Source code for biothings.web.query.engine

    Search Execution Engine

    Take the output of the query builder and feed
    to the corresponding database engine. This stage
    typically resolves the db destination from a
    biothing_type and applies presentation and/or
    networking parameters.


    >>> from biothings.web.query import ESQueryBackend
    >>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    >>> from elasticsearch_dsl import Search

    >>> backend = ESQueryBackend(Elasticsearch())
    >>> backend.execute(Search().query("match", _id="1017"))

    >>> _["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"].keys()
    dict_keys(['taxid', 'symbol', 'name', ... ])


import asyncio

from elasticsearch import NotFoundError, RequestError
from elasticsearch_dsl import MultiSearch, Search

from biothings.web.query.builder import ESScrollID

[docs] class ResultInterrupt(Exception): def __init__(self, data): super().__init__() = data
[docs] class RawResultInterrupt(ResultInterrupt): pass
[docs] class EndScrollInterrupt(ResultInterrupt): def __init__(self): super().__init__({"success": False, "error": "No more results to return."})
[docs] class ESQueryBackend: def __init__(self, client, indices=None): self.client = client self.indices = indices or {None: "_all"} # a list of biothing_type -> index pattern mapping # --------------------------------------------------- # { # None: "hg19_current", # "hg19": "hg19_current", # "hg38": "hg38_index1,hg38_index2", # "_internal": "hg*_current" # } if None not in self.indices: # set default index pattern self.indices[None] = next(iter(self.indices.values()))
[docs] def execute(self, query, **options): assert isinstance(query, Search) index = self.indices[options.get("biothing_type")] # index can be further adjusted (e.g. based on options) if necessary index = self.adjust_index(index, query, **options) return, index)
[docs] def adjust_index(self, original_index, query, **options): """ Override to get specific ES index. """ return original_index
[docs] class AsyncESQueryBackend(ESQueryBackend): """ Execute an Elasticsearch query """ def __init__( self, client, indices=None, scroll_time="1m", scroll_size=1000, multisearch_concurrency=5, total_hits_as_int=True, ): super().__init__(client, indices) # for scroll queries self.scroll_time = scroll_time # scroll context expiration timeout self.scroll_size = scroll_size # result window size override value # concurrency control self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(multisearch_concurrency) # additional params # # #hits-total-now-object-search-response self.total_hits_as_int = total_hits_as_int
[docs] async def execute(self, query, **options): """ Execute the corresponding query. Must return an awaitable. May override to add more. Handle uncaught exceptions. Options: fetch_all: also return a scroll_id for this query (default: false) biothing_type: which type's corresponding indices to query (default in """ assert isinstance( query, ( # # # Search, MultiSearch, ESScrollID, ), ) if isinstance(query, ESScrollID): try: res = await self.client.scroll(, scroll=self.scroll_time, rest_total_hits_as_int=self.total_hits_as_int ) except ( RequestError, # the id is not in the correct format of a context id NotFoundError, # the id does not correspond to any search context ): raise ValueError("Invalid or stale scroll_id.") else: if options.get("raw"): raise RawResultInterrupt(res) if not res["hits"]["hits"]: raise EndScrollInterrupt() return res # everything below require us to know which indices to query index = self.indices[options.get("biothing_type")] # index can be further adjusted (e.g. based on options) if necessary index = self.adjust_index(index, query, **options) if isinstance(query, Search): if options.get("fetch_all"): query = query.extra(size=self.scroll_size) query = query.params(scroll=self.scroll_time) if self.total_hits_as_int: query = query.params(rest_total_hits_as_int=True) query_kwargs = query.to_dict() query_kwargs.update(query._params) if "from" in query_kwargs: query_kwargs["from_"] = query_kwargs.pop("from") res = await, **query_kwargs) elif isinstance(query, MultiSearch): await self.semaphore.acquire() try: res = await self.client.msearch(body=query.to_dict(), index=index) finally: self.semaphore.release() res = res["responses"] if options.get("raw"): raise RawResultInterrupt(res) return res
[docs] class MongoQueryBackend: def __init__(self, client, collections): self.client = client self.collections = collections if None not in self.collections: # set default collection pattern self.collections[None] = next(iter(self.collections.values()))
[docs] def execute(self, query, **options): client = self.client[self.collections[options.get("biothing_type")]] return list(client.find(*query).skip(options.get("from", 0)).limit(options.get("size", 10)))
[docs] class SQLQueryBackend: def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def execute(self, query, **options): result = self.client.execute(query) return result.keys(), result.all()