************* BioThings Hub ************* .. note:: This tutorial uses an old/deprecated version of BioThings SDK. It will be updated very soon. In this tutorial, we will build the whole process, or "hub", which produces the data for Taxonomy BioThings API, accessible at `t.biothings.io `_. This API serves information about species, lineage, etc... This "hub" is used to download, maintain up-to-date, process, merge data. At the end of this process, an Elasticsearch index is created containing all the data of interest, ready to be served as an API, using Biothings SDK Web component (covered in another tutorial). Taxonomy Biothings API code is avaiable at ``_. Prerequesites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BioThings SDK uses MongoDB as the "staging" storage backend for JSON objects before they are sent to Elasticsearch for indexing. You must a have working MongoDB instance you can connect to. We'll also perform some basic commands. You also have to install the latest stable BioThings SDK release, with pip from `PyPI `_: :: pip install biothings You can install the latest development version of BioThings SDK directly from our github repository like: :: pip install git+https://github.com/biothings/biothings.api.git#egg=biothings Alternatively, you can download the source code, or clone the `BioThings SDK repository `_ and run: :: python setup.py install You may want to use ``virtualenv`` to isolate your installation. Finally, BioThings SDK is written in python, so you must know some basics. Configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before starting to implement our hub, we first need to define a configuration file. This `default_config.py ` file contains all the required and optional configuration variables, some **have** to be defined in your own application, other **can** be overriden as needed (see `config_hub.py ` for an example). Typically we will have to define the following: * MongoDB connections parameters, ``DATA_SRC_*`` and ``DATA_TARGET_*`` parameters. They define connections to two different databases, one will contain individual collections for each datasource (SRC) and the other will contain merged collections (TARGET). * ``HUB_DB_BACKEND`` defines a database connection for hub purpose (application specific data, like sources status, etc...). Default backend type is MongoDB. We will need to provide a valid mongodb:// URI. Other backend types are available, like sqlite3 and ElasticSearch, but since we'll use MongoDB to store and process our data, we'll stick to the default. * ``DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT`` contains the path of the root folder that will contain all the downloaded and processed data. Other parameters should be self-explanatory and probably don’t need to be changed. * ``LOG_FOLDER`` contains the log files produced by the hub Create a **config.py** and add ``from config_common import *`` then define all required variables above. **config.py** will look something like this: .. code-block:: python from config_common import * DATA_SRC_SERVER = "myhost" DATA_SRC_PORT = 27017 DATA_SRC_DATABASE = "tutorial_src" DATA_SRC_SERVER_USERNAME = None DATA_SRC_SERVER_PASSWORD = None DATA_TARGET_SERVER = "myhost" DATA_TARGET_PORT = 27017 DATA_TARGET_DATABASE = "tutorial" DATA_TARGET_SERVER_USERNAME = None DATA_TARGET_SERVER_PASSWORD = None HUB_DB_BACKEND = { "module" : "biothings.utils.mongo", "uri" : "mongodb://myhost:27017", } DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT = "/tmp/tutorial" LOG_FOLDER = "/tmp/tutorial/logs" Note: Log folder must be created manually hub.py ^^^^^^ This script represents the main hub executable. Each hub should define it, this is where the different hub commands are going to be defined and where tasks are actually running. It’s also from this script that a SSH server will run so we can actually log into the hub and access those registered commands. Along this tutorial, we will enrich that script. For now, we’re just going to define a JobManager, the SSH server and make sure everything is running fine. .. code-block:: python import asyncio, asyncssh, sys import concurrent.futures from functools import partial import config, biothings biothings.config_for_app(config) from biothings.utils.manager import JobManager loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() process_queue = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) thread_queue = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() loop.set_default_executor(process_queue) jmanager = JobManager(loop, process_queue, thread_queue, max_memory_usage=None, ) ``jmanager`` is our JobManager, it’s going to be used everywhere in the hub, each time a parallelized job is created. Species hub is a small one, there’s no need for many process workers, two should be fine. Next, let’s define some basic commands for our new hub: .. code-block:: python from biothings.utils.hub import schedule, top, pending, done COMMANDS = { "sch" : partial(schedule,loop), "top" : partial(top,process_queue,thread_queue), "pending" : pending, "done" : done, } These commands are then registered in the SSH server, which is linked to a python interpreter. Commands will be part of the interpreter’s namespace and be available from a SSH connection. .. code-block:: python passwords = { 'guest': '', # guest account with no password } from biothings.utils.hub import start_server server = start_server(loop, "Taxonomy hub",passwords=passwords,port=7022,commands=COMMANDS) try: loop.run_until_complete(server) except (OSError, asyncssh.Error) as exc: sys.exit('Error starting server: ' + str(exc)) loop.run_forever() Let’s try to run that script ! The first run, it will complain about some missing SSH key: .. code:: bash AssertionError: Missing key 'bin/ssh_host_key' (use: 'ssh-keygen -f bin/ssh_host_key' to generate it Let’s generate it, following instruction. Now we can run it again and try to connect: .. code-block:: console $ ssh guest@localhost -p 7022 The authenticity of host '[localhost]:7022 ([]:7022)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:USgdr9nlFVryr475+kQWlLyPxwzIUREcnOCyctU1y1Q. