.unlink(delete_path) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Failed to delete regular file") raise e elif stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode):"Deleting directory %s (%s)", rel_file_name, delete_path) try: os.rmdir(delete_path) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Failed to delete directory") raise e else: raise RuntimeError( f"{rel_file_name} ({delete_path}) is not " "a regular file or directory, cannot delete" ) self.to_delete = [] # reset the list in case
[docs] def post_dump(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Placeholder to add a custom process once the whole resource has been dumped. Optional. """ pass
[docs] def setup_log(self): log_folder = os.path.join(btconfig.LOG_FOLDER, "dataload") if btconfig.LOG_FOLDER else None self.logger, self.logfile = get_logger("dump_%s" % self.src_name, log_folder=log_folder)
[docs] def prepare(self, state={}): # noqa: B006 if self.prepared: return if state: # let's be explicit, _state takes what it wants for k in self._state: self._state[k] = state[k] return self.prepare_src_dump() self.setup_log()
[docs] def unprepare(self): """ reset anything that's not pickable (so self can be pickled) return what's been reset as a dict, so self can be restored once pickled """ state = { "client": self._state["client"], "src_dump": self._state["src_dump"], "logger": self._state["logger"], "src_doc": self._state["src_doc"], } for k in state: self._state[k] = None self.prepared = False return state
[docs] def prepare_src_dump(self): # Mongo side self.src_dump = get_src_dump() self.src_doc = self.src_dump.find_one({"_id": self.src_name}) or {}
[docs] def register_status(self, status, transient=False, dry_run=False, **extra): src_doc = deepcopy(self.src_doc) try: # if status is "failed" and depending on where it failed, # we may not be able to get the new_data_folder (if dumper didn't reach # the release information for instance). Default to current if failing data_folder = self.new_data_folder except DumperException: data_folder = self.current_data_folder release = getattr(self, self.__class__.SUFFIX_ATTR) if release is None: # it has not been set by the dumper before while exploring # remote site. maybe we're just running post step ? # back-compatibility; use "release" at root level if not found under "download" release = src_doc.get("download", {}).get("release") or src_doc.get("release") self.logger.error("No release set, assuming: data_folder: %s, release: %s" % (data_folder, release)) # make sure to remove old "release" field to get back on track for field in ["release", "data_folder"]: if src_doc.get(field): self.logger.warning("Found '%s'='%s' at root level, convert to new format" % (field, src_doc[field])) src_doc.pop(field) current_download_info = { "_id": self.src_name, "download": { "release": release, "data_folder": data_folder, "logfile": self.logfile, "started_at":, "status": status, }, } # Update last success download time. if status == "success": # If current status is success, we will get the current's started_at last_success = current_download_info["download"]["started_at"] else: # If failed, we will get the last_success from the last download instead. last_download_info = src_doc.setdefault("download", {}) last_success = last_download_info.get("last_success", None) if not last_success and last_download_info.get("status") == "success": # If last_success from the last download doesn't exist or is None, and last # download's status is success, the last download's started_at will be used. last_success = last_download_info.get("started_at") if last_success: current_download_info["download"]["last_success"] = last_success src_doc.update(current_download_info) # only register time when it's a final state if transient: src_doc["download"]["pid"] = os.getpid() else: src_doc["download"]["time"] = timesofar(self.t0) if "download" in extra: src_doc["download"].update(extra["download"]) else: src_doc.update(extra) # when dry run, we should not change the src_doc, and src_dump if not dry_run: self.src_doc = deepcopy(src_doc)
[docs] async def dump(self, steps=None, force=False, job_manager=None, check_only=False, **kwargs): """ Dump (ie. download) resource as needed this should be called after instance creation 'force' argument will force dump, passing this to create_todump_list() method. """ # signature says it's optional but for now it's not... assert job_manager # check what to do self.steps = steps or self.steps if type(self.steps) == str: self.steps = [self.steps] strargs = "[steps=%s]" % ",".join(self.steps) try: if "dump" in self.steps: pinfo = self.get_pinfo() pinfo["step"] = "check" # if last download failed (or was interrupted), we want to force the dump again try: if self.src_doc["download"]["status"] in ["failed", "downloading"]:"Forcing dump because previous failed (so let's try again)") force = True except (AttributeError, KeyError): # no src_doc or no download info pass # TODO: blocking call for now, FTP client can't be properly set in thread after if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self.create_todump_list): await self.create_todump_list(force=force, job_manager=job_manager, **kwargs) else: self.create_todump_list(force=force, **kwargs) # make sure we release (disconnect) client so we don't keep an open # connection for nothing self.release_client() if self.to_dump: if check_only: "New release available, '%s', %s file(s) to download" % (self.release, len(self.to_dump)), extra={"notify": True}, ) return self.release # mark the download starts self.register_status("downloading", transient=True) # unsync to make it pickable state = self.unprepare() await self.do_dump(job_manager=job_manager) # then restore state self.prepare(state) else: # if nothing to dump, don't do post process self.logger.debug("Nothing to dump", extra={"notify": True}) return "Nothing to dump" if "post" in self.steps: got_error = False pinfo = self.get_pinfo() pinfo["step"] = "post_dump" # for some reason (like maintaining object's state between pickling). # we can't use process there. Need to use thread to maintain that state without # building an unmaintainable monster job = await job_manager.defer_to_thread(pinfo, partial(self.post_dump, job_manager=job_manager)) def postdumped(f): nonlocal got_error if f.exception(): got_error = f.exception() job.add_done_callback(postdumped) await job if got_error: raise got_error # set it to success at the very end self.register_status("success") if self.__class__.AUTO_UPLOAD: set_pending_to_upload(self.src_name)"success %s" % strargs, extra={"notify": True}) except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e: self.logger.error("Error while dumping source: %s" % e) import traceback self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.register_status("failed", download={"err": str(e), "tb": traceback.format_exc()}) self.logger.error("failed %s: %s" % (strargs, e), extra={"notify": True}) raise finally: if self.client: self.release_client()
[docs] def mark_success(self, dry_run=True): """ Mark the datasource as successful dumped. It's useful in case the datasource is unstable, and need to be manually downloaded. """ self.register_status("success", dry_run=dry_run)"Done!") result = { "_id": self.src_doc["_id"], "download": self.src_doc["download"], } return result
[docs] def get_predicates(self): """ Return a list of predicates (functions returning true/false, as in math logic) which instructs/dictates if job manager should start a job (process/thread) """ def no_corresponding_uploader_running(job_manager): """ Don't download data if the associated uploader is running """ return ( len( [ j for j in if j["source"].split(".")[0] == self.src_name and j["category"] == UPLOADER_CATEGORY ] ) == 0 ) return [no_corresponding_uploader_running]
[docs] def get_pinfo(self): """ Return dict containing information about the current process (used to report in the hub) """ pinfo = { "category": DUMPER_CATEGORY, "source": self.src_name, "step": None, "description": None, } preds = self.get_predicates() if preds: pinfo["__predicates__"] = preds return pinfo
@property def new_data_folder(self): """Generate a new data folder path using src_root_folder and specified suffix attribute. Also sync current (aka previous) data folder previously registeted in database. This method typically has to be called in create_todump_list() when the dumper actually knows some information about the resource, like the actual release. """ if self.archive: if getattr(self, self.__class__.SUFFIX_ATTR) is None: # defined but not set # if step is "post" only, it means we didn't even check a new version and we # want to run "post" step on current version again if self.steps == ["post"]: return ( self.current_data_folder ) # FIXME: this causes a recursive error as current_data_folder calls new_data_folder too in some cases else: raise DumperException( "Can't generate new data folder, attribute used for suffix (%s) isn't set" % self.__class__.SUFFIX_ATTR ) suffix = getattr(self, self.__class__.SUFFIX_ATTR) return os.path.join(self.src_root_folder, suffix) else: return os.path.join(self.src_root_folder, "latest") @property def current_data_folder(self): try: return self.src_doc.get("download", {}).get("data_folder") or self.new_data_folder except DumperException: # exception raied from new_data_folder generation, we give up return None @property def current_release(self): return self.src_doc.get("download", {}).get("release")
