Source code for biothings.web.options.manager

Request Argument Standardization

import logging
import re
from collections import UserDict, abc, defaultdict
from datetime import datetime as dt
from pprint import pformat
from types import MappingProxyType

import jmespath
import orjson

    from re import Pattern  # py>=3.7
except ImportError:
    from typing import Pattern

    from functools import singledispatchmethod  # py>=3.7
except ImportError:
    from singledispatchmethod import singledispatchmethod

from biothings.utils.common import dotdict, split_ids

[docs] class OptionError(ValueError): def __init__(self, reason=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() = {"reason": reason}
[docs] def simplify(self): = {k: v for k, v in if v}
def __str__(self): return f"OptionError({pformat(})"
[docs] class Converter: """ A generic HTTP request argument processing unit. Only perform one level of validation at this moment. The strict switch controls the type conversion rules. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.keyword = kwargs.get("keyword") self.type_ = kwargs.get("type", str) self.strict = kwargs.get("strict", True) translations = kwargs.get("translations", ()) # Opinion on what value self.type_ can take # --------------------------------------------- # Although it may sound attractive to use non-native # "type" here to simplify certain object constuction # through the converstion process, and indeed it is # supported through self.to_type, this could lead to # difficulties in OptionSet serialization and other # problems in integration with this module. self.translations = [] if isinstance(translations, dict): translations = translations.items() for pattern, repl in translations: if isinstance(pattern, Pattern): self.translations.append((pattern, repl)) elif isinstance(pattern, tuple): self.translations.append((re.compile(*pattern), repl)) elif isinstance(pattern, str): self.translations.append((re.compile(pattern), repl)) else: # raise TypeError("Invalid Regex Pattern.") def __call__(self, value, to_type): return self.convert_to(value, to_type)
[docs] @classmethod def subclasses(cls, kwargs): for kls in cls.__subclasses__(): name = kls.__name__[: -len("ArgCvter")] yield name.lower(), kls(**kwargs)
[docs] def convert(self, value): return self.convert_to(value, self.type_)
[docs] def convert_to(self, value, to_type): # default implementation # only works for strings assert isinstance(value, str) if to_type is None: to_type = self.type_ if to_type is str: return value # pass through if to_type is bool: return self.str_to_bool(value) if to_type is int: return self.str_to_int(value) if to_type in (list, tuple, set): lst = self.str_to_list(value) return self.to_type(lst, to_type) return self.to_type(value, to_type)
[docs] def translate(self, value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)): return (type(value))(self.translate(item) for item in value) if not isinstance(value, str): return value # can only perform translations to strings # for pattern, repl in self.translations: value = re.sub(pattern, repl, value) if self.keyword == "jmespath" and value: # processing jmespath parameter to be a tuple of (parent_path, target_field, jmes_query) try: target_field_path, jmes_query = value.split("|", maxsplit=1) jmes_query = jmespath.compile(jmes_query) except ValueError as err: # JMES exeptions are subclasses of ValueError raise OptionError(keyword=self.keyword, reason="Invalid value for jmespath parameter", details=str(err)) # now split target_field_path into parent_path and target_field target_field_path = target_field_path or "." # set to root field if not provided try: parent_path, target_field = target_field_path.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1) except ValueError: # if no . in the path, it means the target field is the root field parent_path, target_field = "", target_field_path value = parent_path, target_field, jmes_query return value
[docs] @staticmethod def str_to_bool(val): """Interpret string representation of bool values.""" assert isinstance(val, str) try: # if it is a number return float(val) > 0 except ValueError: pass # process as keywords return val.lower() in ("1", "true", "yes", "y", "t")
# Opinion on str -> list # # It appears to have become more problematic recently, as the variety # of data increase in biothings applications, causing the identifiers # and field values hard to escape properly when used in queries. # # Consider implementing a very safe splitting algorithm that only works # for basic cases like a,b,c and use other methods like JSON input to # pass in complex queries. # # For example, for field reagent.GNF_mm+hs-MGC in Mygene: # the current algorithm will split it into ['reagent.GNF_mm', 'hs-MGC'
[docs] @staticmethod def str_to_list(val): """Cast Biothings-style str to list.""" try: # core splitting algorithm lst = split_ids(str(val)) except ValueError as err: raise OptionError(str(err)) return lst