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:7022' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Welcome to Taxonomy hub, guest! hub> Let’s try a command: .. code-block:: bash hub> top() 0 running job(s) 0 pending job(s), type 'top(pending)' for more Nothing fancy here, we don’t have much in our hub yet, but everything is running fine. Dumpers ^^^^^^^ BioThings species API gathers data from different datasources. We will need to define different dumpers to make this data available locally for further processing. Taxonomy dumper =============== This dumper will download taxonomy data from NCBI FTP server. There’s one file to download, available at this location: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz. When defining a dumper, we’ll need to choose a base class to derive our dumper class from. There are different base dumper classes available in BioThings SDK, depending on the protocol we want to use to download data. In this case, we’ll derive our class from ``biothings.hub.dataload.dumper.FTPDumper``. In addition to defining some specific class attributes, we will need to implement a method called ``create_todump_list()``. This method fills ``self.to_dump`` list, which is later going to be used to download data. One element in that list is a dictionary with the following structure: .. code-block:: python {"remote": ""} Remote information are relative to the working directory specified as class attribute. Local information is an absolute path, containing filename used to save data. Let’s start coding. We’ll save that python module in `dataload/sources/taxonomy/dumper.py `_. .. code-block:: python import biothings, config biothings.config_for_app(config) Those lines are used to configure BioThings SDK according to our own configuration information. .. code-block:: python from config import DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT from biothings.hub.dataload.dumper import FTPDumper We then import a configuration constant, and the FTPDumper base class. .. code-block:: python class TaxonomyDumper(FTPDumper): SRC_NAME = "taxonomy" SRC_ROOT_FOLDER = os.path.join(DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT, SRC_NAME) FTP_HOST = 'ftp.ncbi.nih.gov' CWD_DIR = '/pub/taxonomy' SUFFIX_ATTR = "timestamp" SCHEDULE = "0 9 * * *" * ``SRC_NAME`` will used as the registered name for this datasource (more on this later). * ``SRC_ROOT_FOLDER`` is the folder path for this resource, without any version information (dumper will create different sub-folders for each version). * ``FTP_HOST`` and ``CWD_DIR`` gives information to connect to the remove FTP server and move to appropriate remote directory (``FTP_USER`` and ``FTP_PASSWD`` constants can also be used for authentication). * ``SUFFIX_ATTR`` defines the attributes that’s going to be used to create folder for each downloaded version. It’s basically either "release" or "timestamp", depending on whether the resource we’re trying to dump has an actual version. Here, for taxdump file, there’s no version, so we’re going to use "timestamp". This attribute is automatically set to current date, so folders will look like that: **.../taxonomy/20170120**, **.../taxonomy/20170121**, etc… * Finally ``SCHEDULE``, if defined, will allow that dumper to regularly run within the hub. This is a cron-like notation (see aiocron documentation for more). We now need to tell the dumper what to download, that is, create that self.to_dump list: .. code-block:: python def create_todump_list(self, force=False): file_to_dump = "taxdump.tar.gz" new_localfile = os.path.join(self.new_data_folder,file_to_dump) try: current_localfile = os.path.join(self.current_data_folder, file_to_dump) except TypeError: # current data folder doesn't even exist current_localfile = new_localfile if force or not os.path.exists(current_localfile) or self.remote_is_better(file_to_dump, current_localfile): # register new release (will be stored in backend) self.to_dump.append({"remote": file_to_dump, "local":new_localfile}) That method tries to get the latest downloaded file and then compare that file with the remote file using ``self.remote_is_better(file_to_dump, current_localfile)``, which compares the dates and returns True if the remote is more recent. A dict is then created with required elements and appened to ``self.to_dump`` list. When the dump is running, each element from that self.to_dump list will be submitted to a job and be downloaded in parallel. Let’s try our new dumper. We need to update ``hub.py`` script to add a DumperManager and then register this dumper: In `hub.py `_: .. code-block:: python import dataload import biothings.hub.dataload.dumper as dumper dmanager = dumper.DumperManager(job_manager=jmanager) dmanager.register_sources(dataload.__sources__) dmanager.schedule_all() Let’s also register new commands in the hub: .. code-block:: python COMMANDS = { # dump commands "dm" : dmanager, "dump" : dmanager.dump_src, ... ``dm`` will a shortcut for the dumper manager object, and ``dump`` will actually call manager’s ``dump_src()`` method. Manager is auto-registering dumpers from list defines in dataload package. Let’s define that list: In `dataload/__init__.py `_: .. code-block:: python __sources__ = [ "dataload.sources.taxonomy", ] That’s it, it’s just a string pointing to our taxonomy package. We’ll expose our dumper class in that package so the manager can inspect it and find our dumper (note: we could use give the full path to our dumper module, ``dataload.sources.taxonomy.dumper``, but we’ll add uploaders later, it’s better to have one single line per resource). In `dataload/sources/taxonomy/__init__.py `_ .. code-block:: python from .dumper import TaxonomyDumper Let’s run the hub again. We can on the logs that our dumper has been found: .. code:: bash Found a class based on BaseDumper: '' Also, manager has found scheduling information and created a task for this: .. code:: bash Scheduling task functools.partial(>, , job_manager=, force=False): 0 9 * * * We can double-check this by connecting to the hub, and type some commands: .. code:: bash Welcome to Taxonomy hub, guest! hub> dm When printing the manager, we can check our taxonomy resource has been registered properly. .. code:: bash hub> sch() DumperManager.create_and_dump(,) [0 9 * * * ] {run in 00h:39m:09s} Dumper is going to run in 39 minutes ! We can trigger a manual upload too: .. code:: bash hub> dump("taxonomy") [1] RUN {0.0s} dump("taxonomy") OK, dumper is running, we can follow task status from the console. At some point, task will be done: .. code:: bash hub> [1] OK dump("taxonomy"): finished, [None] It successfully run (OK), nothing was returned by the task ([None]). Logs show some more details: .. code:: bash DEBUG:taxonomy.hub:Creating new TaxonomyDumper instance INFO:taxonomy_dump:1 file(s) to download DEBUG:taxonomy_dump:Downloading 'taxdump.tar.gz' INFO:taxonomy_dump:taxonomy successfully downloaded INFO:taxonomy_dump:success Alright, now if we try to run the dumper again, nothing should be downloaded since we got the latest file available. Let’s try that, here are the logs: .. code:: bash DEBUG:taxonomy.hub:Creating new TaxonomyDumper instance DEBUG:taxonomy_dump:'taxdump.tar.gz' is up-to-date, no need to download INFO:taxonomy_dump:Nothing to dump So far so good! The actual file, depending on the configuration settings, it’s located in **./data/taxonomy/20170125/taxdump.tar.gz**. We can notice the timestamp used to create the folder. Let’s also have a look at in the internal database to see the resource status. Connect to MongoDB: .. code:: javascript > use hub_config switched to db hub_config > db.src_dump.find() { "_id" : "taxonomy", "release" : "20170125", "data_folder" : "./data/taxonomy/20170125", "pending_to_upload" : true, "download" : { "logfile" : "./data/taxonomy/taxonomy_20170125_dump.log", "time" : "4.52s", "status" : "success", "started_at" : ISODate("2017-01-25T08:32:28.448Z") } } > We have some information about the download process, how long it took to download files, etc… We have the path to the ``data_folder`` containing the latest version, the ``release`` number (here, it’s a timestamp), and a flag named ``pending_to_upload``. That will be used later to automatically trigger an upload after a dumper has run. So the actual file is currently compressed, we need to uncompress it before going further. We can add a post-dump step to our dumper. There are two options there, by overriding one of those methods: .. code-block:: python def post_download(self, remotefile, localfile): triggered for each downloaded file def post_dump(self): triggered once all files have been downloaded We could use either, but there’s a utility function available in BioThings SDK that uncompress everything in a directory, let’s use it in a global post-dump step: .. code-block:: python from biothings.utils.common import untargzall ... def post_dump(self): untargzall(self.new_data_folder) ``self.new_data_folder`` is the path to the folder freshly created by the dumper (in our case, **./data/taxonomy/20170125**) Let’s try this in the console (restart the hub to make those changes alive). Because file is up-to-date, dumper will not run. We need to force it: .. code:: bash hub> dump("taxonomy",force=True) Or, instead of downloading the file again, we can directly trigger the post-dump step: .. code:: bash hub> dump("taxonomy",steps="post") There are 2 steps steps available in a dumper: 1. **dump** : will actually download files 2. **post** : will post-process downloaded files (post_dump) By default, both run sequentially. After typing either of these commands, logs will show some information about the uncompressing step: .. code:: bash DEBUG:taxonomy.hub:Creating new TaxonomyDumper instance INFO:taxonomy_dump:success INFO:root:untargz '/opt/slelong/Documents/Projects/biothings.species/src/data/taxonomy/20170125/taxdump.tar.gz' Folder contains all uncompressed files, ready to be process by an uploader. UniProt species dumper ====================== Following guideline from previous taxonomy dumper, we’re now implementing a new dumper used to download species list. There’s just one file to be downloaded from ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/docs/speclist.txt. Same as before, dumper will inherits FTPDumper base class. File is not compressed, so except this, this dumper will look the same. Code is available on github for further details: `ee674c55bad849b43c8514fcc6b7139423c70074 `_ for the whole commit changes, and `dataload/sources/uniprot/dumper.py `_ for the actual dumper. Gene information dumper ======================= The last dumper we have to implement will download some gene information from NCBI (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA/gene_info.gz). It’s very similar to the first one (we could even have merged them together). Code is available on github: `d3b3486f71e865235efd673d2f371b53eaa0bc5b `_ for whole changes and `dataload/sources/geneinfo/dumper.py `_ for the dumper. Additional base dumper classes ============================== The previous examples utilized the `FTPDumper` base dumper class. The list of available base dumper classes include: * ``FTPDumper`` - Downloads content from ftp source * ``LastModifiedFTPDumper`` - A wrapper over FTPDumper, one URL will give one FTPDumper instance. SRC_URLS containing a list of URLs pointing to files to download, use FTP's MDTM command to check whether files should be downloaded. The release is generated from the last file's MDTM in SRC_URLS, and formatted according to RELEASE_FORMAT. * ``HTTPDumper``- Dumper using HTTP protocol and "requests" library * ``LastModifiedHTTPDumper`` - Similar to LastModifiedFTPDumper, but for http * ``WgetDumper``- Fill self.to_dump list with dict("remote":remote_path,"local":local_path) elements. This is the todo list for the dumper * ``FilesystemDumper``- works locally and copy (or move) files to datasource folder * ``DummyDumper`` - Does nothing * ``ManualDumper`` - Assists user to dump a resource. This will usually expect the files to be downloaded first (sometimes there's no easy way to automate this process). Once downloaded, a call to dump() will make sure everything is fine in terms of files and metadata * ``GoogleDriveDumper`` - Dumps files from google drive * ``GitDumper`` - Gets data from a git repo. Repo is stored in SRC_ROOT_FOLDER (without versioning) and then versions/releases are fetched in SRC_ROOT_FOLDER/ Additional details on the available base dumper classes can be found at: https://github.com/biothings/biothings.api/blob/master/biothings/hub/dataload/dumper.py Uploaders ^^^^^^^^^ Now that we have local data available, we can process them. We’re going to create 3 different uploaders, one for each datasource. Each uploader will load data into MongoDB, into individual/single collections. Those will then be used in the last merging step. Before going further, we’ll first create an UploaderManager instance and register some of its commands in the hub: .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.dataload.uploader as uploader # will check every 10 seconds for sources to upload umanager = uploader.UploaderManager(poll_schedule = '* * * * * */10', job_manager=jmanager) umanager.register_sources(dataload.