Source code for biothings.hub.dataindex.indexer_registrar

import logging
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from types import SimpleNamespace

from biothings.utils.common import merge, timesofar

[docs] class Stage(Enum): READY = 0 STARTED = 1 DONE = 2
[docs] def at(self, stage): assert self == stage
# IndexJobStateRegistrar CAN be further generalized # to replace utils.manager.BaseStatusRegisterer
[docs] class IndexJobStateRegistrar: def __init__(self, collection, build_name, index_name, **context): self.collection = collection self.build_id = build_name self.index_name = index_name self.context = context self.stage = Stage.READY self.t0 = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def prune(collection): for build in collection.find(): dirty = False for job in build.get("jobs", []): if job.get("status") == "in progress": logging.warning("Found stale build '%s', marking index status as 'cancelled'", build["_id"]) job["status"] = "cancelled" job.pop("pid", None) dirty = True if dirty: collection.replace_one({"_id": build["_id"]}, build)
[docs] def started(self, step="index"): self.stage = Stage.STARTED self.t0 = time.time() job = { "step": step, "status": "in progress", "step_started_at":, "pid": os.getpid(), **self.context, } self.collection.update( {"_id": self.build_id}, {"$push": {"jobs": job}}, )
[docs] def failed(self, error): def func(job, delta_build): job["status"] = "failed" job["err"] = str(error) self._done(func)
[docs] def succeed(self, result): def func(job, delta_build): job["status"] = "success" if result: delta_build["index"] = {self.index_name: result} self._done(func)
def _done(self, func): self.stage = Stage.DONE build = self.collection.find_one({"_id": self.build_id}) assert build, "Can't find build document '%s'" % self.build_id job = build["jobs"][-1] job["time"] = timesofar(self.t0) job["time_in_s"] = round(time.time() - self.t0, 0) job.pop("pid") delta_build = {} func(job, delta_build) merge(build, delta_build) self.collection.replace_one({"_id": build["_id"]}, build)
[docs] class PreIndexJSR(IndexJobStateRegistrar):
[docs] def started(self): super().started("pre-index")
[docs] def succeed(self, result): # no result registration on pre-indexing step. # -------------------------------------------- # registration indicates the creation of # the index on the elasticsearch server. # thus failure at the post-index stage means # registration of the index state up until the # indexing step, but success at the pre-index # stage suggests no index created and thus # no registration at all. super().succeed({})
[docs] class MainIndexJSR(IndexJobStateRegistrar):
[docs] def started(self): super().started("index")
[docs] class PostIndexJSR(IndexJobStateRegistrar):
[docs] def started(self): super().started("post-index")
[docs] def test_registrar(): from pymongo import MongoClient indexer = SimpleNamespace( mongo_collection_name="mynews_202012280220_vsdevjdk", # must exists in DB es_client_args=dict(hosts="localhost:9200"), es_index_name="__index_name__", logfile="/log/file", conf_name="bc_news", env_name="dev", ) collection = MongoClient().biothings.src_build IndexJobStateRegistrar.prune(collection) # ---------- # round 1 # ---------- job = MainIndexJSR(indexer, collection) input() job.started() input() job.failed("MockErrorA") input() try: job.succeed() except Exception as exc: print(exc) # ---------- # round 2 # ---------- job = MainIndexJSR(indexer, collection) input() job.started() input() job.succeed(index={"__index_name__": {"count": "99"}}) # ---------- # round 3 # ---------- job = PostIndexJSR(indexer, collection) input() try: job.succeed() except Exception as exc: print(exc) input() job.started() input() job.succeed({"__index_name__": {"additionally": "done"}})
if __name__ == "__main__": test_registrar()