[docs] def str_to_int(self, val): """Convert a numerical string to an integer.""" assert isinstance(val, str) if not self.strict: val = self.to_type(val, float) return self.to_type(val, int)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_type(val, type_): """ Native type casting in Python. Fallback approach for type casting. """ try: result = (type_)(val) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise OptionError(f"Expect type {type_.__name__}.") return result
[docs] class PathArgCvter(Converter): """ Dedicated argument converter for path arguments. Correspond to arguments received in tornado for RequestHandler.path_args RequestHandler.path_kwargs See """
[docs] class QueryArgCvter(Converter): """ Dedicated argument converter for url query arguments. Correspond to arguments received in tornado from RequestHandler.get_query_argument See """
[docs] @classmethod def str_to_bool(cls, val): """Biothings-style str to bool interpretation""" # empty string indicates the presence of its key # we consider this to be a positive boolean value # this is especially useful in url when the user # may specify endpoint?op1&op2&op3 in which case # it makes sense to consider their keys true. return super().str_to_bool(val) or val.lower() == ""
[docs] class FormArgCvter(Converter): """ Dedicated argument converter for HTTP body arguments. Additionally support JSON seriealization format as values. Correspond to arguments received in tornado from RequestHandler.get_body_argument See """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # If jsoninput evaluates to true, # try to load the str as a json dump jsoninput = kwargs.get("jsoninput", False) if isinstance(jsoninput, bool): self.jsoninput = jsoninput else: # it itself can be in argument format self.jsoninput = self.convert_to(jsoninput, bool) # Opinion on JsonInput # # The aforementioned feature was partly for convenience and partly # for backward compatibility with the original published design. # # It might be more beneficial to use standard data serialization # format like JSON to indicate data type unequivocally.
[docs] def convert_to(self, value, to_type): if self.jsoninput: try: # attempt to load as json first _value = orjson.loads(value) except orjson.JSONDecodeError as exc: logging.debug(repr(exc)) else: # no more conversions if isinstance(_value, to_type): return _value if isinstance(value, to_type): return value if isinstance(value, str): return super().convert_to(value, to_type) return self.to_type(value, to_type)
[docs] class JsonArgCvter(Converter): """ Dedicated argument converter for JSON HTTP bodys. Here it is used for dict JSON objects, with their first level keys considered as parameters and their values considered as arguments to process. May correspond to this tornado implementation: """
[docs] def convert_to(self, value, to_type): if isinstance(value, to_type): return value # type matches if self.strict: # since JSON support value types # strict mode enforces it and essentially # makes this step a validation step. raise OptionError(f"Expect type {to_type.__name__}.") # mostly for biothings client 0.2.3 compatibility if isinstance(value, str) and to_type is list: return self.str_to_list(value) return self.to_type(value, to_type)
[docs] def to_type(self, val, type_): if issubclass(type_, (list, tuple, set)) and not self.strict: val = (val,) # "abc" -> ["abc"] instead of ["a", "b", "c"] return super().to_type(val, type_)
[docs] class ReqResult(dotdict): # besides multi-level attribute(dot) # read and write access, this class # also returns None value for missing # keys instead of raising an error def __str__(self): return f"ReqResult({pformat(self)})"
[docs] class ReqArgs:
[docs] class Path: def __init__(self, args=None, kwargs=None): if args is None: args = () if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} assert isinstance(args, (tuple, list)) assert isinstance(kwargs, dict) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __getitem__(self, key): try: if isinstance(key, int): return self.args[key] if isinstance(key, str): return self.kwargs[key] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None def __bool__(self): return bool(self.args) or bool(self.kwargs) def __str__(self): lines = [] for src in ("args", "kwargs"): if getattr(self, src): lines.append("{}={}".format(src, str(getattr(self, src)))) return "Path(" + ", ".join(lines) + (")")
def __init__(self, path=None, query=None, form=None, json_=None): assert isinstance(query, (dict, type(None))) assert isinstance(form, (dict, type(None))) if not isinstance(path, (self.Path, type(None))): path = self.Path(*path) self.path = path # positional and named capture group in a routing pattern self.query = query # key value pairs after a question mark at the end of an url self.form = form # type multipart/form-data and application/x-www-form-urlencoded self.json = json_ if isinstance(json_, dict) else {} # type application/json