__sources__) umanager.poll() COMMANDS = { ... # upload commands "um" : umanager, "upload" : umanager.upload_src, ... Running the hub, we’ll see the kind of log statements: .. code:: bash INFO:taxonomy.hub:Found 2 resources to upload (['species', 'geneinfo']) INFO:taxonomy.hub:Launch upload for 'species' ERROR:taxonomy.hub:Resource 'species' needs upload but is not registered in manager INFO:taxonomy.hub:Launch upload for 'geneinfo' ERROR:taxonomy.hub:Resource 'geneinfo' needs upload but is not registered in manager ... Indeed, datasources have been dumped, and a ``pending_to_upload`` flag has been to True in ``src_dump``. UploadManager polls this ``src_dump`` internal collection, looking for this flag. If set, it runs automatically the corresponding uploader(s). Since we didn’t implement any uploaders yet, manager complains… Let’s fix that. Taxonomy uploader ================= The taxonomy files we downloaded need to be parsed and stored into a MongoDB collection. We won’t go in too much details regarding the actual parsing, there are two parsers, one for **nodes.dmp** and another for **names.dmp** files. They yield dictionaries as the result of this parsing step. We just need to "connect" those parsers to uploaders. Following the same approach as for dumpers, we’re going to implement our first uploaders by inheriting one the base classes available in BioThings SDK. We have two files to parse, data will stored in two different MongoDB collections, so we’re going to have two uploaders. Each inherits from ``biothings.hub.dataload.uploader.BaseSourceUploader``, ``load_data`` method has to be implemented, this is where we "connect" parsers. Beside this method, another important point relates to the storage engine. ``load_data`` will, through the parser, yield documents (dictionaries). This data is processed internally by the base uploader class (``BaseSourceUploader``) using a storage engine. ``BaseSourceUploader`` uses ``biothings.hub.dataload.storage.BasicStorage`` as its engine. This storage inserts data in MongoDB collection using bulk operations for better performances. There are other storages available, depending on how data should be inserted (eg. IgnoreDuplicatedStorage will ignore any duplicated data error). While choosing a base uploader class, we need to consider which storage class it’s actually using behind-the-scene (an alternative way to do this is using ``BaseSourceUploader`` and set the class attribute storage_class, such as in this uploader: `biothings/dataload/uploader.py#L447 `_). The first uploader will take care of nodes.dmp parsing and storage. .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.dataload.uploader as uploader from .parser import parse_refseq_names, parse_refseq_nodes class TaxonomyNodesUploader(uploader.BaseSourceUploader): main_source = "taxonomy" name = "nodes" def load_data(self,data_folder): nodes_file = os.path.join(data_folder,"nodes.dmp") self.logger.info("Load data from file '%s'" % nodes_file) return parse_refseq_nodes(open(nodes_file)) * ``TaxonomyNodesUploader`` derives from ``BaseSourceUploader`` * ``name`` gives the name of the collection used to store the data. If ``main_source`` is *not* defined, it must match ``SRC_NAME`` in dumper’s attributes * ``main_source`` is optional and allows to define main sources and sub-sources. Since we have 2 parsers here, we’re going to have 2 collections created. For this one, we want the collection named "nodes". But this parser relates to *taxonomy* datasource, so we define a ``main source`` called **taxonomy**, which matches ``SRC_NAME`` in dumper’s attributes. * ``load_data()`` has ``data_folder`` as parameter. It will be set accordingly, to the path of the last version dumped. Also, that method gets data from parsing function ``parse_refseq_nodes``. It’s where we "connect" the parser. We just need to return parser’s result so the storage can actually store the data. The other parser, for names.dmp, is almost the same: .. code-block:: python class TaxonomyNamesUploader(uploader.BaseSourceUploader): main_source = "taxonomy" name = "names" def load_data(self,data_folder): names_file = os.path.join(data_folder,"names.dmp") self.logger.info("Load data from file '%s'" % names_file) return parse_refseq_names(open(names_file)) We then need to "expose" those parsers in taxonomy package, in `dataload/sources/taxonomy/__init__.py `_: .. code-block:: python from .uploader import TaxonomyNodesUploader, TaxonomyNamesUploader Now let’s try to run the hub again. We should see uploader manager has automatically triggered some uploads: .. code:: bash INFO:taxonomy.hub:Launch upload for 'taxonomy' ... ... INFO:taxonomy.names_upload:Uploading 'names' (collection: names) INFO:taxonomy.nodes_upload:Uploading 'nodes' (collection: nodes) INFO:taxonomy.nodes_upload:Load data from file './data/taxonomy/20170125/nodes.dmp' INFO:taxonomy.names_upload:Load data from file './data/taxonomy/20170125/names.dmp' INFO:root:Uploading to the DB... INFO:root:Uploading to the DB... While running, we can check what jobs are running, using top() command: .. code:: bash hub> top() PID | SOURCE | CATEGORY | STEP | DESCRIPTION | MEM | CPU | STARTED_AT | DURATION 5795 | taxonomy.nodes | uploader | update_data | | 49.7MiB | 0.0% | 2017/01/25 14:58:40|15.49s 5796 | taxonomy.names | uploader | update_data | | 54.6MiB | 0.0% | 2017/01/25 14:58:40|15.49s 2 running job(s) 0 pending job(s), type 'top(pending)' for more 16 finished job(s), type 'top(done)' for more We can see two uploaders running at the same time, one for each file. ``top(done)`` can also display jobs that are done and finally ``top(pending)`` can give an overview of jobs that are going to be launched when a worker is available (it happens when there are more jobs created than the available number of workers overtime). In ``src_dump`` collection, we can see some more information about the resource and its upload processes. Two jobs were created, we have information about the duration, log files, etc... .. code:: javascript > db.src_dump.find({_id:"taxonomy"}) { "_id" : "taxonomy", "download" : { "started_at" : ISODate("2017-01-25T13:09:26.423Z"), "status" : "success", "time" : "3.31s", "logfile" : "./data/taxonomy/taxonomy_20170125_dump.log" }, "data_folder" : "./data/taxonomy/20170125", "release" : "20170125", "upload" : { "status" : "success", "jobs" : { "names" : { "started_at" : ISODate("2017-01-25T14:58:40.034Z"), "pid" : 5784, "logfile" : "./data/taxonomy/taxonomy.names_20170125_upload.log", "step" : "names", "temp_collection" : "names_temp_eJUdh1te", "status" : "success", "time" : "26.61s", "count" : 1552809, "time_in_s" : 27 }, "nodes" : { "started_at" : ISODate("2017-01-25T14:58:40.043Z"), "pid" : 5784, "logfile" : "./data/taxonomy/taxonomy.nodes_20170125_upload.log", "step" : "nodes", "temp_collection" : "nodes_temp_T5VnzRQC", "status" : "success", "time" : "22.4s", "time_in_s" : 22, "count" : 1552809 } } } } In the end, two collections were created, containing parsed data: .. code:: javascript > db.names.count() 1552809 > db.nodes.count() 1552809 > db.names.find().limit(2) { "_id" : "1", "taxid" : 1, "other_names" : [ "all" ], "scientific_name" : "root" } { "_id" : "2", "other_names" : [ "bacteria", "not bacteria haeckel 1894" ], "genbank_common_name" : "eubacteria", "in-part" : [ "monera", "procaryotae", "prokaryota", "prokaryotae", "prokaryote", "prokaryotes" ], "taxid" : 2, "scientific_name" : "bacteria" } > db.nodes.find().limit(2) { "_id" : "1", "rank" : "no rank", "parent_taxid" : 1, "taxid" : 1 } { "_id" : "2", "rank" : "superkingdom", "parent_taxid" : 131567, "taxid" : 2 } UniProt species uploader ======================== Following the same guideline, we’re going to create another uploader for species file. .