Source code for biothings.hub.dataplugin.assistant

import importlib
import inspect
import json
import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import urllib.parse
from string import Template

# we switched to use black for code formatting
# from yapf.yapflib import yapf_api
    import black

    black_avail = True
except ImportError:
    black_avail = False
import requests
import yaml

from biothings import config as btconfig
from biothings.hub.dataload.dumper import DockerContainerDumper, LastModifiedFTPDumper, LastModifiedHTTPDumper
from biothings.hub.dataplugin.manager import GitDataPlugin, ManualDataPlugin
from biothings.utils import storage
from biothings.utils.common import (
from biothings.utils.hub_db import get_data_plugin, get_src_dump, get_src_master
from biothings.utils.loggers import get_logger
from biothings.utils.manager import BaseSourceManager

[docs] class AssistantException(Exception): pass
[docs] class LoaderException(Exception): pass
[docs] class BasePluginLoader(object): loader_type = None # set in subclass def __init__(self, plugin_name): self.plugin_name = plugin_name self.plugin_path_name = None # This will be set on loading step self.setup_log() self._plugin = None
[docs] def setup_log(self): """Setup and return a logger instance""" log_folder = os.path.join(btconfig.LOG_FOLDER, "dataload") if btconfig.LOG_FOLDER else None self.logger, self.logfile = get_logger("loader_%s" % self.plugin_name, log_folder=log_folder)
[docs] def get_plugin_obj(self): if self._plugin: return self._plugin dp = get_data_plugin() plugin = dp.find_one({"_id": self.plugin_name}) if not plugin.get("download", {}).get("data_folder"): raise LoaderException("Can't find data_folder, not available yet ?") self._plugin = plugin return plugin
[docs] def invalidate_plugin(self, error): self.logger.exception("Invalidate plugin '%s' because: %s" % (self.plugin_name, error)) # flag all plugin associated (there should only one though, but no need to care here) try: for klass in self.__class__.data_plugin_manager[self.plugin_name]: klass.data_plugin_error = error except KeyError: # plugin_name is not registered yet pass raise LoaderException(error)
[docs] def can_load_plugin(self): """ Return True if loader is able to load plugin (check data folder content) """ raise NotImplementedError("implement 'can_load_plugin' in subclass")
[docs] def load_plugin(self): """ Load plugin and register its components """ raise NotImplementedError("implement 'load_plugin' in subclass")
[docs] class ManifestBasedPluginLoader(BasePluginLoader): loader_type = "manifest" # should match a _dict_for_*** dumper_registry = { "http": LastModifiedHTTPDumper, "https": LastModifiedHTTPDumper, "ftp": LastModifiedFTPDumper, "docker": DockerContainerDumper, } def _dict_for_base(self, data_url): if type(data_url) == str: data_url = [data_url] return { "SRC_NAME": self.plugin_name, "SRC_ROOT_FOLDER": os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT, self.plugin_path_name), "SRC_FOLDER_NAME": self.plugin_path_name, "SRC_URLS": data_url, } def _dict_for_http(self, data_url): return self._dict_for_base(data_url) def _dict_for_https(self, data_url): d = self._dict_for_http(data_url) # not secure, but we want to make sure things will work as much as possible... d["VERIFY_CERT"] = False return d def _dict_for_ftp(self, data_url): return self._dict_for_base(data_url) def _dict_for_docker(self, data_url): d = self._dict_for_base(data_url) return d
[docs] def can_load_plugin(self): plugin = self.get_plugin_obj() df = pathlib.Path(plugin["download"]["data_folder"]) # if "manifest.json" in os.listdir(df) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(df, "manifest.json")): if pathlib.Path(df, "manifest.json").exists(): return True # elif "manifest.yaml" in os.listdir(df) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(df, "manifest.yaml")): elif pathlib.Path(df, "manifest.yaml").exists(): return True else: return False
[docs] def load_plugin(self): plugin = self.get_plugin_obj() df = pathlib.Path(plugin["download"]["data_folder"]) # self.plugin_path_name = os.path.basename(df) self.plugin_path_name = # if os.path.exists(df): if df.exists(): # mf = os.path.join(df, "manifest.json") # mf_yaml = os.path.join(df, "manifest.yaml") mf = pathlib.Path(df, "manifest.json") mf_yaml = pathlib.Path(df, "manifest.yaml") manifest = None # if os.path.exists(mf): if mf.exists(): self.logger.debug(f"Loading manifest: {mf}") manifest = json.load(open(mf)) # elif os.path.exists(mf_yaml): elif mf_yaml.exists(): self.logger.debug(f"Loading manifest: {mf_yaml}") manifest = yaml.safe_load(open(mf_yaml)) if manifest: try: self.interpret_manifest(manifest, df.as_posix()) except Exception as e: self.invalidate_plugin("Error loading manifest: %s" % str(e)) else:"No manifest found for plugin: %s" % plugin["plugin"]["url"]) self.invalidate_plugin("No manifest found") else: self.invalidate_plugin("Missing plugin folder '%s'" % df)
