Source code for biothings.hub.dataload.source

import importlib
import logging
import os
import sys
import types
from pprint import pformat

from biothings.utils.hub_db import get_data_plugin, get_src_dump, get_src_master
from biothings.utils.manager import BaseSourceManager

[docs] class SourceManager(BaseSourceManager): """ Helper class to get information about a datasource, whether it has a dumper and/or uploaders associated. """ def __init__(self, source_list, dump_manager, upload_manager, data_plugin_manager): self._orig_source_list = source_list self.source_list = None self.dump_manager = dump_manager self.upload_manager = upload_manager self.data_plugin_manager = data_plugin_manager self.reload() self.src_master = get_src_master() self.src_dump = get_src_dump() # honoring BaseSourceManager interface (gloups...- self.register = {}
[docs] def reload(self): # clear registers self.dump_manager.register.clear() self.upload_manager.register.clear() # re-eval source list (so if it's a string, it'll re-discover sources) self.source_list = self.find_sources(self._orig_source_list) self.dump_manager.register_sources(self.source_list) self.upload_manager.register_sources(self.source_list)
[docs] def find_sources(self, paths): sources = [] if not type(paths) == list: paths = [paths] def eval_one_source(one_path): if "/" in one_path: # it's path to directory # expecting if one_path not in sys.path:"Adding '%s' to python path" % one_path) sys.path.insert(0, one_path) for d in os.listdir(one_path): if d.endswith("__pycache__"): continue sources.append(d) else: # assuming it's path to a python module ( sources.append(one_path) def eval_one_root(root): logging.debug("Discovering sources in %s" % root) # root is a module path where sources can be found rootdir, __init__ = os.path.split(root.__file__) for srcdir in os.listdir(rootdir): if srcdir.endswith("__pycache__"): continue srcpath = os.path.join(rootdir, srcdir) if os.path.isdir(srcpath): srcmod_str = "%s.%s" % (root.__name__, srcdir) sources.append(srcmod_str) for path in paths: if type(path) == str: eval_one_source(path) elif isinstance(path, types.ModuleType): eval_one_root(path) # clean with only those which can be imported sources = set(sources) for s in [s for s in sources]: try: importlib.import_module(s) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to discover source '%s': %s" % (s, e)) sources.remove(s)"Found sources: %s" % sorted(sources)) return sources
[docs] def set_mapping_src_meta(self, subsrc, mini): # get mapping from uploader klass first (hard-coded), then src_master (generated/manual) src_meta = {} mapping = {} origin = None try: upk = self.upload_manager["%s.%s" % (mini["_id"], subsrc)] assert len(upk) == 1, "More than 1 uploader found, can't handle that..." upk = upk.pop() src_meta = upk.__metadata__["src_meta"] mapping = upk.get_mapping() origin = "uploader" if not mapping: raise AttributeError("Not hard-coded mapping") except (IndexError, KeyError, AttributeError) as e: logging.debug("Can't find hard-coded mapping, now searching src_master: %s", e) m = self.src_master.find_one({"_id": subsrc}) mapping = m and m.get("mapping") origin = "master" # use metadata from upload or reconstitute(-ish) src_meta = ( src_meta or m and dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in m.items() if k not in ["_id", "name", "timestamp", "mapping"]]) ) if mapping: mini.setdefault("mapping", {}).setdefault(subsrc, {}).setdefault("mapping", mapping) mini.setdefault("mapping", {}).setdefault(subsrc, {}).setdefault("origin", origin) if src_meta: mini.setdefault("__metadata__", {}).setdefault(subsrc, src_meta)
[docs] def sumup_source(self, src, detailed=False): """Return minimal info about src""" mini = {} mini["_id"] = src.get("_id", src["name"]) mini["name"] = src["name"] if src.get("download"): mini["download"] = { "status": src["download"].get("status"), "time": src["download"].get("time"), "started_at": src["download"].get("started_at"), "release": src["download"].get("release"), "data_folder": src["download"].get("data_folder"), } mini["download"]["dumper"] = src["download"].get("dumper", {}) if src["download"].get("err"): mini["download"]["error"] = src["download"]["err"] if src["download"].get("tb"): mini["download"]["traceback"] = src["download"]["tb"] count = 0 if src.get("upload"): mini["upload"] = {"sources": {}} for job, info in src["upload"]["jobs"].items(): mini["upload"]["sources"][job] = { "time": info.get("time"), "status": info.get("status"), "count": info.get("count"), "started_at": info.get("started_at"), "release": info.get("release"), "data_folder": info.get("data_folder"), } if info.get("err"): mini["upload"]["sources"][job]["error"] = info["err"] if info.get("tb"): mini["upload"]["sources"][job]["traceback"] = info["tb"] count += info.get("count") or 0 if detailed: self.set_mapping_src_meta(job, mini) if src.get("inspect"): mini["inspect"] = {"sources": {}} for job, info in src["inspect"]["jobs"].items(): if not detailed: # remove big inspect data but preserve inspect status/info and errors mode_has_error = [] mode_ok = [] for mode in info.get("inspect", {}).get("results", {}): if info["inspect"]["results"][mode].get("errors"): mode_has_error.append(mode) else: mode_ok.append(mode) for mode in mode_ok: info["inspect"]["results"].pop(mode) for mode in mode_has_error: keys = list(info["inspect"]["results"][mode].keys()) # remove all except errors for k in keys: if k != "errors": info["inspect"]["results"][mode].pop(k) mini["inspect"]["sources"][job] = info if src.get("locked"): mini["locked"] = src["locked"] mini["count"] = count return mini