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.dataload.uploader as uploader from .parser import parse_uniprot_speclist class UniprotSpeciesUploader(uploader.BaseSourceUploader): name = "uniprot_species" def load_data(self,data_folder): nodes_file = os.path.join(data_folder,"speclist.txt") self.logger.info("Load data from file '%s'" % nodes_file) return parse_uniprot_speclist(open(nodes_file)) In that case, we need only one uploader, so we just define "name" (no need to define main_source here). We need to expose that uploader from the package, in `dataload/sources/uniprot/__init__.py `_: .. code-block:: python from .uploader import UniprotSpeciesUploader Let’s run this through the hub. We can use the "upload" command there (though manager should trigger the upload itself): .. code:: bash hub> upload("uniprot_species") [1] RUN {0.0s} upload("uniprot_species") Similar to dumpers, there are different steps we can individually call for an uploader: * **data**: will take care of storing data * **post**: calls post_update() method, once data has been inserted. Useful to post-process data or create an index for instance * **master**: will register the source in src_master collection, which is used during the merge step. Uploader method ``get_mapping()`` can optionally returns an ElasticSearch mapping, it will be stored in src_master during that step. We’ll see more about this later. * **clean**: will clean temporary collections and other leftovers... Within the hub, we can specify these steps manually (they’re all executed by default). .. code:: bash hub> upload("uniprot_species",steps="clean") Or using a list: .. code:: bash hub> upload("uniprot_species",steps=["data","clean"]) Gene information uploader ========================= Let’s move forward and implement the last uploader. The goal for this uploader is to identify whether, for a taxonomy ID, there are existing/known genes. File contains information about genes, first column is the ``taxid``. We want to know all taxonomy IDs present in the file, and the merged document, we want to add key such as ``{'has_gene' : True/False}``. Obviously, we’re going to have a lot of duplicates, because for one taxid we can have many genes present in the files. We have options here 1) remove duplicates before inserting data in database, or 2) let the database handle the duplicates (rejecting them). Though we could process data in memory -- processed data is rather small in the end --, for demo purpose, we’ll go for the second option. .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.dataload.uploader as uploader import biothings.hub.dataload.storage as storage from .parser import parse_geneinfo_taxid class GeneInfoUploader(uploader.BaseSourceUploader): storage_class = storage.IgnoreDuplicatedStorage name = "geneinfo" def load_data(self,data_folder): gene_file = os.path.join(data_folder,"gene_info") self.logger.info("Load data from file '%s'" % gene_file) return parse_geneinfo_taxid(open(gene_file)) * ``storage_class``: this is the most important setting in this case, we want to use a storage that will ignore any duplicated records. * ``parse_geneinfo_taxid`` : is the parsing function, yield documents as ``{"_id" : "taxid"}`` The rest is closed to what we already encountered. Code is available on github in `dataload/sources/geneinfo/uploader.py `_ When running the uploader, logs show statements like these: .. code:: bash INFO:taxonomy.hub:Found 1 resources to upload (['geneinfo']) INFO:taxonomy.hub:Launch upload for 'geneinfo' INFO:taxonomy.hub:Building task: functools.partial(>, , job_manager=) INFO:geneinfo_upload:Uploading 'geneinfo' (collection: geneinfo) INFO:geneinfo_upload:Load data from file './data/geneinfo/20170125/gene_info' INFO:root:Uploading to the DB... INFO:root:Inserted 62 records, ignoring 9938 [0.3s] INFO:root:Inserted 15 records, ignoring 9985 [0.28s] INFO:root:Inserted 0 records, ignoring 10000 [0.23s] INFO:root:Inserted 31 records, ignoring 9969 [0.25s] INFO:root:Inserted 16 records, ignoring 9984 [0.26s] INFO:root:Inserted 4 records, ignoring 9996 [0.21s] INFO:root:Inserted 4 records, ignoring 9996 [0.25s] INFO:root:Inserted 1 records, ignoring 9999 [0.25s] INFO:root:Inserted 26 records, ignoring 9974 [0.23s] INFO:root:Inserted 61 records, ignoring 9939 [0.26s] INFO:root:Inserted 77 records, ignoring 9923 [0.24s] While processing data in batch, some are inserted, others (duplicates) are ignored and discarded. The file is quite big, so the process can be long… Note: should we want to implement the first option, the parsing function would build a dictionary indexed by taxid and would read the whole, extracting taxid. The whole dict would then be returned, and then processed by storage engine. So far, we’ve defined dumpers and uploaders, made them working together through some managers defined in the hub. We’re now ready to move the last step: merging data. Mergers ^^^^^^^ Merging will the last step in our hub definition. So far we have data about species, taxonomy and whether a taxonomy ID has known genes in NCBI. In the end, we want to have a collection where documents look like this: .. code:: javascript { _id: "9606", authority: ["homo sapiens linnaeus, 1758"], common_name: "man", genbank_common_name: "human", has_gene: true, lineage: [9606,9605,207598,9604,314295,9526,...], other_names: ["humans"], parent_taxid: 9605, rank: "species", scientific_name: "homo sapiens", taxid: 9606, uniprot_name: "homo sapiens" } * _id: the taxid, the ID used in all of our invidual collection, so the key will be used to collect documents and merge them together (it’s actually a requirement, documents are merged using _id as the common key). * authority, common_name, genbank_common_name, other_names, scientific_name and taxid come from taxonomy.names collection. * uniprot_name comes from species collection. * has_gene is a flag set to true, because taxid 9606 has been found in collection geneinfo. * parent_taxid and rank come from taxonomy.nodes collection. * (there can be other fields available, but basically the idea here is to merge all our individual collections…) * finally, lineage… it’s a little tricky as we need to query nodes in order to compute that field from _id and parent_taxid. A first step would be to merge **names**, **nodes** and **species** collections together. Other keys need some post-merge processing, they will handled in a second part. Let’s first define a BuilderManager in the hub. .