Source code for biothings.hub.dataindex.indexer_payload

from collections import UserDict

__all__ = ["DEFAULT_INDEX_SETTINGS", "DEFAULT_INDEX_MAPPINGS", "IndexMappings", "IndexSettings"]

# the hub may create an "all" field for all fields
# we want to enable query string query by default

    "query": {"default_field": "_id,all"},
    "codec": "best_compression",
    "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {
            # Sebastian's Note:
            # soon deprecated in favor of keyword_lowercase_normalizer
            "string_lowercase": {
                "tokenizer": "keyword",
                "filter": "lowercase",
            "whitespace_lowercase": {
                "tokenizer": "whitespace",
                "filter": "lowercase",
        "normalizer": {
            "keyword_lowercase_normalizer": {
                "filter": ["lowercase"],
                "type": "custom",
                "char_filter": [],

    "dynamic": "false",
    "properties": {"all": {"type": "text"}},

class _IndexPayload(UserDict):
    async def finalize(self, client):
        """Generate the ES payload format of the corresponding entities
        originally in Hub representation. May require querying the ES client
        for certain metadata to determine the compatible data format."""

[docs] class IndexMappings(_IndexPayload):
[docs] async def finalize(self, client): version = int((await["version"]["number"].split(".")[0]) if version < 7: # inprecise doc_type = self.pop("__hub_doc_type", "doc") return {doc_type: dict(self)} else: self.pop("__hub_doc_type", None) return dict(self)
[docs] class IndexSettings(_IndexPayload):
[docs] async def finalize(self, client): return {"index": dict(self)}
def test_01(): import asyncio from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch client = AsyncElasticsearch() mappings = IndexMappings(DEFAULT_INDEX_MAPPINGS) mappings["dynamic"] = True async def finalize_mapping(): print(await mappings.finalize(client)) await client.close() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(finalize_mapping()) def test_02(): import asyncio settings = IndexSettings(DEFAULT_INDEX_SETTINGS) settings["codec"] = "meow" async def finalize_settings(): print(await settings.finalize(None)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(finalize_settings()) if __name__ == "__main__": test_02()