[docs] async def do_dump(self, job_manager=None):"%d file(s) to download" % len(self.to_dump)) # should downloads be throttled ? max_dump = self.__class__.MAX_PARALLEL_DUMP and asyncio.Semaphore(self.__class__.MAX_PARALLEL_DUMP) courtesy_wait = self.__class__.SLEEP_BETWEEN_DOWNLOAD got_error = None jobs = [] self.unprepare() for todo in self.to_dump: remote = todo["remote"] local = todo["local"] def done(f): try: _ = f.result() nonlocal max_dump nonlocal got_error if max_dump: # self.logger.debug("Releasing download semaphore: %s" % max_dump) max_dump.release() self.post_download(remote, local) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Error downloading '%s': %s", remote, e) got_error = e pinfo = self.get_pinfo() pinfo["step"] = "dump" pinfo["description"] = remote if max_dump: await max_dump.acquire() if courtesy_wait: await asyncio.sleep(courtesy_wait) job = await job_manager.defer_to_process(pinfo, partial(, remote, local)) job.add_done_callback(done) jobs.append(job) # raise error as soon as we get it: # 1. it prevents from launching things for nothing # 2. if we gather the error at the end of the loop *and* if we # have more errors than the queue size, we get stuck if got_error: raise got_error await asyncio.gather(*jobs) if got_error: raise got_error"%s successfully downloaded" % self.SRC_NAME) self.to_dump = []
[docs] def prepare_local_folders(self, localfile): localdir = os.path.dirname(localfile) if not os.path.exists(localdir): try: os.makedirs(localdir) except FileExistsError: # ignore, might exist now (parallelization occuring...) pass
[docs] class FTPDumper(BaseDumper): FTP_HOST = "" CWD_DIR = "" FTP_USER = "" FTP_PASSWD = "" FTP_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60.0 # we want dumper to timout if necessary BLOCK_SIZE: Optional[int] = None # default is still kept at 8KB # TODO: should we add a __del__ to make sure to close ftp connection ? # ftplib has a context __enter__, but we don't use it that way ("with ...") def _get_optimal_buffer_size(self) -> int: if self.BLOCK_SIZE is not None: return self.BLOCK_SIZE # else: known_optimal_sizes = { "": 33554432, # see for reason # add new ones above "DEFAULT": 8192, } normalized_host = self.FTP_HOST.lower() if normalized_host in known_optimal_sizes: return known_optimal_sizes[normalized_host] else: return known_optimal_sizes["DEFAULT"]
[docs] def prepare_client(self): # FTP side self.client = FTP(self.FTP_HOST, timeout=self.FTP_TIMEOUT) self.client.login(self.FTP_USER, self.FTP_PASSWD) if self.CWD_DIR: self.client.cwd(self.CWD_DIR)
[docs] def need_prepare(self): return not self.client or (self.client and not self.client.file)
[docs] def release_client(self): assert self.client self.client.close() self.client = None
[docs] def download(self, remotefile, localfile): self.prepare_local_folders(localfile) self.logger.debug("Downloading '%s' as '%s'" % (remotefile, localfile)) block_size = self._get_optimal_buffer_size() if self.need_prepare(): self.prepare_client() try: with open(localfile, "wb") as out_f: self.client.retrbinary(cmd="RETR %s" % remotefile, callback=out_f.write, blocksize=block_size) # set the mtime to match remote ftp server response = self.client.sendcmd("MDTM " + remotefile) code, lastmodified = response.split() # an example: 'last-modified': '20121128150000' lastmodified = time.mktime(datetime.strptime(lastmodified, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").timetuple()) os.utime(localfile, (lastmodified, lastmodified)) return code except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error while downloading %s: %s" % (remotefile, e)) self.release_client() raise finally: self.release_client()
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): """'remotefile' is relative path from current working dir (CWD_DIR), 'localfile' is absolute path""" try: res = os.stat(localfile) except FileNotFoundError: # no local file, remote is always better return True local_lastmodified = int(res.st_mtime)"Getting modification time for '%s'" % remotefile) response = self.client.sendcmd("MDTM " + remotefile) code, remote_lastmodified = response.split() remote_lastmodified = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime(remote_lastmodified, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").timetuple())) if remote_lastmodified > local_lastmodified: self.logger.debug( "Remote file '%s' is newer (remote: %s, local: %s)" % (remotefile, remote_lastmodified, local_lastmodified) ) return True local_size = res.st_size self.client.sendcmd("TYPE I") response = self.client.sendcmd("SIZE " + remotefile) code, remote_size = map(int, response.split()) if remote_size > local_size: self.logger.debug( "Remote file '%s' is bigger (remote: %s, local: %s)" % (remotefile, remote_size, local_size) ) return True self.logger.debug("'%s' is up-to-date, no need to download" % remotefile) return False
[docs] class LastModifiedBaseDumper(BaseDumper): """ Use SRC_URLS as a list of URLs to download and implement create_todump_list() according to that list. Shoud be used in parallel with a dumper talking the actual underlying protocol """ SRC_URLS = [] # must be overridden in subclass
[docs] def set_release(self): """ Set self.release attribute as the last-modified datetime found in the last SRC_URLs element (so releae is the datetime of the last file to download) """ raise NotImplementedError("Implement me in sub-class")
[docs] def create_todump_list(self, force=False): assert type(self.__class__.SRC_URLS) is list, "SRC_URLS should be a list" assert self.__class__.SRC_URLS, "SRC_URLS list is empty" self.set_release() # so we can generate new_data_folder for src_url in self.__class__.SRC_URLS: filename = os.path.basename(src_url) new_localfile = os.path.join(self.new_data_folder, filename) try: current_localfile = os.path.join(self.current_data_folder, filename) except TypeError: # current data folder doesn't even exist current_localfile = new_localfile remote_better = self.remote_is_better(src_url, current_localfile) if force or current_localfile is None or remote_better: new_localfile = os.path.join(self.new_data_folder, filename) self.to_dump.append({"remote": src_url, "local": new_localfile})
[docs] class LastModifiedFTPDumper(LastModifiedBaseDumper): """ SRC_URLS containing a list of URLs pointing to files to download, use FTP's MDTM command to check whether files should be downloaded The release is generated from the last file's MDTM in SRC_URLS, and formatted according to RELEASE_FORMAT. See also LastModifiedHTTPDumper, working the same way but for HTTP protocol. Note: this dumper is a wrapper over FTPDumper, one URL will give one FTPDumper instance. """ RELEASE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
[docs] def prepare_client(self): pass
[docs] def release_client(self): pass
[docs] def get_client_for_url(self, url): split = urlparse.urlsplit(url) klass = type( "dynftpdumper", (FTPDumper,), { "FTP_HOST": split.hostname, "CWD_DIR": "/".join(split.path.split("/")[:-1]), "FTP_USER": split.username or "", "FTP_PASSWD": split.password or "", "SRC_NAME": self.__class__.SRC_NAME, "SRC_ROOT_FOLDER": self.__class__.SRC_ROOT_FOLDER, }, ) ftpdumper = klass() ftpdumper.prepare_client() return ftpdumper
[docs] def get_remote_file(self, url): split = urlparse.urlsplit(url) remotef = split.path.split("/")[-1] return remotef
[docs] def set_release(self): url = self.__class__.SRC_URLS[-1] ftpdumper = self.get_client_for_url(url) remotefile = self.get_remote_file(url) response = ftpdumper.client.sendcmd("MDTM " + remotefile) code, lastmodified = response.split() lastmodified = time.mktime(datetime.strptime(lastmodified, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").timetuple()) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(lastmodified) self.release = dt.strftime(self.__class__.RELEASE_FORMAT) ftpdumper.release_client()
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, urlremotefile, localfile): ftpdumper = self.get_client_for_url(urlremotefile) remotefile = self.get_remote_file(urlremotefile) isitbetter = ftpdumper.remote_is_better(remotefile, localfile) ftpdumper.release_client() return isitbetter
[docs] def download(self, urlremotefile, localfile, headers={}): # noqa: B006 ftpdumper = self.get_client_for_url(urlremotefile) remotefile = self.get_remote_file(urlremotefile) return, localfile)
[docs] class HTTPDumper(BaseDumper): """Dumper using HTTP protocol and "requests" library""" VERIFY_CERT = True IGNORE_HTTP_CODE = [] # list of HTTP code to ignore in case on non-200 response RESOLVE_FILENAME = False # global trigger to get filenames from headers # when available
