Source code for biothings.hub.dataindex.snapshot_registrar

import logging
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from time import time

from biothings.utils.common import merge, timesofar


_map = {
    # "pre": PreSnapshotState,
    # "snapshot": MainSnapshotState,
    # "post": PostSnapshotState

[docs] def dispatch(step): return _map[step]
[docs] def audit(src_build, logger=None): if not logger: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) for build in src_build.find(): for num, job in enumerate(build.get("jobs", [])): if job.get("status") == "in progress": job["status"] = "canceled" msg = "<Job #%d in <Build '%s'> cancelled>" logger.warning(msg, num, build["_id"]) src_build.replace_one({"_id": build["_id"]}, build)
class _TaskState: name = NotImplemented # string representation of the step step = NotImplemented # job registration display notation func = NotImplemented # method name of the step to run regx = False # ready to update the build doc def __init__(self, col, _id): self._col = col self._id = _id @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls): _map[] = cls def started(self, **extras): timestamp = self._col.update( {"_id": self._id}, { "$push": { "jobs": { "step": self.step, "status": "in progress", "step_started_at": timestamp, **extras, } } }, ) def _finished(self, _doc, _job): doc = self._col.find_one({"_id": self._id}) job = doc["jobs"][-1] t0 = job["step_started_at"] # New pymongo lib version changed the default configuration value of `tz_aware` to `False` instead of `True`. # Because of that the datetime value read from mongodb was not including the timezone anymore. # The solution is forcing the datetime value to include the UTC timezone when it is missing. # Reference: if not t0.tzinfo: t0 = t0.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) t0 = t0.timestamp() job["time_in_s"] = round(time() - t0, 0) job["time"] = timesofar(t0) if self.regx: merge(doc, _doc) merge(job, _job) self._col.replace_one({"_id": self._id}, doc) def failed(self, dBuild, **dJob): self._finished({"snapshot": dBuild}, {"status": "failed", **dJob}) def succeed(self, dBuild, **dJob): self._finished({"snapshot": dBuild}, {"status": "success", **dJob}) def __str__(self): return f"<{type(self).__name__} {self._id}>"
[docs] class PreSnapshotState(_TaskState): name = "pre" step = "pre-snapshot" func = "pre_snapshot"
[docs] class MainSnapshotState(_TaskState): name = "snapshot" step = "snapshot" func = "_snapshot" regx = True
[docs] class PostSnapshotState(_TaskState): name = "post" step = "post-snapshot" func = "post_snapshot" regx = True
[docs] def test(): from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient() collection = client["biothings"]["src_build"] state = PreSnapshotState(collection, "mynews_202105261855_5ffxvchx") state.started(logfile="__TEST_LOCATION__") state.succeed({"test_snapshot_01": {}}) state.started(logfile="__TEST_LOCATION__") state.failed(ValueError("__TEST_EXCEPTION__"))
if __name__ == "__main__": test()