[docs] def get_code_for_mod_name(self, mod_name): """ Returns string literal and name of function, given a path Args: mod_name: string with module name and function name, separated by colon Returns: Tuple[str, str]: containing - indented string literal for the function specified - name of the function """ try: mod, funcname = map(str.strip, mod_name.split(":")) except ValueError as e: raise AssistantException( "'Wrong format for '%s', it must be defined following format 'module:func': %s" % (mod_name, e) ) modpath = self.plugin_path_name + "." + mod try: pymod = importlib.import_module(modpath) #"Imported custom module %s for plugin %s", modpath, self.plugin_path_name) except (ImportError, TypeError): # Some data plugins use BioThings generic parser, e.g. CHEBI plugin uses {"parser" : "hub.dataload.data_parsers:load_obo"} # In such cases, `self.plugin_path_name` is not part of the module path. pymod = importlib.import_module(mod) #"Imported generic module %s for plugin %s", mod, self.plugin_path_name) # reload in case we need to refresh plugin's code importlib.reload(pymod) assert funcname in dir(pymod), "%s not found in module %s" % (funcname, pymod) func = getattr(pymod, funcname) # fetch source and indent to class method level in the template strfunc = inspect.getsource(func) # always indent with spaces, normalize to avoid mixed indenting chars indentfunc = textwrap.indent(strfunc.replace("\t", " "), prefix=" ") return indentfunc, funcname
[docs] def get_dumper_dynamic_class(self, dumper_section, metadata): if dumper_section.get("data_url"): if not type(dumper_section["data_url"]) is list: durls = [dumper_section["data_url"]] else: durls = dumper_section["data_url"] schemes = set([urllib.parse.urlsplit(durl).scheme for durl in durls]) # https = http regarding dumper generation if len(set([sch.replace("https", "http") for sch in schemes])) > 1: raise AssistantException( "Manifest specifies URLs of different types (%s), " % schemes + "expecting only one" ) scheme = schemes.pop() if "docker" in scheme: scheme = "docker" klass = dumper_section.get("class") confdict = getattr(self, "_dict_for_%s" % scheme)(durls) if klass: dumper_class = get_class_from_classpath(klass) confdict["BASE_CLASSES"] = klass else: dumper_class = self.dumper_registry.get(scheme) confdict["BASE_CLASSES"] = "biothings.hub.dataload.dumper.%s" % dumper_class.__name__ if not dumper_class: raise AssistantException("No dumper class registered to handle scheme '%s'" % scheme) if metadata: confdict["__metadata__"] = metadata else: confdict["__metadata__"] = {} if dumper_section.get("release"): indentfunc, func = self.get_code_for_mod_name(dumper_section["release"]) assert func != "set_release", "'set_release' is a reserved method name, pick another name" confdict[ "SET_RELEASE_FUNC" ] = """ %s def set_release(self): self.release = self.%s() """ % ( indentfunc, func, ) else: confdict["SET_RELEASE_FUNC"] = "" dklass = None pnregex = r"^[A-z_][\w\d]+$" assert re.compile(pnregex).match( self.plugin_name ), "Incorrect plugin name '%s' (doesn't match regex '%s'" % (self.plugin_name, pnregex) dumper_name = self.plugin_name.capitalize() + "Dumper" "%s" try: if hasattr(btconfig, "DUMPER_TEMPLATE"): tpl_file = btconfig.DUMPER_TEMPLATE else: # default: assuming in ..../biothings/hub/dataplugin/ curmodpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) if scheme == "docker": tpl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(curmodpath), "") else: tpl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(curmodpath), "") tpl = Template(open(tpl_file).read()) confdict["DUMPER_NAME"] = dumper_name confdict["SRC_NAME"] = self.plugin_name if dumper_section.get("schedule"): schedule = """'%s'""" % dumper_section["schedule"] else: schedule = "None" confdict["SCHEDULE"] = schedule confdict["UNCOMPRESS"] = dumper_section.get("uncompress") or False pystr = tpl.substitute(confdict) # print(pystr) import imp code = compile(pystr, "<string>", "exec") mod = imp.new_module(self.plugin_name) exec(code, mod.__dict__, mod.__dict__) dklass = getattr(mod, dumper_name) # we need to inherit from a class here in this file so it can be pickled assisted_dumper_class = type( "AssistedDumper_%s" % self.plugin_name, ( AssistedDumper, dklass, ), {}, ) assisted_dumper_class.python_code = pystr return assisted_dumper_class except Exception: self.logger.exception("Can't generate dumper code for '%s'" % self.plugin_name) raise else: raise AssistantException("Invalid manifest, expecting 'data_url' key in 'dumper' section")