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.databuild.builder as builder bmanager = builder.BuilderManager(poll_schedule='* * * * * */10', job_manager=jmanager) bmanager.configure() bmanager.poll() COMMANDS = { ... # building/merging "bm" : bmanager, "merge" : bmanager.merge, ... Merging configuration ===================== BuilderManager uses a builder class for merging. While there are many different dumpers and uploaders classes, there’s only one merge class (for now). The merging process is defined in a configuration collection named src_build. Usually, we have as many configurations as merged collections, in our case, we’ll just define one configuration. When running the hub with a builder manager registered, manager will automatically create this src_build collection and create configuration placeholder. .. code:: javascript > db.src_build.find() { "_id" : "placeholder", "name" : "placeholder", "sources" : [ ], "root" : [ ] } We’re going to use that template to create our own configuration: * **_id** and name are the name of the configuration (they can be different but really, _id is the one used here)... We’ll set these as: ``{"_id":"mytaxonomy", "name":"mytaxonomy" }``. * **sources** is a list of collection names used for the merge. A element is this can also be a regular expression matching collection names. If we have data spread across different collection, like one collection per chromosome data, we could use a regex such as ``data_chr.*``. We’ll set this as: ``{"sources":["names" ,"species", "nodes", "geneinfo"]}`` * **root** defines root datasources, that is, datasources that can be used to initiate document creation. Sometimes, we want data to be merged only if an existing document previously exists in the merged collection. If root sources are defined, they will be merged first, then the other remaining in sources will be merged with existing documents. If root doesn’t exist (or list is empty), all sources can initiate documents creation. root can be a list of collection names, or a negation (not a mix of both). So, for instance, if we want all datasources to be root, except source10, we can specify: ``"root" : ["!source10"]``. Finally, all root sources must all be declared in sources (root is a subset of sources). That said, it’s interesting in our case because we have taxonomy information coming from NCBI and UniProt, but we want to make sure a document built from UniProt only doesn’t exist (it’s because we need parent_taxid field which only exists in NCBI data, so we give priority to those sources first). So root sources are going to be ``names`` and ``nodes``, but because we’re lazy typist, we’re going to set this to: ``{"root" : ["!species"]}`` The resulting document should look like this. Let’s save this in src_build (and also remove the placeholder, not useful anymore): .. code:: javascript > conf { "_id" : "mytaxonomy", "name" : "mytaxonomy", "sources" : [ "names", "uniprot_species", "nodes", "geneinfo" ], "root" : ["!uniprot_species"] } > db.src_build.save(conf) > db.src_build.remove({_id:"placeholder"}) Note: **geneinfo** contains only IDs, we could ignore it while merging but we'll need it to be declared as a source when we'll create the index later. Restarting the hub, we can then check that configuration has properly been registered in the manager, ready to be used. We can list the sources specified in configuration. .. code:: bash hub> bm hub> bm.list_sources("mytaxonomy") ['names', 'species', 'nodes'] OK, let’s try to merge ! .. code:: bash hub> merge("mytaxonomy") [1] RUN {0.0s} merge("mytaxonomy") Looking at the logs, we can see builder will first root sources: .. code:: bash INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Merging into target collection 'mytaxonomy_20170127_pn1ygtqp' ... INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Sources to be merged: ['names', 'nodes', 'species', 'geneinfo'] INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Root sources: ['names', 'nodes', 'geneinfo'] INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Other sources: ['species'] INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Merging root document sources: ['names', 'nodes', 'geneinfo'] Then once root sources are processed, **species** collection merged on top on existing documents: .. code:: bash INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Merging other resources: ['species'] DEBUG:mytaxonomy_build:Documents from source 'species' will be stored only if a previous document exists with same _id After a while, task is done, merge has returned information about the amount of data that have been merge: 1552809 records from collections **names**, **nodes** and **geneinfo**, 25394 from **species**. Note: the figures show the number fetched from collections, not necessarily the data merged. For instance, merged data from **species** may be less since it’s not a root datasource). .. code:: bash hub> [1] OK merge("mytaxonomy"): finished, [{'total_species': 25394, 'total_nodes': 1552809, 'total_names': 1552809}] Builder creates multiple merger jobs per collection. The merged collection name is, by default, generating from the build name (**mytaxonomy**), and contains also a timestamp and some random chars. We can specify the merged collection name from the hub. By default, all sources defined in the configuration are merged., and we can also select one or more specific sources to merge: .. code:: bash hub> merge("mytaxonomy",sources="uniprot_species",target_name="test_merge") Note: ``sources`` parameter can also be a list of string. If we go back to ``src_build``, we can have information about the different merges (or builds) we ran: .. code-block:: bash > db.src_build.find({_id:"mytaxonomy"},{build:1}) { "_id" : "mytaxonomy", "build" : [ … { "src_versions" : { "geneinfo" : "20170125", "taxonomy" : "20170125", "uniprot_species" : "20170125" }, "time_in_s" : 386, "logfile" : "./data/logs/mytaxonomy_20170127_build.log", "pid" : 57702, "target_backend" : "mongo", "time" : "6m26.29s", "step_started_at" : ISODate("2017-01-27T11:36:47.401Z"), "stats" : { "total_uniprot_species" : 25394, "total_nodes" : 1552809, "total_names" : 1552809 }, "started_at" : ISODate("2017-01-27T11:30:21.114Z"), "status" : "success", "target_name" : "mytaxonomy_20170127_pn1ygtqp", "step" : "post-merge", "sources" : [ "uniprot_species" ] } We can see the merged collection (auto-generated) is **mytaxonomy_20170127_pn1ygtqp**. Let’s have a look at the content (remember, collection is in target database, not in src): .. code:: javascript > use tutorial switched to db tutorial > db.mytaxonomy_20170127_pn1ygtqp.count() 1552809 > db.mytaxonomy_20170127_pn1ygtqp.find({_id:9606}) { "_id" : 9606, "rank" : "species", "parent_taxid" : 9605, "taxid" : 9606, "common_name" : "man", "other_names" : [ "humans" ], "scientific_name" : "homo sapiens", "authority" : [ "homo sapiens linnaeus, 1758" ], "genbank_common_name" : "human", "uniprot_name" : "homo