[docs] def lookup(self, locator, order=None, src=False): if isinstance(locator, str): locator = Locator(dict(keyword=locator)) elif isinstance(locator, dict): locator = Locator(locator) elif not isinstance(locator, Locator): raise TypeError("Unknown Locator.") if order is None: order = ("path", "query", "form", "json") elif isinstance(order, str): order = (order,) elif not isinstance(order, abc.Iterable): raise TypeError("Unknown Order.") for loc in order: try: args = getattr(self, loc) val = locator.lookin(args) except AttributeError: _ = "No such location: %s." logging.warning(_, loc) else: if val is not None: return (val, loc) if src else val return (None, None) if src else None
def __str__(self): lines = [] for src in ("path", "query", "form", "json"): if getattr(self, src): lines.append("{}={}".format(src, str(getattr(self, src)))) return "ReqArgs(" + ",\n".join(lines) + (")")
[docs] class Locator: """ Describes the location of an argument in ReqArgs. { "keyword": <str>, "path": <int or str>, "alias": <str or [<str>, ...]> } """ def __init__(self, defdict): self.keyword = defdict.get("keyword") self.path = defdict.get("path") aliases = defdict.get("alias", []) assert isinstance(self.path, (str, int, type(None))) assert isinstance(self.keyword, (str, type(None))) if isinstance(aliases, (list, tuple)): self.aliases = aliases elif isinstance(aliases, str): self.aliases = [aliases] else: # validation failed raise ValueError("Unknown Alias.")
[docs] @singledispatchmethod def lookin(self, location): """ Find an argument in the specified location. Use directions indicated in this locator. """
@lookin.register(ReqArgs.Path) def _(self, path): if self.path is not None: return path[self.path] return None @lookin.register(dict) # all others def _(self, dic): if self.keyword in dic: return dic[self.keyword] for alias in self.aliases: if alias in dic: return dic[alias] return None
[docs] class Existentialist: """ Describes the requirement of the existance of an argument. { "default": <object>, "required": <bool>, } """ def __init__(self, defdict): self._defdict = MappingProxyType(defdict) self.keyword = defdict.get("keyword") self.required = bool(defdict.get("required")) self.default = defdict.get("default") if self.default and self.required: logging.warning( ( "A default value is set for parameter '%s' " "while 'required' is set to True, making it" "ineffective." ), self.keyword, )
[docs] def inquire(self, obj): if obj is None: if self.required: raise OptionError( missing=self.keyword, keyword=None, # empty this field alias=self._defdict.get("alias"), ) obj = self.default return obj
[docs] class Validator: """ Describes the requirement of the existance of an argument. { "enum": <container>, "max": <int>, "min": <int>, "date_format": <str>, } """ def __init__(self, defdict): self._defdict = MappingProxyType(defdict) self.keyword = defdict.get("keyword") self.strict = defdict.get("strict", True) self.enum = defdict.get("enum", ()) self.max = defdict.get("max") self.min = defdict.get("min") self.date_format = defdict.get("date_format") assert isinstance(self.enum, abc.Container) assert isinstance(self.max, (int, type(None))) assert isinstance(self.min, (int, type(None))) assert isinstance(self.date_format, (str, type(None)))
[docs] def validate(self, obj): if self.enum and not self._in_enum(obj): raise OptionError( keyword=self.keyword, allowed=self.enum, alias=self._defdict.get("alias"), ) if self.max: if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)): self._check_list_max(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (int, float, complex)): self._check_num_max(obj) if self.min: if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)): self._check_list_min(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (int, float, complex)): self._check_num_min(obj) if self.date_format and isinstance(obj, str): self._check_date_format(obj) return obj
def _in_enum(self, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)): for val in value: if not self._in_enum(val): return False return True return value in self.enum def _check_list_max(self, container): if len(container) > self.max: raise OptionError(keyword=self.keyword, max=self.max, size=len(container)) def _check_num_max(self, num): if isinstance(num, bool): return if num > self.max: raise OptionError(keyword=self.keyword, max=self.max, num=num) def _check_list_min(self, container): if len(container) > self.min: raise OptionError(keyword=self.keyword, min=self.min, size=len(container)) def _check_num_min(self, num): if isinstance(num, bool): return if num < self.min: raise OptionError(keyword=self.keyword, min=self.min, num=num) def _check_date_format(self, value): try: dt.strptime(value, self.date_format) except Exception: raise OptionError(keyword=self.keyword, date_format=self.date_format, num=value)