[docs] def get_uploader_dynamic_class(self, uploader_section, metadata, sub_source_name=""): if uploader_section.get("parser"): uploader_name = self.plugin_name.capitalize() + sub_source_name + "Uploader" confdict = { "SRC_NAME": self.plugin_name, "SUB_SRC_NAME": sub_source_name, "UPLOADER_NAME": uploader_name, } try: mod, func = uploader_section.get("parser").split(":") # make sure the parser module is able to load # otherwise, the error log should be shown in the UI self.get_code_for_mod_name(uploader_section["parser"]) confdict["PARSER_MOD"] = mod confdict["PARSER_FUNC"] = func if uploader_section.get("parser_kwargs"): parser_kwargs_serialized = repr(uploader_section["parser_kwargs"]) confdict["PARSER_FACTORY_CODE"] = textwrap.dedent( f""" # Setup parser to parser factory from {mod} import {func} as parser_func parser_kwargs = {parser_kwargs_serialized} """ ) else: # create empty parser_kwargs to pass to parser_func parser_kwargs_serialized = repr({}) confdict["PARSER_FACTORY_CODE"] = textwrap.dedent( f""" # when code is exported, import becomes relative try: from {self.plugin_path_name}.{mod} import {func} as parser_func except ImportError: try: from .{mod} import {func} as parser_func except ImportError: # When relative import fails, try to import it directly import sys sys.path.insert(0, ".") from {mod} import {func} as parser_func parser_kwargs = {parser_kwargs_serialized} """ ) except ValueError: raise AssistantException( "'parser' must be defined as 'module:parser_func' but got: '%s'" % uploader_section["parser"] ) try: ondups = uploader_section.get("on_duplicates") storage_class = storage.get_storage_class(ondups) if "ignore_duplicates" in uploader_section: raise AssistantException( "'ignore_duplicates' key not supported anymore, use 'on_duplicates' : 'error|ignore|merge'" ) confdict["STORAGE_CLASS"] = storage_class # default is not ID conversion at all confdict["IMPORT_IDCONVERTER_FUNC"] = "" confdict["IDCONVERTER_FUNC"] = None confdict["CALL_PARSER_FUNC"] = "parser_func(data_path, **parser_kwargs)" if uploader_section.get("keylookup"): assert self.__class__.keylookup, ( "Plugin %s needs _id conversion " % self.plugin_name + "but no keylookup instance was found" )"Keylookup conversion required: %s" % uploader_section["keylookup"]) klmod = inspect.getmodule(self.__class__.keylookup) confdict["IMPORT_IDCONVERTER_FUNC"] = "from %s import %s" % ( klmod.__name__, self.__class__.keylookup.__name__, ) convargs = ",".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in uploader_section["keylookup"].items()]) confdict["IDCONVERTER_FUNC"] = "%s(%s)" % ( self.__class__.keylookup.__name__, convargs, ) confdict["CALL_PARSER_FUNC"] = "self.__class__.idconverter(parser_func)(data_path, **parser_kwargs)" if metadata: confdict["__metadata__"] = metadata else: confdict["__metadata__"] = {} if hasattr(btconfig, "DUMPER_TEMPLATE"): tpl_file = btconfig.DUMPER_TEMPLATE elif sub_source_name: curmodpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) tpl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(curmodpath), "") else: # default: assuming in ..../biothings/hub/dataplugin/ curmodpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) tpl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(curmodpath), "") tpl = Template(open(tpl_file).read()) if uploader_section.get("parallelizer"): indentfunc, func = self.get_code_for_mod_name(uploader_section["parallelizer"]) assert func != "jobs", "'jobs' is a reserved method name, pick another name" confdict["BASE_CLASSES"] = "biothings.hub.dataload.uploader.ParallelizedSourceUploader" confdict["IMPORT_FROM_PARALLELIZER"] = "" confdict[ "JOBS_FUNC" ] = """ %s def jobs(self): return self.%s() """ % ( indentfunc, func, ) else: confdict["BASE_CLASSES"] = "biothings.hub.dataload.uploader.BaseSourceUploader" confdict["JOBS_FUNC"] = "" if uploader_section.get("mapping"): indentfunc, func = self.get_code_for_mod_name(uploader_section["mapping"]) assert func != "get_mapping", "'get_mapping' is a reserved class method name, pick another name" confdict[ "MAPPING_FUNC" ] = """ @classmethod %s @classmethod def get_mapping(cls): return cls.%s() """ % ( indentfunc, func, ) else: confdict["MAPPING_FUNC"] = "" pystr = tpl.substitute(confdict) # print(pystr) import imp code = compile(pystr, "<string>", "exec") mod = imp.new_module(self.plugin_name + sub_source_name) exec(code, mod.__dict__, mod.__dict__) uklass = getattr(mod, uploader_name) # we need to inherit from a class here in this file so it can be pickled assisted_uploader_class = type( "AssistedUploader_%s" % self.plugin_name + sub_source_name, ( AssistedUploader, uklass, ), {}, ) assisted_uploader_class.python_code = pystr return assisted_uploader_class except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Error loading plugin: %s" % e) raise AssistantException("Can't interpret manifest: %s" % e) else: raise AssistantException("Invalid manifest, expecting 'parser' key in 'uploader' section")