sapiens" } Both collections have properly been merged. We now have to deal with the other data. Mappers ======= The next bit of data we need to merge is **geneinfo**. As a reminder, this collection only contains taxonomy ID (as _id key) which have known NCBI genes. We’ll create a mapper, containing this information. A mapper basically acts as an object that can pre-process documents while they are merged. Let’s define that mapper in `databuild/mapper.py `_ .. code-block:: python import biothings, config biothings.config_for_app(config) from biothings.utils.common import loadobj import biothings.utils.mongo as mongo import biothings.hub.databuild.mapper as mapper # just to get the collection name from dataload.sources.geneinfo.uploader import GeneInfoUploader class HasGeneMapper(mapper.BaseMapper): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HasGeneMapper,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.cache = None def load(self): if self.cache is None: # this is a whole dict containing all taxonomy _ids col = mongo.get_src_db()[GeneInfoUploader.name] self.cache = [d["_id"] for d in col.find({},{"_id":1})] def process(self,docs): for doc in docs: if doc["_id"] in self.cache: doc["has_gene"] = True else: doc["has_gene"] = False yield doc We derive our mapper from ``biothings.hub.databuild.mapper.BaseMapper``, which expects ``load`` and ``process`` methods to be defined. ``load`` is automatically called when the mapper is used by the builder, and ``process`` contains the main logic, iterating over documents, optionally enrich them (it can also be used to filter documents, by not yielding them). The implementation is pretty straightforward. We get and cache the data from geneinfo collection (the whole collection is very small, less than 20’000 IDs, so it can fit nicely and efficiently in memory). If a document has its _id found in the cache, we enrich it. Once defined, we register that mapper into the builder. In `bin/hub.py `_, we modify the way we define the builder manager: .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.databuild.builder as builder from databuild.mapper import HasGeneMapper hasgene = HasGeneMapper(name="has_gene") pbuilder = partial(builder.DataBuilder,mappers=[hasgene]) bmanager = builder.BuilderManager( poll_schedule='* * * * * */10', job_manager=jmanager, builder_class=pbuilder) bmanager.configure() bmanager.poll() First we instantiate a mapper object and give it a name (more on this later). While creating the manager, we need to pass a builder class. The problem here is we also have to give our mapper to that class while it’s instantiated. We’re using ``partial`` (from ``functools``), which allows to partially define the class instantiation. In the end, builder_class parameter is expected to a callable, which is the case with partial. Let’s try if our mapper works (restart the hub). Inside the hub, we’re going to manually get a builder instance. Remember through the SSH connection, we can access python interpreter’s namespace, which is very handy when it comes to develop and debug as we can directly access and "play" with objects and their states: First we get a builder instance from the manager: .. code:: bash hub> builder = bm["mytaxonomy"] hub> builder Let’s check the mappers and get ours: .. code:: bash hub> builder.mappers {None: , 'has_gene': } We have our ``has_gene`` mapper (it’s the name we gave). We also have a ``TransparentMapper``. This mapper is automatically added and is used as the default mapper for any document (there has to be one...). .. code:: bash hub> hasgene = builder.mappers["has_gene"] hub> len(hasgene.cache) Error: TypeError("object of type 'NoneType' has no len()",) Oops, cache isn’t loaded yet, we have to do it manually here (but it’s done automatically during normal execution). .. code:: bash hub> hasgene.load() hub> len(hasgene.cache) 19201 OK, it’s ready. Let’s now talk more about the mapper’s name. A mapper can applied to different sources, and we have to define which sources’ data should go through that mapper. In our case, we want **names** and **species** collection’s data to go through. In order to do that, we have to instruct the uploader with a special attribute. Let’s modify `dataload.sources.species.uploader.UniprotSpeciesUploader `_ class .. code-block:: python class UniprotSpeciesUploader(uploader.BaseSourceUploader): name = "uniprot_species" __metadata__ = {"mapper" : 'has_gene'} ``__metadata__`` dictionary is going to be used to create a master document. That document is stored in src_master collection (we talked about it earlier). Let’s add this metadata to `dataload.sources.taxonomy.uploader.TaxonomyNamesUploader `_ .. code-block:: python class TaxonomyNamesUploader(uploader.BaseSourceUploader): main_source = "taxonomy" name = "names" __metadata__ = {"mapper" : 'has_gene'} Before using the builder, we need to refresh master documents so these metadata are stored in **src_master**. We could trigger a new upload, or directly tell the hub to only process master steps: .. code:: bash hub> upload("uniprot_species",steps="master") [1] RUN {0.0s} upload("uniprot_species",steps="master") hub> upload("taxonomy.names",steps="master") [1] OK upload("uniprot_species",steps="master"): finished, [None] [2] RUN {0.0s} upload("taxonomy.names",steps="master") (you’ll notice for taxonomy, we only trigger upload for sub-source **names**, using "dot-notation", corresponding to "main_source.name". Let’s now have a look at those master documents: .. code:: javascript > db.src_master.find({_id:{$in:["uniprot_species","names"]}}) { "_id" : "names", "name" : "names", "timestamp" : ISODate("2017-01-26T16:21:32.546Z"), "mapper" : "has_gene", "mapping" : { } } { "_id" : "uniprot_species", "name" : "uniprot_species", "timestamp" : ISODate("2017-01-26T16:21:19.414Z"), "mapper" : "has_gene", "mapping" : { } } We have our ``mapper`` key stored. We can now trigger a new merge (we specify the target collection name): .. code:: bash hub> merge("mytaxonomy",target_name="mytaxonomy_test") [3] RUN {0.0s} merge("mytaxonomy",target_name="mytaxonomy_test") In the logs, we can see our mapper has been detected and is used: .. code:: bash INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Creating merger job #1/16, to process 'names' 100000/1552809 (6.4%) INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Found mapper '' for source 'names' INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Creating merger job #1/1, to process 'species' 25394/25394 (100.0%) INFO:mytaxonomy_build:Found mapper '' for source 'species' Once done, we can query the merged collection to check the data: .. code:: javascript > use tutorial switched to db tutorial > db.mytaxonomy_test.find({_id:9606}) { "_id" : "9606", "has_gene" : true, "taxid" : 