[docs] def prepare_client(self): self.client = requests.Session() self.client.verify = self.__class__.VERIFY_CERT
[docs] def need_prepare(self): return not self.client
[docs] def release_client(self): self.client.close() self.client = None
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): """ Determine if remote is better Override if necessary. """ return True
[docs] def download(self, remoteurl, localfile, headers={}): # noqa: B006 self.prepare_local_folders(localfile) res = self.client.get(remoteurl, stream=True, headers=headers) if not res.status_code == 200: if res.status_code in self.__class__.IGNORE_HTTP_CODE:"Remote URL %s gave http code %s, ignored" % (remoteurl, res.status_code)) return else: raise DumperException( "Error while downloading '%s' (status: %s, reason: %s)" % (remoteurl, res.status_code, res.reason) ) # issue biothings.api #3: take filename from header if specified # note: this has to explicit, either on a globa (class) level or per file to dump if self.__class__.RESOLVE_FILENAME and res.headers.get("content-disposition"): parsed = cgi.parse_header(res.headers["content-disposition"]) # looks like: ('attachment', {'filename': 'the_filename.txt'}) if parsed and parsed[0] == "attachment" and parsed[1].get("filename"): # localfile is an absolute path, replace last part localfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localfile), parsed[1]["filename"]) self.logger.debug("Downloading '%s' as '%s'" % (remoteurl, localfile)) fout = open(localfile, "wb") for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=512 * 1024): if chunk: fout.write(chunk) fout.close() return res
[docs] class LastModifiedHTTPDumper(HTTPDumper, LastModifiedBaseDumper): """Given a list of URLs, check Last-Modified header to see whether the file should be downloaded. Sub-class should only have to declare SRC_URLS. Optionally, another field name can be used instead of Last-Modified, but date format must follow RFC 2616. If that header doesn't exist, it will always download the data (bypass) The release is generated from the last file's Last-Modified in SRC_URLS, and formatted according to RELEASE_FORMAT. """ LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified" ETAG = "ETag" RELEASE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d" RESOLVE_FILENAME = True # resolve by default as this dumper is called # with a list of URLs only, without any information # about the local filename to store data in
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): res = self.client.head(remotefile, allow_redirects=True) if self.__class__.LAST_MODIFIED not in res.headers: self.logger.warning( "Header '%s' doesn't exist, can determine if remote is better, assuming it is..." % self.__class__.LAST_MODIFIED ) return True # In accordance with RFC 7231 # The reason we are not using strptime is that it's locale sensitive # and changing locale and then changing it back is not thread safe. dt_tuple = email.utils.parsedate(res.headers[self.LAST_MODIFIED]) # this utility function supports more malformed data so using this one if dt_tuple[5] == 60: _ = list(dt_tuple) _[5] = 59 dt_tuple = tuple(_) # deal with potential leap second as defined in the RFC, good enough solution dt = datetime(*dt_tuple[:6], tzinfo=timezone.utc) # HTTP-date is always in UTC remote_lastmodified = dt.timestamp() try: res = os.stat(localfile) local_lastmodified = int(res.st_mtime) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): return True # doesn't even exist, need to dump if remote_lastmodified > local_lastmodified: self.logger.debug( "Remote file '%s' is newer (remote: %s, local: %s)" % (remotefile, remote_lastmodified, local_lastmodified) ) return True else: return False
[docs] def set_release(self): url = self.__class__.SRC_URLS[-1] res = self.client.head(url, allow_redirects=True) for _ in self.__class__.LAST_MODIFIED: try: remote_dt = datetime.strptime(res.headers[self.__class__.LAST_MODIFIED], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") # also set release attr self.release = remote_dt.strftime(self.__class__.RELEASE_FORMAT) except KeyError: # Use entity tag (ETag) as version number. Remove weak ETag prefix. # Nginx marks an ETag as weak whenever a response body has been modified (including compression with gzip). # See: etag = res.headers[self.__class__.ETAG] if etag.startswith("W/"): etag = etag[2:] self.release = etag.replace('"', "")
[docs] class WgetDumper(BaseDumper):
[docs] def create_todump_list(self, force=False, **kwargs): """Fill self.to_dump list with dict("remote":remote_path,"local":local_path) elements. This is the todo list for the dumper. It's a good place to check whether needs to be downloaded. If 'force' is True though, all files will be considered for download""" raise NotImplementedError("Define in subclass")
[docs] def prepare_client(self): """Check if 'wget' executable exists""" ret = os.system("type wget 2>&1 > /dev/null") if not ret == 0: raise DumperException("Can't find wget executable")
[docs] def need_prepare(self): return False
[docs] def release_client(self): pass
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): return True
[docs] def download(self, remoteurl, localfile): self.prepare_local_folders(localfile) cmdline = "wget %s -O %s" % (remoteurl, localfile) return_code = os.system(cmdline) if return_code == 0:"Success.") else: self.logger.error("Failed with return code (%s)." % return_code)
[docs] class FilesystemDumper(BaseDumper): """ This dumpers works locally and copy (or move) files to datasource folder """ FS_OP = "cp" # or 'mv' if file needs to be delete from original folder, # or 'ln' is a symlink should be created
[docs] def prepare_client(self): """Check if 'cp' and 'mv' executable exists...""" for cmd in ["cp", "mv", "ln"]: ret = os.system("type %s 2>&1 > /dev/null" % cmd) if not ret == 0: raise DumperException("Can't find '%s' executable" % cmd)
[docs] def need_prepare(self): return False
[docs] def release_client(self): pass
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): res = os.stat(remotefile) remote_lastmodified = int(res.st_mtime) res = os.stat(localfile) local_lastmodified = int(res.st_mtime) if remote_lastmodified > local_lastmodified: return True else: return False
[docs] def download(self, remotefile, localfile): self.prepare_local_folders(localfile) if self.__class__.FS_OP == "ln": cmdline = "rm -f %s && ln -s %s %s" % (localfile, remotefile, localfile) else: cmdline = "%s -f %s %s" % (self.__class__.FS_OP, remotefile, localfile) return_code = os.system(cmdline) if return_code == 0:"Success.") else: self.logger.error("Failed with return code (%s)." % return_code)
[docs] class DummyDumper(BaseDumper): """DummyDumper will do nothing... (useful for datasources that can't be downloaded anymore but still need to be integrated, ie. fill src_dump, etc...) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # make sure we don't create empty directory each time it's launched # so create a non-archiving dumper super(DummyDumper, self).__init__(archive=False, *args, **kwargs) self.release = ""
[docs] def prepare_client(self):"Dummy dumper, will do nothing") pass
[docs] async def dump(self, force=False, job_manager=None, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.debug("Dummy dumper, nothing to download...") self.prepare_local_folders(os.path.join(self.new_data_folder, "dummy_file")) # this is the only interesting thing happening here pinfo = self.get_pinfo() pinfo["step"] = "post_dump" job = await job_manager.defer_to_thread(pinfo, partial(self.post_dump, job_manager=job_manager)) await asyncio.gather(job) # consume future"Registering success") self.register_status("success") if self.__class__.AUTO_UPLOAD: set_pending_to_upload(self.src_name)"success", extra={"notify": True})
[docs] class ManualDumper(BaseDumper): """ This dumper will assist user to dump a resource. It will usually expect the files to be downloaded first (sometimes there's no easy way to automate this process). Once downloaded, a call to dump() will make sure everything is fine in terms of files and metadata """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ManualDumper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # overide @property, it'll be set manually in this case (ie. not dynamically generated) # because it's a manual dumper and user specifies data folder path explicitely # (and see below) self._new_data_folder = None @property def new_data_folder(self): return self._new_data_folder @new_data_folder.setter def new_data_folder(self, value): self._new_data_folder = value
[docs] def prepare(self, state={}): # noqa : B006 self.setup_log() if self.prepared: return if state: # let's be explicit, _state takes what it wants for k in self._state: self._state[k] = state[k] return self.prepare_src_dump()
[docs] def prepare_client(self):"Manual dumper, assuming data will be downloaded manually")