[docs] def get_uploader_dynamic_classes(self, uploader_section, metadata, data_plugin_folder): uploader_classes = [] for uploader_conf in uploader_section: sub_source_name = uploader_conf.get("name", "") uploader_class = self.get_uploader_dynamic_class(uploader_conf, metadata, sub_source_name) uploader_class.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER = data_plugin_folder # register class in module so it can be pickled easily sys.modules["biothings.hub.dataplugin.assistant"].__dict__[ "AssistedUploader_%s" % self.plugin_name + sub_source_name ] = uploader_class uploader_classes.append(uploader_class) return uploader_classes
[docs] def interpret_manifest(self, manifest, data_plugin_folder): # start with requirements before importing anything if manifest.get("requires"): reqs = manifest["requires"] if not type(reqs) == list: reqs = [reqs] for req in reqs:"Install requirement '%s'" % req) subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", req]) if manifest.get("dumper"): assisted_dumper_class = self.get_dumper_dynamic_class(manifest["dumper"], manifest.get("__metadata__")) assisted_dumper_class.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER = data_plugin_folder self.__class__.dumper_manager.register_classes([assisted_dumper_class]) # register class in module so it can be pickled easily sys.modules["biothings.hub.dataplugin.assistant"].__dict__[ "AssistedDumper_%s" % self.plugin_name ] = assisted_dumper_class if manifest.get("uploader"): assisted_uploader_class = self.get_uploader_dynamic_class( manifest["uploader"], manifest.get("__metadata__") ) assisted_uploader_class.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER = data_plugin_folder self.__class__.uploader_manager.register_classes([assisted_uploader_class]) # register class in module so it can be pickled easily sys.modules["biothings.hub.dataplugin.assistant"].__dict__[ "AssistedUploader_%s" % self.plugin_name ] = assisted_uploader_class if manifest.get("uploaders"): assisted_uploader_classes = self.get_uploader_dynamic_classes( manifest["uploaders"], manifest.get("__metadata__"), data_plugin_folder ) self.__class__.uploader_manager.register_classes(assisted_uploader_classes) if manifest.get("display_name"): dp = get_data_plugin() dp.update( {"_id": self.plugin_name}, { "$set": { "plugin.display_name": manifest.get("display_name"), } }, ) if manifest.get("biothing_type"): dp = get_data_plugin() dp.update( {"_id": self.plugin_name}, { "$set": { "plugin.biothing_type": manifest.get("biothing_type"), } }, )
[docs] class AdvancedPluginLoader(BasePluginLoader): loader_type = "advanced"
[docs] def can_load_plugin(self): plugin = self.get_plugin_obj() df = plugin["download"]["data_folder"] if "" in os.listdir(df): return True else: return False
[docs] def load_plugin(self): plugin = self.get_plugin_obj() df = plugin["download"]["data_folder"] if os.path.exists(df): # we assume there's a __init__ module exposing Dumper and Uploader classes # as necessary modpath = df.split("/")[-1] # before registering, process optional requirements.txt reqfile = os.path.join(df, "requirements.txt") if os.path.exists(reqfile):"Installing requirements from %s for plugin '%s'" % (reqfile, self.plugin_name)) subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "-r", reqfile]) # submit to managers to register datasources"Registering '%s' to dump/upload managers" % modpath) # register dumpers if any try: self.__class__.dumper_manager.register_source(modpath) except Exception as e:"Couldn't register dumper from module '%s': %s" % (modpath, e)) # register uploaders if any try: self.__class__.uploader_manager.register_source(modpath) except Exception as e:"Couldn't register uploader from module '%s': %s" % (modpath, e)) else: self.invalidate_plugin("Missing plugin folder '%s'" % df)
[docs] class BaseAssistant(object): plugin_type = None # to be defined in subblass data_plugin_manager = None # set by assistant manager dumper_manager = None # set by assistant manager uploader_manager = None # set by assistant manager keylookup = None # set by assistant manager # known plugin loaders loaders = { "manifest": ManifestBasedPluginLoader, "advanced": AdvancedPluginLoader, } def __init__(self, url): self.url = url self._plugin_name = None self._src_folder = None self._loader = None self.logfile = None self.logger = None self.setup_log()
[docs] def setup_log(self): """Setup and return a logger instance""" self.logger, self.logfile = get_logger("assistant_%s" % self.__class__.plugin_type)
[docs] def register_loader(self): dp = get_data_plugin() dp.update( {"_id": self.plugin_name}, {"$set": {"plugin.loader": self.loader.loader_type}}, upsert=True, )