9606, "uniprot_name" : "homo sapiens", "other_names" : [ "humans" ], "scientific_name" : "homo sapiens", "authority" : [ "homo sapiens linnaeus, 1758" ], "genbank_common_name" : "human", "common_name" : "man" } OK, there’s a ``has_gene`` flag that’s been set. So far so good ! Post-merge process ================== We need to add lineage and parent taxid information for each of these documents. We’ll implement that last part as a post-merge step, iterating over each of them. In order to do so, we need to define our own builder class to override proper methodes there. Let’s define it in `databuild/builder.py. `_. .. code-block:: python import biothings.hub.databuild.builder as builder import config class TaxonomyDataBuilder(builder.DataBuilder): def post_merge(self, source_names, batch_size, job_manager): pass The method we have to implement in post_merge, as seen above. We also need to change hub.py to use that builder class: .. code-block:: python from databuild.builder import TaxonomyDataBuilder pbuilder = partial(TaxonomyDataBuilder,mappers=[hasgene]) For now, we just added a class level in the hierarchy, everything runs the same as before. Let’s have a closer look to that post-merge process. For each document, we want to build the lineage. Information is stored in **nodes** collection. For instance, taxid 9606 (homo sapiens) has a parent_taxid 9605 (homo), which has a parent_taxid 207598 (homininae), etc… In the end, the homo sapiens lineage is:: 9606, 9605, 207598, 9604, 314295, 9526, 314293, 376913, 9443, 314146, 1437010, 9347, 32525, 40674, 32524, 32523, 1338369, 8287, 117571, 117570, 7776, 7742, 89593, 7711, 33511, 33213, 6072, 33208, 33154, 2759, 131567 and 1 We could recursively query **nodes** collections until we reach the top the tree, but that would be a lot of queries. We just need ``taxid`` and ``parent_taxid`` information to build the lineage, maybe it’s possible to build a dictionary that could fit in memory. **nodes** has 1552809 records. A dictionary would use 2 * 1552809 * sizeof(integer) + index overhead. That’s probably few megabytes, let’s assume that ok… (note: using `pympler `_ lib, we can actually know that dictionary size will be closed to 200MB…) We’re going to use another mapper here, but no sources will use it.We’ll just instantiate it from post_merge method. In `databuild/mapper.py `_, let’s add another class: from dataload.sources.taxonomy.uploader import TaxonomyNodesUploader .. code-block:: python class LineageMapper(mapper.BaseMapper): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LineageMapper,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.cache = None def load(self): if self.cache is None: col = mongo.get_src_db()[TaxonomyNodesUploader.name] self.cache = {} [self.cache.setdefault(d["_id"],d["parent_taxid"]) for d in col.find({},{"parent_taxid":1})] def get_lineage(self,doc): if doc['taxid'] == doc['parent_taxid']: #take care of node #1 # we reached the top of the taxonomy tree doc['lineage'] = [doc['taxid']] return doc # initiate lineage with information we have in the current doc lineage = [doc['taxid'], doc['parent_taxid']] while lineage[-1] != 1: parent = self.cache[lineage[-1]] lineage.append(parent) doc['lineage'] = lineage return doc def process(self,docs): for doc in docs: doc = self.get_lineage(doc) yield doc Let’s use that mapper in TaxonomyDataBuider’s ``post_merge`` method. The signature is the same as merge() method (what’s actually called from the hub) but we just need the batch_size one: we’re going to grab documents from the merged collection in batch, process them and update them in batch as well. It’s going to be much faster than dealing one document at a time. To do so, we’ll use doc_feeder utility function: .. code-block:: python from biothings.utils.mongo import doc_feeder, get_target_db from biothings.hub.databuild.builder import DataBuilder from biothings.hub.dataload.storage import UpsertStorage from databuild.mapper import LineageMapper import config import logging class TaxonomyDataBuilder(DataBuilder): def post_merge(self, source_names, batch_size, job_manager): # get the lineage mapper mapper = LineageMapper(name="lineage") # load cache (it's being loaded automatically # as it's not part of an upload process mapper.load() # create a storage to save docs back to merged collection db = get_target_db() col_name = self.target_backend.target_collection.name storage = UpsertStorage(db,col_name) for docs in doc_feeder(self.target_backend.target_collection, step=batch_size, inbatch=True): docs = mapper.process(docs) storage.process(docs,batch_size) Since we’re using the mapper manually, we need to load the cache * **db** and **col_name** are used to create our storage engine. Builder has an attribute called ``target_backend`` (a ``biothings.hub.dataload.backend.TargetDocMongoBackend`` object) which can be used to reach the collection we want to work with. * **doc_feeder** iterates over all the collection, fetching documents in batch. ``inbatch=True`` tells the function to return data as a list (default is a dict indexed by ``_id``). * those documents are processed by our mapper, setting the lineage information and then are stored using our UpsertStorage object. Note: ``post_merge`` actually runs within a thread, so any calls here won’t block the execution (ie. won't block the asyncio event loop execution) Let’s run this on our merged collection. We don’t want to merge everything again, so we specify the step we’re interested in and the actual merged collection (``target_name``) hub> merge("mytaxonomy",steps="post",target_name="mytaxonomy_test") [1] RUN {0.0s} merge("mytaxonomy",steps="post",target_name="mytaxonomy_test") After a while, process is done. We can test our updated data: .. code:: javascript > use tutorial switched to db tutorial > db.mytaxonomy_test.find({_id:9606}) { "_id" : 9606, "taxid" : 9606, "common_name" : "man", "other_names" : [ "humans" ], "uniprot_name" : "homo sapiens", "rank" : "species", "lineage" : [9606,9605,207598,9604,...,131567,1], "genbank_common_name" : "human", "scientific_name" : "homo sapiens", "has_gene" : true, "parent_taxid" : 9605, "authority" : [ "homo sapiens linnaeus, 1758" ] } OK, we have new lineage information (truncated for sanity purpose). Merged collection is ready to be used. It can be used for instance to create and send documents to an ElasticSearch database. This is what's actually occuring when creating a BioThings web-servuce API. That step will be covered in another tutorial. Indexers ^^^^^^^^ Coming soon! Full updated and maintained code for this hub is available here: https://github.com/biothings/biothings.species Also, taxonomy BioThings API can be queried as this URL: http://t.biothings.io