[docs] async def dump(self, path, release=None, force=False, job_manager=None, **kwargs): if os.path.isabs(path): self.new_data_folder = path elif path: self.new_data_folder = os.path.join(self.src_root_folder, path) else: self.new_data_folder = self.src_root_folder if release is None: # take latest path part, usually it's the release self.release = os.path.basename(self.new_data_folder) else: self.release = release # sanity check if not os.path.exists(self.new_data_folder): raise DumperException("Can't find folder '%s' (did you download data first ?)" % self.new_data_folder) if not os.listdir(self.new_data_folder): raise DumperException("Directory '%s' is empty (did you download data first ?)" % self.new_data_folder) pinfo = self.get_pinfo() pinfo["step"] = "post_dump" strargs = "[path=%s,release=%s]" % (self.new_data_folder, self.release) job = await job_manager.defer_to_thread(pinfo, partial(self.post_dump, job_manager=job_manager)) await asyncio.gather(job) # consume future # ok, good to go self.register_status("success") if self.__class__.AUTO_UPLOAD: set_pending_to_upload(self.src_name)"success %s" % strargs, extra={"notify": True})"Manually dumped resource (data_folder: '%s')" % self.new_data_folder)
[docs] class GoogleDriveDumper(HTTPDumper):
[docs] def prepare_client(self): # FIXME: this is not very useful... super(GoogleDriveDumper, self).prepare_client()
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): return True
[docs] def get_document_id(self, url): pr = urlparse.urlparse(url) if "" in url or "" in url: q = urlparse.parse_qs(pr.query) doc_id = q.get("id") if not doc_id: raise DumperException("Can't extract document ID from URL '%s'" % url) return doc_id.pop() elif "" in url: frags = pr.path.split("/") ends = ["view", "edit"] if frags[-1] in ends: doc_id = frags[-2] return doc_id else: raise DumperException("URL '%s' doesn't end with %s, can't extract document ID" % (url, ends)) raise DumperException("Don't know how to extract document ID from URL '%s'" % url)
[docs] def download(self, remoteurl, localfile): """ remoteurl is a google drive link containing a document ID, such as: -<1234567890ABCDEF> -<1234567890ABCDEF>/view It can also be just a document ID """ try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: raise ImportError('"BeautifulSoup4" is required for GoogleDriveDumper class: pip install beautifulsoup4') self.prepare_local_folders(localfile) if remoteurl.startswith("http"): doc_id = self.get_document_id(remoteurl) else: doc_id = remoteurl"Found document ID: %s" % doc_id) # first pass: get download URL with "confirm" code dl_url = "" % doc_id res = requests.get(dl_url) html = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser") link = html.find("a", {"id": "uc-download-link"}) if not link: raise DumperException("Can't find a download link from '%s': %s" % (dl_url, html)) href = link.get("href") # now build the final GET request, using cookies to simulate browser return super(GoogleDriveDumper, self).download( "" + href, localfile, headers={"cookie": res.headers["set-cookie"]}, )
[docs] class GitDumper(BaseDumper): """ Git dumper gets data from a git repo. Repo is stored in SRC_ROOT_FOLDER (without versioning) and then versions/releases are fetched in SRC_ROOT_FOLDER/<release> """ GIT_REPO_URL = None DEFAULT_BRANCH = None def _get_remote_default_branch(self) -> Optional[bytes]: # expect bytes to work when invoking commands via subprocess # git doesn't really care about the encoding of refnames, it only # seems to be limited by the underlying filesystem # (don't count on the above statement, it's just an educated guess) cmd = ["git", "ls-remote", "--symref", self.GIT_REPO_URL, "HEAD"] try: # set locale to C so the output may have more reliable format result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=5, check=True, env={"LC_ALL": "C"}) # nosec r = re.compile(rb"^ref:\s+refs\/heads\/(.*)\s+HEAD$", flags=re.MULTILINE) m = r.match(result.stdout) if m is not None: return m[1] except (TimeoutError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass return None def _get_remote_branches(self) -> List[bytes]: cmd = ["git", "ls-remote", "--heads", self.GIT_REPO_URL] ret = [] try: # set locale to C so the output may have more reliable format result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=5, check=True, env={"LC_ALL": "C"}) # nosec # user controls the URL anyways, and we don't use a shell # so it is safe r = re.compile(rb"^[0-9a-f]{40}\s+refs\/heads\/(.*)$", flags=re.MULTILINE) for m in re.findall(r, result.stdout): ret.append(m) except (TimeoutError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass return ret def _get_default_branch(self) -> Union[bytes, str]: # pylint: disable=bare-except # TODO: check TODO in _pull regarding original exclusive use of # class variable # Case 1, default is explicitly set if self.DEFAULT_BRANCH is not None: return self.DEFAULT_BRANCH try: # Case 2, remote HEAD exists branch = self._get_remote_default_branch() if branch is not None: return branch # Case 3, 'main' exists but not 'master' branches = self._get_remote_branches() if b"main" in branches and b"master" not in branches: return "main" except: # nosec # noqa # fallback anything goes wrong pass # Case 4, use 'master' for compatibility reasons return "master" def _clone(self, repourl, localdir):"git clone '%s' into '%s'" % (repourl, localdir)) subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", repourl, localdir]) def _pull(self, localdir, commit): # fetch+merge"git pull data (commit %s) into '%s'" % (commit, localdir)) old = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) try: os.chdir(localdir) # discard changes, we don't want to activate a conflit resolution session... cmd = ["git", "reset", "--hard", "HEAD"] subprocess.check_call(cmd) # then fetch latest code (local repo, not applied to code base yet) cmd = ["git", "fetch", "--all"] subprocess.check_call(cmd) if commit != "HEAD": # first get the latest code from repo # (if a newly created branch is avail in remote, we can't check it out)"git checkout to commit %s" % commit) cmd = ["git", "checkout", commit] subprocess.check_call(cmd) else: # if we were on a detached branch (due to specific commit checkout) # we need to make sure to go back to master (re-attach) # TODO: figure out why it was originally using the class # variable exclusively. Changed to prefer instance varaibles. branch = self._get_default_branch() cmd = ["git", "checkout", branch] subprocess.check_call(cmd) # then merge all remote changes to the current branch cmd = ["git", "merge"] subprocess.check_call(cmd) # and then get the commit hash out = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"]) self.release = f"{commit} {out.decode().strip()}" finally: os.chdir(old) pass @property def new_data_folder(self): # we don't keep release in data folder path # as it's a git repo return self.src_root_folder
[docs] async def dump(self, release="HEAD", force=False, job_manager=None, **kwargs): assert self.__class__.GIT_REPO_URL, "GIT_REPO_URL is not defined" # assert self.__class__.ARCHIVE == False, "Git dumper can't keep multiple versions (but can move to a specific commit hash)" got_error = None self.release = release def do(): do_clone = False if force: # force is also a way to clean and start from scratch rmdashfr(self.src_root_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.src_root_folder): # data folder doesn't even exist, no git files yet, we need to clone os.makedirs(self.src_root_folder) do_clone = True self.register_status("downloading", transient=True) if do_clone: self._clone(self.__class__.GIT_REPO_URL, self.src_root_folder) self._pull(self.src_root_folder, release) pinfo = self.get_pinfo() job = await job_manager.defer_to_thread(pinfo, partial(do)) def done(f): nonlocal got_error try: _ = f.result() self.register_status("success") except Exception as e: got_error = e self.logger.exception("failed: %s" % e, extra={"notify": True}) self.register_status("failed", download={"err": str(e)}) raise job.add_done_callback(done) await job
[docs] def prepare_client(self): """Check if 'git' executable exists""" ret = os.system("type git 2>&1 > /dev/null") if not ret == 0: raise DumperException("Can't find 'git' executable")
[docs] def need_prepare(self): return True
[docs] def release_client(self): pass
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): return True
[docs] def download(self, remotefile, localfile): self.prepare_local_folders(localfile) cmdline = "wget %s -O %s" % (remotefile, localfile) return_code = os.system(cmdline) if return_code == 0:"Success.") else: self.logger.error("Failed with return code (%s)." % return_code)
[docs] class DumperManager(BaseSourceManager): SOURCE_CLASS = BaseDumper
[docs] def get_source_ids(self): """Return displayable list of registered source names (not private)""" # skip private ones starting with __ # skip those deriving from bt.h.autoupdate.dumper.BiothingsDumper, they're used for autohub # and considered internal (note: only one dumper per source, so [0]) from biothings.hub.autoupdate.dumper import BiothingsDumper registered = sorted( [ src for src, klasses in self.register.items() if not src.startswith("__") and not issubclass(klasses[0], BiothingsDumper) ] ) return registered