@property def loader(self): """ Return loader object able to interpret plugin's folder content """ if not self._loader: # iterate over known loaders, the first one which can interpret plugin content is kept for klass in self.loaders.values(): # propagate managers klass.dumper_manager = self.dumper_manager klass.uploader_manager = self.uploader_manager klass.data_plugin_manager = self.data_plugin_manager klass.keylookup = self.keylookup loader = klass(self.plugin_name) if loader.can_load_plugin(): self._loader = loader self.logger.debug( 'For plugin "%s", selecting loader class "%s"', self.plugin_name, self._loader.__class__.__name__, ) self.register_loader() break else: self.logger.debug('Loader %s cannot load plugin "%s"', loader, self.plugin_name) continue return self._loader @property def plugin_name(self): """ Return plugin name, parsed from self.url and set self._src_folder as path to folder containing dataplugin source code """ raise NotImplementedError("implement 'plugin_name' in subclass")
[docs] def handle(self): """Access self.url and do whatever is necessary to bring code to life within the hub... (hint: that may involve creating a dumper on-the-fly and register that dumper to a manager...) """ raise NotImplementedError("implement 'handle' in subclass")
[docs] def can_handle(self): """Return true if assistant can handle the code""" raise NotImplementedError("implement 'can_handle' in subclass")
[docs] def load_plugin(self): """ Load plugin and register its components """ raise NotImplementedError("implement 'load_plugin' in subclass")
[docs] class AssistedDumper(object): DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER = None
[docs] class AssistedUploader(object): DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER = None
[docs] class GithubAssistant(BaseAssistant): plugin_type = "github" @property def plugin_name(self): folder_name = parse_folder_name_from_url(self.url) if not self._plugin_name: self._src_folder = os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER, folder_name) # Try to load plugin name from the local first, if exist that mean we are working with a cloned and updated plugin # If plugin name is empty that mean this plugin has not cloned to local then we try to fetch its name from the Github # Otherwise we use the path_name as the fallback. plugin_name = get_plugin_name_from_local_manifest(os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER, folder_name)) if not plugin_name: plugin_name = get_plugin_name_from_remote_manifest(self.url) if not plugin_name: plugin_name = folder_name self._plugin_name = plugin_name return self._plugin_name
[docs] def can_handle(self): # analyze headers to guess type of required assitant try: headers = requests.head(self.url).headers if headers.get("server").lower() == "": return True except Exception as e: self.logger.error("%s plugin can't handle URL '%s': %s" % (self.plugin_type, self.url, e)) return False
[docs] def get_classdef(self): # generate class dynamically and register confdict = { "SRC_NAME": self.plugin_name, "GIT_REPO_URL": self.url, "SRC_ROOT_FOLDER": self._src_folder, } # TODO: store confdict in hubconf collection k = type("AssistedGitDataPlugin_%s" % self.plugin_name, (GitDataPlugin,), confdict) return k
[docs] def handle(self): assert self.__class__.data_plugin_manager, "Please set data_plugin_manager attribute" klass = self.get_classdef() self.__class__.data_plugin_manager.register_classes([klass])
[docs] class LocalAssistant(BaseAssistant): plugin_type = "local" @property def plugin_name(self): if not self._plugin_name: split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.url) # format local://pluginname so it's in hostname. # if path is set, it means format is local://subdir/pluginname # and we don't support that for import reason (we would need to # add .../plugins/subdir to sys.path, not impossible but might have side effects # so for now we stay on the safe (and also let's remember 1st version of # MS DOS didn't support subdirs, so I guess we're on the right path :)) assert not split.path, "It seems URL '%s' references a sub-directory (%s)," % ( self.url, split.hostname, ) + " with plugin name '%s', sub-directories are not supported (yet)" % split.path.strip("/") # don't use hostname here because it's lowercased, netloc isn't # (and we're matching directory names on the filesystem, it's case-sensitive) src_folder_name = os.path.basename(split.netloc) try: self._plugin_name = get_plugin_name_from_local_manifest( os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER, src_folder_name) ) or src_folder_name except Exception as ex: self.logger.exception(ex) self._plugin_name = src_folder_name self._src_folder = os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER, src_folder_name) return self._plugin_name
[docs] def can_handle(self): if self.url.startswith(self.__class__.plugin_type + "://"): return True else: return False
[docs] def get_classdef(self): # generate class dynamically and register confdict = {"SRC_NAME": self.plugin_name, "SRC_ROOT_FOLDER": self._src_folder} k = type("AssistedManualDataPlugin_%s" % self.plugin_name, (ManualDataPlugin,), confdict) return k