[docs] def get_sources(self, id=None, debug=False, detailed=False): dm = self.dump_manager um = self.upload_manager dpm = self.data_plugin_manager ids = set() if id and id in dm.register: ids.add(id) elif id and id in um.register: ids.add(id) elif id and id in dpm.register: ids.add(id) else: # either no id passed, or doesn't exist if id and not len(ids): raise ValueError("Source %s doesn't exist" % repr(id)) ids = set(dm.register) ids.update(um.register) ids.update(dpm.register) sources = {} bydsrcs = {} byusrcs = {} bydpsrcs = {} plugins = get_data_plugin().find() [bydsrcs.setdefault(src["_id"], src) for src in dm.source_info() if dm] [byusrcs.setdefault(src["_id"], src) for src in um.source_info() if um] [bydpsrcs.setdefault(src["_id"], src) for src in plugins] for _id in ids: # start with dumper info if dm: src = bydsrcs.get(_id) if src: if debug: sources[src["name"]] = src else: sources[src["name"]] = self.sumup_source(src, detailed) # complete with uploader info if um: src = byusrcs.get(_id) if src: # collection-only source don't have dumpers and only exist in # the uploader manager if not src["_id"] in sources: sources[src["_id"]] = self.sumup_source(src, detailed) if src.get("upload"): for subname in src["upload"].get("jobs", {}): try: sources[src["name"]].setdefault("upload", {"sources": {}})["sources"].setdefault( subname, {} ) sources[src["name"]]["upload"]["sources"][subname]["uploader"] = src["upload"]["jobs"][ subname ].get("uploader") except Exception as e: logging.error("Source is invalid: %s\n%s" % (e, pformat(src))) # deal with plugin info if any if dpm: src = bydpsrcs.get(_id) if src: assert len(dpm[_id]) == 1, "Expected only one uploader, got: %s" % dpm[_id] klass = dpm[_id][0] src.pop("_id") if hasattr(klass, "data_plugin_error"): src["error"] = klass.data_plugin_error sources.setdefault(_id, {"data_plugin": {}}) if src.get("download", {}).get("err"): src["download"]["error"] = src["download"].pop("err") if src.get("download", {}).get("tb"): src["download"]["traceback"] = src["download"].pop("tb") sources[_id]["data_plugin"] = src sources[_id]["_id"] = _id sources[_id]["name"] = _id if id: src = list(sources.values()).pop() # enrich with metadata (uploader > dumper) ks = [] if dm: try: ks.extend(dm.register[id]) except KeyError: pass if um: try: ks.extend(um.register[id]) except KeyError: pass for upk in ks: # name either from uploader or dumper name = getattr(upk, "name", None) or upk.SRC_NAME if getattr(upk, "__metadata__", {}).get("src_meta"): src.setdefault("__metadata__", {}).setdefault(name, {}) src["__metadata__"][name] = upk.__metadata__["src_meta"] # simplify as needed (if only one source in metadata, remove source key level, # or if licenses are the same amongst sources, keep one copy) if len(src.get("__metadata__", {})) == 1: src["__metadata__"] = list(src["__metadata__"].values()).pop() elif len(src.get("__metadata__", {})) > 1: metas = list(src["__metadata__"].values()) simplified = [metas.pop()] same = True while metas: m = metas.pop() if m not in simplified: same = False break if same: # we consume all of them, ie. they're all equals src["__metadata__"] = list(src["__metadata__"].values()).pop() else: # convert to a list of dict (so it's easier to detect if one or more # licenses just by checking if type is dict (one) or array (more)) metas = src.pop("__metadata__") src["__metadata__"] = [] for m in metas: src["__metadata__"].append({m: metas[m]}) return src else: return list(sources.values())
[docs] def get_source(self, name, debug=False): return self.get_sources(id=name, debug=debug, detailed=True)
[docs] def save_mapping(self, name, mapping=None, dest="master", mode="mapping"): logging.debug("Saving mapping for source '%s' destination='%s':\n%s", name, dest, pformat(mapping)) # either given a fully qualified source or just sub-source try: subsrc = name.split(".")[1] except IndexError: subsrc = name if dest == "master": m = self.src_master.find_one({"_id": subsrc}) or {"_id": subsrc} m["mapping"] = mapping elif dest == "inspect": m = self.src_dump.find_one({"_id": name}) try: m["inspect"]["jobs"][subsrc]["inspect"]["results"][mode] = mapping except KeyError: raise ValueError("Can't save mapping, document doesn't contain expected inspection data") else: raise ValueError("Unknow saving destination: %s" % repr(dest))
[docs] def reset(self, name, key="upload", subkey=None): """ Reset, ie. delete, internal data (src_dump document) for given source name, key subkey. This method is useful to clean outdated information in Hub's internal database. Ex: key=upload, name=mysource, subkey=mysubsource, will delete entry in corresponding src_dump doc (_id=mysource), under key "upload", for sub-source named "mysubsource" "key" can be either 'download', 'upload' or 'inspect'. Because there's no such notion of subkey for dumpers (ie. 'download', subkey is optional. """ doc = self.src_dump.find_one({"_id": name}) if not doc: raise ValueError("No such datasource named '%s'" % name) try: # nested if key in ["upload", "inspect"]: del doc[key]["jobs"][subkey] # not nested elif key == "download": del doc[key] else: raise ValueError("key=%s not allowed" % repr(key)) except KeyError as e: logging.exception(e) raise ValueError(f"Can't delete information, not found in document: {e}")