def __repr__(self): return "<%s [%d registered]: %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.register), self.get_source_ids(), )
[docs] def clean_stale_status(self): # not uysing mongo query capabilities as hub backend could be ES, SQLlite, etc... # so manually iterate src_dump = get_src_dump() srcs = src_dump.find() for src in srcs: if src.get("download", {}).get("status", None) == "downloading": logging.warning("Found stale datasource '%s', marking download status as 'canceled'" % src["_id"]) src["download"]["status"] = "canceled" src_dump.replace_one({"_id": src["_id"]}, src)
[docs] def create_instance(self, klass): logging.debug("Creating new %s instance" % klass.__name__) inst = klass() return inst
[docs] def register_classes(self, klasses): for klass in klasses: # supersede/monkey-patch klass with potiential existing conf values from DB btconfig.supersede(klass) if klass.SRC_NAME: if len(self.register.get(klass.SRC_NAME, [])) >= 1: raise ResourceError( "Can't register %s for source '%s', dumper already registered: %s" % (klass, klass.SRC_NAME, self.register[klass.SRC_NAME]) ) self.register.setdefault(klass.SRC_NAME, []).append(klass) else: try: self.register[] = klass except AttributeError as e: logging.error("Can't register class %s: %s" % (klass, e)) continue
[docs] def dump_all(self, force=False, **kwargs): """ Run all dumpers, except manual ones """ jobs = [] for src in self.register: job = self.dump_src(src, force=force, skip_manual=True, **kwargs) jobs.extend(job) return asyncio.gather(*jobs)
[docs] def dump_src(self, src, force=False, skip_manual=False, schedule=False, check_only=False, **kwargs): if src in self.register: klasses = self.register[src] else: raise DumperException("Can't find '%s' in registered sources (whether as main or sub-source)" % src) jobs = [] try: for _, klass in enumerate(klasses): if issubclass(klass, ManualDumper) and skip_manual: logging.warning("Skip %s, it's a manual dumper" % klass) continue crontab = None if schedule: if klass.SCHEDULE: crontab = klass.SCHEDULE else: raise DumperException("Missing scheduling information") job = self.job_manager.submit( partial( self.create_and_dump, klass, force=force, job_manager=self.job_manager, check_only=check_only, **kwargs, ), schedule=crontab, ) jobs.append(job) return jobs except Exception as e: logging.error("Error while dumping '%s': %s" % (src, e)) raise
[docs] def mark_success(self, src, dry_run=True): result = [] if src in self.register: klasses = self.register[src] else: raise DumperException("Can't find '%s' in registered sources (whether as main or sub-source)" % src) for _, klass in enumerate(klasses): inst = self.create_instance(klass) result.append(inst.mark_success(dry_run=dry_run)) return result
[docs] def call(self, src, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a dumper for datasource "src" and call method "method_name" on it, with given arguments. Used to create arbitrary calls on a dumper. "method_name" within dumper definition must a coroutine. """ if src in self.register: klasses = self.register[src] else: raise DumperException("Can't find '%s' in registered sources (whether as main or sub-source)" % src) jobs = [] try: for _, klass in enumerate(klasses): pfunc = partial(self.create_and_call, klass, method_name, *args, **kwargs) job = asyncio.ensure_future(pfunc()) jobs.append(job) return jobs except Exception as e: logging.error("Error while dumping '%s': %s" % (src, e)) raise
[docs] async def create_and_dump(self, klass, *args, **kwargs): inst = self.create_instance(klass) res = await inst.dump(*args, **kwargs) return res
[docs] async def create_and_call(self, klass, method_name, *args, **kwargs): inst = self.create_instance(klass) res = await getattr(inst, method_name)(*args, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def schedule_all(self, raise_on_error=False, **kwargs): """ Run all dumpers, except manual ones """ errors = {} for src in self.register: try: self.dump_src(src, skip_manual=True, schedule=True, **kwargs) except Exception as e: errors[src] = e if raise_on_error: raise if errors: logging.warning("Found errors while scheduling:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(errors)) return errors
[docs] def get_schedule(self, dumper_name): """Return the corresponding schedule for dumper_name Example result: { "cron": "0 9 * * *", "strdelta": "15h:20m:33s", } """ info = None for sch in self.job_manager.loop._scheduled: if not isinstance(sch, asyncio.TimerHandle): continue if sch._cancelled: continue if sch._callback and dumper_name in str(sch._callback): info = job_renderer.cron_and_strdelta_info(sch) break return info
[docs] def source_info(self, source=None): src_dump = get_src_dump() src_ids = self.get_source_ids() if source: if source in src_ids: src_ids = [source] else: return None res = [] for _id in src_ids: src = src_dump.find_one({"_id": _id}) or {} assert len(self.register[_id]) == 1, "Found more than one dumper for source '%s': %s" % ( _id, self.register[_id], ) dumper = self.register[_id][0] name = "%s.%s" % (inspect.getmodule(dumper).__name__, dumper.__name__) bases = [ "%s.%s" % (inspect.getmodule(k).__name__, k.__name__) for k in dumper.__bases__ if inspect.getmodule(k) ] schedule = self.get_schedule(name) src.setdefault("download", {}) src["download"]["dumper"] = { "name": name, "bases": bases, "schedule": schedule, "manual": issubclass(dumper, ManualDumper), } src["name"] = _id src["_id"] = _id res.append(src) if source: return res.pop() else: return res
[docs] def dump_info(self): res = {} for name, klasses in self.register.items(): res[name] = [klass.__name__ for klass in klasses] return res
[docs] class APIDumper(BaseDumper): """ Dump data from APIs This will run API calls in a clean process and write its results in one or more NDJSON documents. Populate the static methods get_document and get_release in your subclass, along with other necessary bits common to all dumpers. For details on specific parts, read the docstring for individual methods. An example subclass implementation can be found in the unii data source for """ _CHECK_JOIN_TIMEOUT = 20 _TARGET_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 << 13 # 16KiB
[docs] def create_todump_list(self, force=False, **kwargs): """ This gets called by method `dump`, to populate self.to_dump """ self.to_dump = [{"remote": "remote", "local": "local"}] # TODO: we can have get_release in another process as well # but I don't think it is worth it. self.release = self.get_release()
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remotefile, localfile): """ If there is a simple method to check whether remote is better """ return True
[docs] def download(self, remotefile, localfile): """ Runs helper function in new process to download data This is run in a new process by the do_dump coroutine of the parent class. Then this will spawn another process that actually does all the work. This method is mostly for setting up the environment, setting up the the process pool executor to correctly use spawn and using concurrent.futures to simply run tasks in the new process, and periodically check the status of the task. Explanation: because this is actually running inside a process that forked from a threaded process, the internal state is more or less corrupt/broken, see `man 2 fork` for details. More discussions are in Slack from some time in 2021 on why it has to be forked and why it is broken. Caveats: the existing job manager will not know how much memory the actual worker process is using. """ if not (remotefile == "remote") and (localfile == "local"): raise RuntimeError("This method is not supposed to be" "called outside dump/do_dump") wd = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(self.new_data_folder)) os.makedirs(wd, exist_ok=True) self.to_dump = [] mp_context = multiprocessing.get_context("spawn") # specifying mp_context is Python 3.7+ only executor = ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=1, mp_context=mp_context, ) f = executor.submit( _run_api_and_store_to_disk, fn=self.get_document, buffer_size=self._TARGET_BUFFER_SIZE, working_directory=wd, ) # we can schedule shutdown of the executor right now # but it has bugs, see below self.logger.debug("run_api submitted to executor...") ex = None while True: try: _ = f.result(timeout=self._CHECK_JOIN_TIMEOUT)"run_api exited successfully") break except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: self.logger.debug("run_api is still running...") except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: self.logger.error("run_api has been unexpectedly cancelled...") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("run_api exited with exception: %s", e) ex = e break # we could have scheduled the shutdown right after submitting the task # but it has some bugs, see executor.shutdown(wait=True)"executor shutdown successfully") if ex is not None: raise ex