[docs] def handle(self): assert self.__class__.data_plugin_manager, "Please set data_plugin_manager attribute" klass = self.get_classdef() self.__class__.data_plugin_manager.register_classes([klass])
[docs] class AssistantManager(BaseSourceManager): def __init__( self, data_plugin_manager, dumper_manager, uploader_manager, keylookup=None, default_export_folder="hub/dataload/sources", *args, **kwargs, ): super(AssistantManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.data_plugin_manager = data_plugin_manager self.dumper_manager = dumper_manager self.uploader_manager = uploader_manager self.keylookup = keylookup if not os.path.exists(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER): os.makedirs(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER) self.default_export_folder = default_export_folder # register data plugin folder in python path so we can import # plugins (sub-folders) as packages sys.path.insert(0, btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER) self.logfile = None self.setup_log()
[docs] def setup_log(self): """Setup and return a logger instance""" self.logger, self.logfile = get_logger("assistantmanager")
[docs] def create_instance(self, klass, url): return klass(url)
[docs] def configure(self, klasses=[GithubAssistant, LocalAssistant]): # noqa: B006 self.register_classes(klasses)
[docs] def register_classes(self, klasses): for klass in klasses: klass.data_plugin_manager = self.data_plugin_manager klass.dumper_manager = self.dumper_manager klass.uploader_manager = self.uploader_manager klass.keylookup = self.keylookup self.register[klass.plugin_type] = klass
[docs] def submit(self, url): # submit url to all registered assistants (in order) # and return the first claiming it can handle that URLs for typ in self.register: aklass = self.register[typ] inst = self.create_instance(aklass, url) if inst.can_handle(): return inst return None
[docs] def unregister_url(self, url=None, name=None): dp = get_data_plugin() if url: url = url.strip() doc = dp.find_one({"plugin.url": url}) elif name: doc = dp.find_one({"_id": name}) url = doc["plugin"]["url"] else: raise ValueError("Specify 'url' or 'name'") if not doc: raise AssistantException("Plugin is not registered (url=%s, name=%s)" % (url, name)) # should be only one but just in case dp.remove({"_id": doc["_id"]}) # delete plugin code so it won't be auto-register # by 'local' plugin assistant (issue studio #7) if doc.get("download", {}).get("data_folder"): codefolder = doc["download"]["data_folder"]"Delete plugin source code in '%s'" % codefolder) rmdashfr(codefolder) assistant = self.submit(url) try: self.data_plugin_manager.register.pop(assistant.plugin_name) except KeyError: raise AssistantException("Plugin '%s' is not registered" % url) self.dumper_manager.register.pop(assistant.plugin_name, None) self.uploader_manager.register.pop(assistant.plugin_name, None)
[docs] def register_url(self, url): url = url.strip() dp = get_data_plugin() folder_name = parse_folder_name_from_url(url) if dp.find_one({"plugin.url": url}) or dp.find_one( {"download.data_folder": f"{btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER}/{folder_name}"} ):"Plugin '%s' already registered" % url) return assistant = self.submit(url)"For data-plugin URL '%s', selected assistant is: %s" % (url, assistant)) if assistant: # register plugin info # if a github url was used, by default, we assume it's a manifest-based plugin # (we can't know until we have a look at the content). So assistant will have # manifest-based loader. If it fails, another assistant with advanced loader will # be used to try again. dp.update( {"_id": assistant.plugin_name}, {"$set": {"plugin": {"url": url, "type": assistant.plugin_type, "active": True}}}, upsert=True, ) assistant.handle() job = self.data_plugin_manager.load(assistant.plugin_name) assert len(job) == 1, "Expecting one job, got: %s" % job job = job.pop() def loaded(f): try: _ = f.result() self.logger.debug("Plugin '%s' downloaded, now loading manifest" % assistant.plugin_name) assistant.loader.load_plugin() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Unable to download plugin '%s': %s" % (assistant.plugin_name, e)) job.add_done_callback(loaded) return job else: raise AssistantException("Could not find any assistant able to handle URL '%s'" % url)
[docs] def load_plugin(self, plugin): ptype = plugin["plugin"]["type"] url = plugin["plugin"]["url"] if not plugin["plugin"]["active"]:"Data plugin '%s' is deactivated, skip" % url) return"Loading data plugin '%s' (type: %s)" % (plugin["_id"], ptype)) if ptype in self.register: try: aklass = self.register[ptype] assistant = self.create_instance(aklass, url) assistant.handle() assistant.loader.load_plugin() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Unable to load plugin '%s': %s" % (url, e)) else: raise AssistantException("Unknown data plugin type '%s'" % ptype)
