Source code for biothings.hub.api.handlers.log

import gzip
from os import listdir
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, mkstemp

from tornado.template import Template
from tornado.web import RequestHandler, StaticFileHandler

from biothings.utils.serializer import to_json

catalog = Template(
            <title> Biothings Hub Logs </title>
            <h1> Logs </h1>
            {% for log in logs %}
                    <a href={{"./" + log }}>
                        {{ log[:-4] if log.endswith('.log') else log }}
            {% end %}

logfile = Template(
            <title> {{ "Log " + name }} </title>
            <h1> {{ name }} </h1>
                {% for line in lines %}
                    {{ line }} </br>
                {% end %}

[docs] def get_log_content(file_path, **kwargs): lines = None if file_path.endswith(".gz"): with, "rb") as f: lines = else: with open(file_path, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() if lines and "lines" in kwargs: cap_lines = kwargs["lines"] cap_lines = cap_lines[0] if isinstance(cap_lines, list) else cap_lines try: cap_lines = int(cap_lines) lines = lines[-cap_lines:] if len(lines) == cap_lines: lines.append(f"\n***Logs were capped at {cap_lines} lines***") except Exception: pass return lines
[docs] class DefaultCORSHeaderMixin:
[docs] def set_default_headers(self): self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,OPTIONS") self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")
[docs] class HubLogDirHandler(DefaultCORSHeaderMixin, RequestHandler):
[docs] def initialize(self, path): self.path = path
[docs] def get(self, filename): fullname = join(self.path, filename) if isdir(fullname): logs = [f"{f}/" if isdir(join(fullname, f)) else f for f in listdir(fullname)] if "filter" in self.request.arguments: filters = self.get_argument("filter") or "" filters = filters.split(",") logs = set([f for keyword in filters for f in logs if keyword in f]) logs = sorted(logs) if "json" in self.request.arguments: self.finish(to_json(list(logs))) else: self.finish(catalog.generate(logs=logs)) return if not isfile(fullname): self.set_status(404) return lines = get_log_content(fullname, **self.request.arguments) self.finish(logfile.generate(name=filename, lines=lines))
[docs] class HubLogFileHandler(DefaultCORSHeaderMixin, StaticFileHandler):
[docs] def options(self, *args, **kwargs): self.set_status(204)
[docs] async def get(self, path: str, include_body: bool = True) -> None: """If request path is a gz file, we will uncompress it first, then return get with the uncompress file path""" self.path = self.parse_url_path(path) absolute_path = self.get_absolute_path(self.root, self.path) self.absolute_path = self.validate_absolute_path(self.root, absolute_path) if self.absolute_path is None: return if include_body: download_file_name = self.path.replace(".gz", "") self.set_header("Content-Type", "text") self.set_header("Content-Disposition", f"attachment; filename={download_file_name}") with TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.root) as temp_dir: _, temp_file = mkstemp(dir=temp_dir) lines = get_log_content(self.absolute_path, **self.request.arguments) lines = "\n".join(lines) with open(temp_file, mode="w") as fwrite: fwrite.write(lines) return await super().get(temp_file, include_body=True) return await super().get(path, include_body=include_body)