[docs] @staticmethod def get_document() -> Generator[Tuple[str, Any], None, None]: """ Get document from API source Populate this method to yield documents to be stored on disk. Every time you want to save something to disk, do this: >>> yield 'name_of_file.ndjson', {'stuff': 'you want saved'} While the type definition says Any is accepted, it has to be JSON serilizable, so basically Python dictionaries/lists with strings and numbers as the most basic elements. Later on in your uploader, you can treat the files as NDJSON documents, i.e. one JSON document per line. It is recommended that you only do the minimal necessary processing in this step. A default HTTP client is not provided so you get the flexibility of choosing your most favorite tool. This MUST be a static method or it cannot be properly serialized to run in a separate process. This method is expected to be blocking (synchronous). However, be sure to properly SET TIMEOUTS. You open the resources here in this function so you have to deal with properly checking/closing them. If the invoker forcefully stops this method, it will leave a mess behind, therefore we do not do that. You can do a 5 second timeout using the popular requests package by doing something like this: >>> import requests >>> r = requests.get('', timeout=5.0) You can catch the exception or setup retries. If you cannot handle the situation, just raise exceptions or not catch them. APIDumper will handle it properly: documents are only saved when the entire method completes successfully. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def get_release() -> str: """ Get the string for the release information. This is run in the main process and thread so it must return quickly. This must be populated Returns: string representing the release. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def client(self): # overides the parent class return None
[docs] def prepare_client(self): # having the client in the main process is not a good idea anyways # for some MongoDB client related things, it does make sense # but just closing the connection is not enough to free it from memory # and eliminate its threads. # The best way to do it is to run spawn a new process and run the client # there. Or do some kind of IPC and have the client in one process only. raise RuntimeError("prepare_client method of APIDumper and its " "descendents must not be called")
[docs] def release_client(self): # dump will always call this method so we have to allow it if inspect.stack()[1].function == "dump": return raise RuntimeError("release_client method of APIDumper and its " "descendents must not be called")
[docs] def need_prepare(self): raise RuntimeError("need_prepare method of APIDumper and its " "descendents must not be called")
def _run_api_and_store_to_disk( fn: Callable[[], Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]], buffer_size: int, working_directory: str, ) -> None: """ Runs an API Callable and Store result as NDJSON This is a helper function used by APIDumper and is supposed to be run in a separate process. It is defined in the module so that it can be serialized. The arguments must also be serializable. Args: fn: Callable (function or static method) that takes no arguments or keyword arguments. Must return an Iterable which individual items must be tuples. The said tuples must contain two elements, the first is a string which is the name of the output file, and the second is the object to be saved. The object must be JSON serializable. buffer_size: target buffer size per file, in bytes. It will always be overrun, but will immediately be written to the disk if it does overrun. This is so that very large operations will not cause out-of-memory errors. It is not for optimizing disk IO performance. working_directory: absolute path of the working directory. Files will be written in the given directory. """ pid = os.getpid() ppid = os.getppid() # TODO: check parent process # noqa: F841 if not os.path.isabs(working_directory): raise ValueError(f"desired working_directory {working_directory}" f" is not absolute") os.chdir(working_directory) buffer: Dict[str, bytearray] = {} try: for filename, obj in fn(): fn_byte_arr = buffer.setdefault(filename, bytearray()) fn_byte_arr.extend(orjson.dumps(obj) + b"\n") if len(fn_byte_arr) >= buffer_size: with open(f"{filename}.{pid}", "ab") as f: f.write(fn_byte_arr) buffer[filename].clear() except Exception as e: # cleanup for filename in buffer.keys(): if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(f"{filename}.{pid}") buffer.clear() raise e for filename, fn_byte_arr in buffer.items(): with open(f"{filename}.{pid}", "ab") as f: f.write(fn_byte_arr) for filename in buffer.keys(): os.rename(src=f"{filename}.{pid}", dst=filename)
[docs] class DockerContainerDumper(BaseDumper): """ Start a docker container (typically runs on a different server) to prepare the data file on the remote container, and then download this file to the local data source folder. This dumper will do the following steps: - Booting up a container from provided parameters: image, tag, container_name. - The container entrypoint will be override by this long running command: "tail -f /dev/null" - When the container_name and image is provided together, the dumper will try to run the container_name. If the container with container_name does not exist, the dumper will start a new container from image param, and set its name as container_name. - Run the dump_command inside this container. This command MUST block the dumper until the data file is completely prepare. It will guarantees that the remote file is ready for downloading. - Run the get_version_cmd inside this container - if it provided. Set this command out put as self.release. - Download the remote file via Docker API, extract the downloaded .tar file. - When the downloading is complete: - if keep_container=false: Remove the above container after. - if keep_container=true: leave this container running. - If there are any execption when dump data, the remote container won't be removed, it will help us address the problem. These are supported connection types from the Hub server to the remote Docker host server: - ssh: Prerequisite: the SSH Key-Based Authentication is configured - unix: Local connection - http: Use an insecure HTTP connection over a TCP socket - https: Use a secured HTTPS connection using TLS. Prerequisite: - The Docker API on the remote server MUST BE secured with TLS - A TLS key pair is generated on the Hub server and placed inside the same data plugin folder or the data source folder All info about Docker client connection MUST BE defined in the `` file, under the DOCKER_CONFIG key, Ex Optional DOCKER_HOST can be used to override the docker connections in any docker dumper regardless of the value of the src_url For example, you can set DOCKER_HOST="localhost" for local testing: DOCKER_CONFIG = { "CONNECTION_NAME_1": { "tls_cert_path": "/path/to/cert.pem", "tls_key_path": "/path/to/key.pem", "client_url": "https://remote-docker-host:port" }, "CONNECTION_NAME_2": { "client_url": "ssh://user@remote-docker-host" }, "localhost": { "client_url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock" } } DOCKER_HOST = "localhost" The data_url should match the following format: docker://CONNECTION_NAME?image=DOCKER_IMAGE&tag=TAG&path=/path/to/remote_file&dump_command="this is custom command"&container_name=CONTAINER_NAME&keep_container=true&get_version_cmd="cmd" # NOQA Supported params: - image: (Optional) the Docker image name - tag: (Optional) the image tag - container_name: (Optional) If this param is provided, the `image` param will be discard when dumper run. - path: (Required) path to the remote file inside the Docker container. - dump_command: (Required) This command will be run inside the Docker container in order to create the remote file. - keep_container: (Optional) accepted values: true/false, default: false. - If keep_container=true, the remote container will be persisted. - If keep_container=false, the remote container will be removed in the end of dump step. - get_version_cmd: (Optional) The custom command for checking release version of local and remote file. Note that: - This command must run-able in both local Hub (for checking local file) and remote container (for checking remote file). - "{}" MUST exists in the command, it will be replace by the data file path when dumper runs, ex: get_version_cmd="md5sum {} | awk '{ print $1 }'" will be run as: md5sum /path/to/remote_file | awk '{ print $1 }' and /path/to/local_file Ex: - docker://CONNECTION_NAME?image=IMAGE_NAME&tag=IMAGE_TAG&path=/path/to/remote_file(inside the container)&dump_command="run something with output is written to -O /path/to/remote_file (inside the container)" # NOQA - docker://CONNECTION_NAME?container_name=CONTAINER_NAME&path=/path/to/remote_file(inside the container)&dump_command="run something with