[docs] def load(self, autodiscover=True): """ Load plugins registered in internal Hub database and generate/register dumpers & uploaders accordingly. If autodiscover is True, also search DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER for existing plugin directories not registered yet in the database, and register them automatically. """ plugin_dirs = [] if autodiscover: try: plugin_dirs = os.listdir(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise AssistantException("Invalid DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER: %s" % e) dp = get_data_plugin() cur = dp.find() for plugin in cur: try: plugin_dir_name = os.path.basename(plugin["download"]["data_folder"]) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("Couldn't load plugin '%s': %s" % (plugin["_id"], e)) continue plugin_name = get_plugin_name_from_local_manifest(plugin.get("download").get("data_folder")) if plugin_name and plugin["_id"] != plugin_name: plugin = self.update_plugin_name(plugin, plugin_name) # remove plugins from folder list if already register if plugin_dir_name in plugin_dirs: plugin_dirs.remove(plugin_dir_name) try: self.load_plugin(plugin) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("Couldn't load plugin '%s': %s" % (plugin["_id"], e)) continue # some still unregistered ? (note: list always empty if autodiscover=False) if plugin_dirs: for pdir in plugin_dirs: os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER, pdir) try:"Found unregistered manifest-based plugin '%s', auto-register it" % pdir) self.register_url(f"local://{pdir}") except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("Couldn't auto-register plugin '%s': %s" % (pdir, e)) continue
[docs] def update_plugin_name(self, plugin, new_name): dp = get_data_plugin() old_name = plugin.pop("_id") dp.update({"_id": new_name}, {"$set": plugin}, upsert=True) dp.remove({"_id": old_name}) plugin["_id"] = new_name src_dump_db = get_src_dump() src_dump_doc = src_dump_db.find_one({"_id": old_name}) if src_dump_doc: src_dump_doc.pop("_id") src_dump_db.update({"_id": new_name}, {"$set": src_dump_doc}, upsert=True) src_dump_db.remove({"_id": old_name}) src_master_db = get_src_master() src_master_doc = src_master_db.find_one({"_id": old_name}) if src_master_doc: src_master_doc.pop("_id") src_master_doc["name"] = new_name src_master_db.update({"_id": new_name}, {"$set": src_master_doc}, upsert=True) src_master_db.remove({"_id": old_name}) return plugin
[docs] def export_dumper(self, plugin_name, folder): res = {"dumper": {"status": None, "file": None, "class": None, "message": None}} try: dclass = self.dumper_manager[plugin_name] except KeyError: res["dumper"]["status"] = "warning" res["dumper"]["message"] = "No dumper found for plugin '%s'" % plugin_name try: dumper_name = plugin_name.capitalize() + "Dumper" self.logger.debug("Exporting dumper %s" % dumper_name) assert len(dclass) == 1, "More than one dumper found: %s" % dclass dclass = dclass[0] assert hasattr(dclass, "python_code"), "No generated code found" dinit = os.path.join(folder, "") dfile = os.path.join(folder, "") # clear init, we'll append code # we use yapf (from Google) as autopep8 (for instance) doesn't give # good results in term in indentation (input_type list for keylookup for instance) # switched to use black from yapf # beauty, _ = yapf_api.FormatCode(dclass.python_code) if black_avail: beauty = black.format_str(dclass.python_code, mode=black.Mode()) else: raise ImportError('"black" package is required for exporting formatted code.') with open(dfile, "w") as fout: fout.write(beauty) with open(dinit, "a") as fout: fout.write("from .dump import %s\n" % dumper_name) res["dumper"]["status"] = "ok" res["dumper"]["file"] = dfile res["dumper"]["class"] = dumper_name except Exception as e: res["dumper"]["status"] = "error" res["dumper"]["message"] = "Error exporting dumper: %s" % e return res return res
[docs] def export_uploader(self, plugin_name, folder): res = {"uploader": {"status": None, "file": [], "class": [], "message": None}} try: uclasses = self.uploader_manager[plugin_name] except KeyError: res["uploader"]["status"] = "warning" res["uploader"]["message"] = "No uploader found for plugin '%s'" % plugin_name return res status = "ok" message = "" for uclass in uclasses: try: uploader_name = uclass.__name__.split("_")[1].capitalize() + "Uploader" self.logger.debug("Exporting uploader %s" % uploader_name) # assert len(uclass) == 1, "More than one uploader found: %s" % uclass assert hasattr(uclass, "python_code"), "No generated code found" dinit = os.path.join(folder, "") mod_name = f"{uclass.__name__.split('_')[1]}_upload" ufile = os.path.join(folder, mod_name + ".py") # switched to use black from yapf # beauty, _ = yapf_api.FormatCode(uclass.python_code) if black_avail: beauty = black.format_str(uclass.python_code, mode=black.Mode()) else: raise ImportError('"black" package is required for exporting formatted code.') with open(ufile, "w") as fout: fout.write(beauty) with open(dinit, "a") as fout: fout.write(f"from .{mod_name} import %s\n" % uploader_name) res["uploader"]["file"].append(ufile) res["uploader"]["class"].append(uploader_name) except Exception as e: status = "error" message = "Error exporting uploader: %s" % e res["uploader"]["status"] = status res["uploader"]["message"] = message return res