# For Future Work # ------------------ # Consider supporting the OpenAPI-compatible JSON Schema # definitions as a subset of keys to describe the Option. # By doing this, it is both easier to validate the input # and to generate an OpenAPI Specification. Validation # can be performed by existing packages like "jsonschema", # and components of the OpenAPI Specifications can be # generated by directly taking the relevant keys from the # Option definition. However, keep in mind that validation # and converstion will still not be straightforward when # dealing with query parameters and form-encoded requests. # To illustrate the benefit of using a subset of JSON Schema # as our option validation language, take the example of # validating complex objects. Currently, nested objects or # containers are only validated at the top level, with the # help of JSON schema, we could easily find the syntax needed # to define the object structure and perform validation. # Comparing to designing the schema language ourselves, # and writing validation code for that purpose, using an # existing framework should save time and improve accuracy, # not to mention the additional benefit of spec generation. # For more about OpenAPI-compatible JSON Schema: #
[docs] class Option(UserDict): """ A parameter for end applications to consume. Find the value of it in the desired *location*. For example: { "keyword": "q", "location": ("query", "form", "json"), "default": "__all__", "type": "str" } """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._locater = Locator(self) self._exists = Existentialist(self) self._typify = dict(Converter.subclasses(self)) self._validator = Validator(self) # default argument parsing location order self.order = self.get("location", None) if self.order == "body": # shortcut self.order = ("form", "json")
[docs] def parse(self, reqargs): if not isinstance(reqargs, ReqArgs): reqargs = ReqArgs(*reqargs) # ------- debug here ------- # if self.get("keyword") == "q": # print() # breakpoint # --------------------------- # find the user input val, loc = reqargs.lookup(locator=self._locater, order=self.order, src=True) if val is None: val = self._exists.inquire(val) else: # type conversion and transform val = self._typify[loc].convert(val) val = self._typify[loc].translate(val) # additional conditions val = self._validator.validate(val) return val
[docs] class OptionSet(UserDict): """ A collection of options that a specific endpoint consumes. Divided into *groups* and by the *request methods*. For example: { "*":{"raw":{...},"size":{...},"dotfield":{...}}, "GET":{"q":{...},"from":{...},"sort":{...}}, "POST":{"q":{...},"scopes":{...}} } """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.groups = set() # explicit result access groups self.setup() # populate self.optset variable def __missing__(self, key):[key] = {} return self[key]
[docs] def setup(self): """ Apply the wildcard method configurations dict. Must call this method after changes to this object. """ # store Option objects used for parse method self.optset = defaultdict(dict) for method, options in for keyword, defdict in options.items(): option = dict(defdict) option["keyword"] = keyword self.optset[method][keyword] = Option(option) if "group" in option: if isinstance(option["group"], (list, tuple, set)): self.groups.update(option["group"]) elif isinstance(option["group"], str): self.groups.add(option["group"]) wildcards = self.optset.get("*", {}) for _method, options in self.optset.items(): for keyword, option in wildcards.items(): options.setdefault(keyword, option)
[docs] def parse(self, method, reqargs): """ Parse a HTTP request, represented by its method and args, with this OptionSet and return an attribute dictionary. """ options = self.optset.get(method, self.optset["*"]) result = defaultdict(dict) # to accomodate groups for keyword, option in options.items(): try: val = option.parse(reqargs) except OptionError as err:"keyword", keyword)["alias"] = option.get("alias") err.simplify() # remove empty fields raise err # with helpful info if val is not None: if "group" in option: group = option["group"] if isinstance(group, str): result[group][keyword] = val else: # assume iterable for _group in group: result[_group][keyword] = val else: # top level keywords result[keyword] = val elif "default" in option: # explicit None result[keyword] = None # make sure all named groups exist for group in self.groups: if group not in result: result[group] = {} return ReqResult(result)
[docs] class OptionsManager(UserDict): """ A collection of OptionSet(s) that makes up an application. Provide an interface to setup and serialize. Example: { "annotation": {"*": {...}, "GET": {...}, "POST": {... }}, "query": {"*": {...}, "GET": {...}, "POST": {... }}, "metadata": {"GET": {...}, "POST": {... }} } """
[docs] def add(self, name, optionset, groups=()): if not name: logging.warning("Ignore unnamed optionset:\n%s", optionset) if name not in[name] = OptionSet(optionset)[name].groups.update(groups) else: # update existing optionset for method, options in optionset.items(): # merge second level objects[name][method].update(options)[name].groups.update(groups)[name].setup() # required
[docs] def log(self): # serializable API-ready format return self._serialize(self)
def _serialize(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping): _obj = {} items = list(obj.items()) for key, val in sorted(items): _obj[key] = self._serialize(val) return _obj if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [self._serialize(item) for item in obj] if isinstance(obj, (str, int)): return obj if hasattr(obj, "__name__"): return obj.__name__ return str(obj) # best effort