output is written to -O /path/to/remote_file (inside the container)&keep_container=true&get_version_cmd="md5sum {} | awk '{ print $1 }'" # NOQA - docker://localhost?image=dockstore_dumper&path=/data/dockstore_crawled/data.ndjson&dump_command="/home/biothings/"&keep_container=1 - docker://localhost?image=dockstore_dumper&tag=latest&path=/data/dockstore_crawled/data.ndjson&dump_command="/home/biothings/"&keep_container=True # NOQA - docker://localhost?image=praqma/network-multitool&tag=latest&path=/tmp/"/usr/bin/wget -O /tmp/"&keep_container=false&get_version_cmd="md5sum {} | awk '{ print $1 }'" # NOQA - docker://localhost?container_name=<YOUR CONTAINER NAME>&path=/tmp/"/usr/bin/wget -O /tmp/"&keep_container=true&get_version_cmd="md5sum {} | awk '{ print $1 }'" # NOQA Container metadata: - All above params in the data_url can be pre-config in the Dockerfile by adding LABELs. This config will be used as the fallback of the data_url params: The dumper will find those params from both data_url and container metadata. If a param does not exist in data_url, dumper will use its value from container metadata (of course if it exist). For example: ... Dockerfile LABEL "path"="/tmp/" LABEL "dump_command"="/usr/bin/wget -O /tmp/" LABEL keep_container="true" LABEL desc=test LABEL container_name=mydocker """ # the docker client connection name defined in the config file, default is localhost DOCKER_CLIENT_URL = None # attributes below are defined from either SRC_URLS or docker image LABEL metadata DOCKER_IMAGE = None # should be in the format of <image_name>:<tag> CONTAINER_NAME = None DUMP_COMMAND = None GET_VERSION_CMD = None KEEP_CONTAINER = False DATA_PATH = None # set to 1 so we don't execute any docker command in parallel MAX_PARALLEL_DUMP = 1 # default timeout to wait for container to start or stop # this does not impact the time to run dump_command or get_version_cmd # both commands will be run asynchronizely till they finish. TIMEOUT = 300 # record the original container status if it exists before dumper runs # we will try to keep the container status as it was before dumper runs ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not docker_avail: raise ImportError('"docker" package is required for "DockerContainerDumper" class.') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # the following attributes are specific to DockerContainerDumper self.container = None self._source_info = {} # parsed source_info dictionary from the SRC_URL string self.image_metadata = {} # parsed LABEL metadata from the Docker image @property def source_config(self): if not self._source_info: url = self.__class__.SRC_URLS[0] self._source_info = docker_source_info_parser(url) return self._source_info
[docs] def need_prepare(self): if not self.client: return True
[docs] def prepare_client(self):"Preparing docker client...") if not isinstance(self.__class__.SRC_URLS, list): raise DumperException("SRC_URLS should be a list") elif not self.__class__.SRC_URLS: raise DumperException("SRC_URLS list is empty") elif len(self.__class__.SRC_URLS) > 1: raise DumperException("SRC_URLS list should contain only one source url string") if not self._state["client"]: if btconfig.DOCKER_HOST: docker_connection = btconfig.DOCKER_CONFIG.get(btconfig.DOCKER_HOST) else: docker_connection = btconfig.DOCKER_CONFIG.get(self.source_config["connection_name"]) self.DOCKER_CLIENT_URL = docker_connection.get("client_url") parsed = urlparse.urlparse(docker_connection.get("client_url")) scheme = parsed.scheme"Prepare the connection to Docker server {self.DOCKER_CLIENT_URL}") use_ssh_client = False tls_config = None if scheme not in ["tcp", "unix", "http", "https", "ssh"]: raise DumperException(f"Connection scheme {scheme} is not supported") if scheme == "ssh": use_ssh_client = True if scheme == "https": cert_path = docker_connection.get("tls_cert_path") key_path = docker_connection.get("tls_key_path") if not cert_path or not key_path: raise DumperException("Can not connect to the Docker server, missing cert info") tls_config = docker.tls.TLSConfig(client_cert=(cert_path, key_path), verify=False) if tls_config: client = docker.DockerClient( base_url=self.DOCKER_CLIENT_URL, use_ssh_client=use_ssh_client, tls=tls_config ) else: # when not using tls, we need to increase timeout for the client (1 week) client = docker.DockerClient( base_url=self.DOCKER_CLIENT_URL, use_ssh_client=use_ssh_client, tls=tls_config, timeout=604800 ) if not raise DumperException("Can not connect to the Docker server!")"Connected to Docker server") self._state["client"] = client # now prepare docker configs, which requires the docker client. self.prepare_dumper_params() return self._state["client"]
[docs] def release_client(self): """Release the docker client connection, called in dump method""" if self.client: self.client.close() self.client = None self._state["client"] = None
[docs] def set_dump_command(self): self.DUMP_COMMAND = self.source_config.get("dump_command") or self.image_metadata.get("dump_command") if not self.DUMP_COMMAND: raise DumperException('Missing the require "dump_command" parameter')
[docs] def set_keep_container(self): self.KEEP_CONTAINER = ( self.source_config["keep_container"] if "keep_container" in self.source_config else self.image_metadata.get("keep_container", "").lower() in {"true", "yes", "1", "y"} )
[docs] def set_get_version_cmd(self): self.GET_VERSION_CMD = self.source_config.get("get_version_cmd") or self.image_metadata.get("get_version_cmd")
[docs] def set_data_path(self): # TODO: we can see if we can support data path provided as a folder, instead a file. In this case, we should download the whole folder self.DATA_PATH = self.source_config.get("path") or self.image_metadata.get("path") if not self.DATA_PATH: raise DumperException('Missing the require "path" parameter')
[docs] def get_remote_file(self): """return the remote file path within the container. In most of cases, dump_command should either generate this file or check if it's ready if there is another automated pipeline generates this file. """ if not self.DATA_PATH: self.set_data_path() return self.DATA_PATH
[docs] def prepare_dumper_params(self): """ Read all docker dumper parameters from either the data plugin manifest or the Docker image or container metadata. Of course, at least one of docker_image or container_name parameters must be defined in the data plugin manifest first. If the parameter is not defined in the data plugin manifest, we will try to read it from the Docker image metadata. """ self.DOCKER_IMAGE = self.source_config["docker_image"] self.CONTAINER_NAME = self.source_config["container_name"] if not self.DOCKER_IMAGE and not self.CONTAINER_NAME: raise DumperException("Either DOCKER_IMAGE or CONTAINER_NAME must be defined in the data plugin manifest") # now read the metadata from the Docker image or container, will check the image first, then the container if self.DOCKER_IMAGE: try: image = self.client.images.get(self.DOCKER_IMAGE) self.image_metadata = image.labels except ImageNotFound: raise DumperException(f'The docker image "{self.DOCKER_IMAGE}" is not found') elif self.CONTAINER_NAME: # when only container is provided, we will try to read the metadata from the container try: container = self.client.containers.get(self.CONTAINER_NAME) self.image_metadata = container.labels except NotFound: raise DumperException(f'The container "{self.CONTAINER_NAME}" is not found') else: self.image_metadata = {} # Fill dumper parameters if they aren't provided in the data plugin manifest. self.set_dump_command() self.set_keep_container() self.set_get_version_cmd() self.set_data_path() if not self.CONTAINER_NAME: # when the container_name is not provided in the data plugin manifest, # we will check image_metadata to see if it's defined there. self.CONTAINER_NAME = self.image_metadata.get("container_name")
[docs] def prepare_remote_container(self): """prepare the remote container and set self.container, called in create_todump_list method""" if not self.container: try: self.container = self.client.containers.get(self.CONTAINER_NAME) self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS = self.container.status except (NotFound, NullResource): if self.DOCKER_IMAGE: if self.CONTAINER_NAME: 'Can not find an existing container "%s", try to start a new one with this name.', self.CONTAINER_NAME, ) 'Start a new container "%s" with a generic ENTRYPOINT: tail -f /dev/null', self.CONTAINER_NAME, ) self.container = image=self.DOCKER_IMAGE, name=self.CONTAINER_NAME, entrypoint="tail -f /dev/null", # create a new container with a never end entrypoint detach=True, auto_remove=False, ) else:"Start a docker container with a generic ENTRYPOINT: tail -f /dev/null") self.container = image=self.DOCKER_IMAGE, entrypoint="tail -f /dev/null", # create a new container with a never end entrypoint detach=True, auto_remove=False, ) self.CONTAINER_NAME = # record the randomly generated container name except Exception as err: self.logger.exception(err) raise DockerContainerException("Docker APIError when trying to get the container") if self.container.status == "paused":'Unpause the container "%s" ...', self.CONTAINER_NAME) self.container.unpause()'The container "%s" is unpaused!', self.CONTAINER_NAME) elif self.container.status != "running":'Waiting for the container "%s"to run ...', self.CONTAINER_NAME) self.container.start()'The container "%s" is starting ...', self.CONTAINER_NAME) count = 0 while self.container.status not in ["running", "exited"] and count < self.TIMEOUT: count += 1 self.container.reload() # Load this object from the server again and update attrs with the new data time.sleep(1)'The container "%s" is now running!', self.CONTAINER_NAME) self.container.reload() if self.container.status == "exited": raise DockerContainerException(f'The container "{self.CONTAINER_NAME}" exited')