[docs] def export_mapping(self, plugin_name, folder): res = {"mapping": {"status": None, "file": None, "message": None, "origin": None}} # first check if plugin defines a custom mapping in manifest # if that's the case, we don't need to export mapping there # as it'll be exported with "uploader" code plugindoc = get_data_plugin().find_one({"_id": plugin_name}) assert plugindoc, "Can't find plugin named '%s'" % plugin_name plugin_folder = plugindoc.get("download", {}).get("data_folder") assert plugin_folder, "Can't find plugin folder for '%s'" % plugin_name try: manifest = json.load(open(os.path.join(plugin_folder, "manifest.json"))) if "mapping" in manifest.get("uploader", {}): res["mapping"]["message"] = "Custom mapping included in uploader export" res["mapping"]["status"] = "warning" res["mapping"]["origin"] = "custom" return res except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Can't read manifest while exporting code: %s" % e) # try to export mapping from src_master (official) doc = get_src_master().find_one({"_id": plugin_name}) if doc: mapping = doc.get("mapping") res["mapping"]["origin"] = "registered" else: doc = get_src_dump().find_one({"_id": plugin_name}) mapping = doc and doc.get("inspect", {}).get("jobs", {}).get(plugin_name, {}).get("inspect", {}).get( "results", {} ).get("mapping") res["mapping"]["origin"] = "inspection" if not mapping: res["mapping"]["origin"] = None res["mapping"]["status"] = "warning" res["mapping"]["message"] = "Can't find registered or generated (inspection) mapping" return res else: ufile = os.path.join(folder, "") # switched to use black from yapf # strmap, _ = yapf_api.FormatCode(pprint.pformat(mapping)) strmap = black.format_str(pprint.pformat(mapping), mode=black.Mode()) with open(ufile, "a") as fout: fout.write( """ @classmethod def get_mapping(klass): return %s\n""" % textwrap.indent((strmap), prefix=" " * 2) ) res["mapping"]["file"] = ufile res["mapping"]["status"] = "ok" return res
[docs] def export( self, plugin_name, folder=None, what=["dumper", "uploader", "mapping"], # noqa: B006 purge=False, ): """ Export generated code for a given plugin name, in given folder (or use DEFAULT_EXPORT_FOLDER if None). Exported information can be: - dumper: dumper class generated from the manifest - uploader: uploader class generated from the manifest - mapping: mapping generated from inspection or from the manifest If "purge" is true, any existing folder/code will be deleted first, otherwise, will raise an error if some folder/files already exist. """ res = {} # sanity checks if type(what) == str: what = [what] folder = folder or self.default_export_folder assert os.path.exists(folder), "Folder used to export code doesn't exist: %s" % os.path.abspath(folder) assert plugin_name # avoid deleting the whole export folder when purge=True... dp = get_data_plugin() plugin = dp.find_one({"_id": plugin_name}) plugin_path_name = os.path.basename(plugin["download"]["data_folder"]) if not plugin: raise Exception(f"Data plugin {plugin_name} does not exist!") folder = os.path.join(folder, plugin_path_name) if purge: rmdashfr(folder) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) elif not purge: raise FileExistsError("Folder '%s' already exists, use purge=True" % folder) dinit = os.path.join(folder, "") with open(dinit, "w") as fout: fout.write("") if "dumper" in what: res.update(self.export_dumper(plugin_name, folder)) if "uploader" in what: res.update(self.export_uploader(plugin_name, folder)) if "mapping" in what: assert "uploader" in what, "'uploader' needs to be exported too to export mapping" res.update(self.export_mapping(plugin_name, folder)) # there's also at least a parser module, maybe a release module, and some more # dependencies, indirect, not listed in the manifest. We'll just copy everything from # the plugin folder to the export folder plugin_folder = os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_PLUGIN_FOLDER, plugin_path_name) for f in os.listdir(plugin_folder): src = os.path.join(plugin_folder, f) dst = os.path.join(folder, f) # useless or strictly plugin-machinery-specific, skip if f in ["__pycache__", "manifest.json", ""] or f.startswith("."): self.logger.debug("Skipping '%s', not necessary" % src) continue self.logger.debug("Copying %s to %s" % (src, dst)) try: with open(src) as fin: with open(dst, "w") as fout: fout.write( except IsADirectoryError: self.logger.error("%s is a directory, expecting only files to copy" % src) continue return res