[docs] def set_release(self): """call the get_version_cmd to get the releases, called in get_todump_list method. if get_version_cmd is not defined, use timestamp as the release. This is currently a blocking method, assuming get_version_cmd is a quick command. But if necessary, we can make it async in the future. """ _release = None if self.GET_VERSION_CMD: if self.container and self.container.status == "running": # we can't execute the cmd in a stop container exit_code, remote_version = self.container.exec_run(["sh", "-c", self.GET_VERSION_CMD]) if exit_code == 0: # make sure cmd run successfully on the remote # the output of get_version_cmd should be the value returned from set_release method _release = remote_version.decode().strip() else: self.logger.error( "Failed to run the provided get_version_cmd. Fallback to timestamp as the release." ) else: self.logger.error( 'The container "%s" is not running to run the provided get_version_cmd. Fallback to timestamp as the release.', self.CONTAINER_NAME, ) else:"get_version_cmd is not defined. Fallback to timestamp as the release.") # if _release is None, use timestamp as the release self.release = _release or"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
[docs] def get_remote_lastmodified(self, remote_file): """get the last modified time of the remote file within the container using stat command""" if not self.CONTAINER_NAME: return None # new fresh container, remote is always better try: container = self.client.containers.get(self.CONTAINER_NAME) except Exception: return None # exception will be caught in the download step lastmodified = None if container.status == "running": docker_cmd = f'stat "{remote_file}" -c "%Y"' exit_code, remote_lastmodified_stdout = container.exec_run(["sh", "-c", docker_cmd]) if exit_code == 0: lastmodified = int(remote_lastmodified_stdout.decode().strip()) else: self.logger.error('Could not run "stat" on remote file in get_remote_lastmodified.') return lastmodified
[docs] def remote_is_better(self, remote_file, local_file): try: res = os.stat(local_file) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): return True local_lastmodified = int(res.st_mtime) remote_lastmodified = self.get_remote_lastmodified(remote_file) if local_lastmodified != remote_lastmodified: return True return False
[docs] def generate_remote_file(self): """Execute dump_command to generate the remote file, called in create_todump_list method""" if self.need_prepare(): self.prepare_client() if self.DUMP_COMMAND:"Exec the command: sh -c {self.DUMP_COMMAND}") exit_code, output = self.container.exec_run(["sh", "-c", self.DUMP_COMMAND]) self.logger.debug(output.decode()) if exit_code != 0: remote_file = self.get_remote_file() self.logger.error( 'Failed to generate "%s", non-zero exit code from custom cmd: %s', remote_file, exit_code ) self.logger.error(output) raise DumperException(f"Can not execute the command: {self.DUMP_COMMAND}") else: raise DockerContainerException("The dump_command parameter is must be defined")
[docs] async def create_todump_list(self, force=False, job_manager=None, **kwargs): """ Create the list of files to dump, called in dump method. This method will execute dump_command to generate the remote file in docker container, so we define this method as async to make it non-blocking. """ if self.need_prepare(): self.prepare_client() self.prepare_remote_container() # unprepare unpicklable objects so we can use multiprocessing state = self.unprepare() # set up job to generate remote file if job_manager: pinfo = self.get_pinfo() pinfo["step"] = "check" job = await job_manager.defer_to_process(pinfo, partial(self.generate_remote_file)) else: # otherwise, just run it with asyncio loop directly async def run(fut): res = self.generate_remote_file() fut.set_result(res) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() job = loop.create_future() loop.create_task(run(job)) remote_error = False def remote_done(f): nonlocal remote_error remote_error = f.exception() or False job.add_done_callback(remote_done) await job if remote_error: raise remote_error # Need to reinit _state b/c of unprepare self.prepare(state) # reverse of unpreare after async job is done # TODO: test if the following two lines can be removed after we call self.prepare(state) above if self.need_prepare(): self.prepare_client() # self.setup_log() # this line should not needed, since self.prepare calls it already. self.set_release() remote_file = self.get_remote_file() file_name = os.path.basename(remote_file) new_localfile = os.path.join(self.new_data_folder, file_name) remote_better = False if force: remote_better = True else: try: current_local_file = os.path.join(self.current_data_folder, file_name) except TypeError: # current data folder doesn't even exist current_local_file = new_localfile if current_local_file: remote_better = self.remote_is_better(remote_file, current_local_file) else: remote_better = True if remote_better: new_localfile = os.path.join(self.new_data_folder, file_name) self.to_dump.append({"remote": remote_file, "local": new_localfile})
[docs] def prepare_local_folders(self, localfile): """prepare the local folder for the localfile, called in download method""" # the parent method will create the necessary folders super().prepare_local_folders(localfile) # remove the localfile if it exists if os.path.isfile(localfile): os.unlink(localfile)
[docs] def download(self, remote_file, local_file): # removes local file if exists before downloading remote file to local self.prepare_local_folders(local_file) try: # get_archive returns a tar datastream and dict with stat info bits, stat = self.container.get_archive(remote_file, encode_stream=True) if stat.get("size", 0) > 0: tmp_file = f"{local_file}.tar" with open(tmp_file, "wb") as fp: for chunk in bits: fp.write(chunk) # untar data files from the tmp_file, the extracted file will have the same last modified date as the original remote file # so we don't need to synchronize the local file's lastmodified date. untarall(folder=os.path.dirname(local_file), pattern="*.tar") os.unlink(tmp_file) # remove the temp tar file'Successfully downloaded file "%s" to "%s"', remote_file, local_file) else: raise DumperException('Find empty remote file: "{remote_file}"') except Exception as ex: self.logger.error('Failed to download remote file "%s" with exception: %s', remote_file, ex, exc_info=True) raise DumperException(f'Failed to download the remote file"{remote_file}"')
[docs] def delete_or_restore_container(self): """Delete the container if it's created by the dumper, or restore it to its original status if it's pre-existing.""" if self.container: if self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS: # if self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS is set, the container is pre-existing, we will not remove it # regardless of the keep_container parameter, and try to restore it to its original status. if not self.KEEP_CONTAINER: self.logger.warning( f'The container is pre-existing, "{}", but "keep_container" is set to False. ' 'We will ignore the "keep_container" setting, and won\'t remove the container.' ) if self.container.status == self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS: # container is in the original status, do nothing return elif self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS == "exited": self.logger.debug(f'Stopping container: "{}"') self.container.stop() elif self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS == "paused": self.logger.debug(f'Pausing container: "{}"') self.container.pause() else: self.logger.warning( f'The existing container status, "{self.container.status}", does not match its original status "{self.ORIGINAL_CONTAINER_STATUS}". ' "We will not touch it." ) elif not self.KEEP_CONTAINER: self.logger.debug(f"Removing container: {}") self.container.stop() self.container.wait(timeout=self.TIMEOUT) self.container.remove(v=True)
[docs] def post_dump(self, *args, **kwargs): """Delete container or restore the container status if necessary, called in the dump method after the dump is done (during the "post" step)""" super().post_dump(*args, **kwargs) self.delete_or_restore_container()