Source code for biothings.hub.standalone

    This standalone module is originally located at "biothings/standalone" repo.
    It's used for Standalone/Autohub instance.
import asyncio
import importlib
import logging
import os
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial

from biothings import config as btconfig
from biothings.hub import HubServer
from biothings.hub.autoupdate import BiothingsDumper, BiothingsUploader
from biothings.hub.standalone.validators import AutoHubValidator
from biothings.utils.backend import DocESBackend
from import ESIndexer
from biothings.utils.loggers import get_logger

[docs] class AutoHubServer(HubServer): DEFAULT_FEATURES = ["job", "autohub", "terminal", "config", "ws"]
[docs] class AutoHubFeature(object): DEFAULT_DUMPER_CLASS = BiothingsDumper DEFAULT_UPLOADER_CLASS = BiothingsUploader DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_CLASS = AutoHubValidator def __init__(self, managers, version_urls, indexer_factory=None, validator_class=None, *args, **kwargs): """ version_urls is a list of URLs pointing to versions.json file. The name of the data release is taken from the URL (<the_name>/versions.json) unless specified as a dict: {"name" : "custom_name", "url" : "http://..."} If indexer_factory is passed, it'll be used to create indexer used to dump/check versions currently installed on ES, restore snapshot, index, etc... A indexer_factory is typically used to generate indexer dynamically (ES host, index name, etc...) according to URLs for instance. See standalone.hub.DynamicIndexerFactory class for an example. It is typically used when lots of data releases are being managed by the Hub (so no need to manually update STANDALONE_CONFIG parameter. If indexer_factory is None, a config param named STANDALONE_CONFIG is used, format is the following: {"_default" : {"es_host": "...", "index": "...", "doc_type" : "..."}, "the_name" : {"es_host": "...", "index": "...", "doc_type" : "..."}} When a data release named (from URL) matches an entry, it's used to configured which ES backend to target, otherwise the default one is used. If validator_class is passed, it'll be used to provide validation methods for installing step. If validator_class is None, the AutoHubValidator will be used as fallback. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.version_urls = self.extract(version_urls) self.indexer_factory = indexer_factory self.managers = managers self.logger, _ = get_logger("autohub") if validator_class: if isinstance(validator_class, str): parts = validator_class.split(".") validator_module = ".".join(parts[:-1]) validator_class = parts[-1] validator_class = getattr(importlib.import_module(validator_module), validator_class) assert issubclass( validator_class, AutoHubValidator ), "validator_class must be a subclass of biothings.hub.standalone.AutoHubValidator" self.validator = validator_class(self) else: self.validator = self.DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_CLASS(self)
[docs] def extract(self, urls): vurls = [] for url in urls: if isinstance(url, dict): assert "name" in url and "url" in url vurls.append(url) else: vurls.append({"name": self.get_folder_name(url), "url": url}) return vurls
[docs] def install(self, src_name, version="latest", dry=False, force=False, use_no_downtime_method=True): """ Update hub's data up to the given version (default is latest available), using full and incremental updates to get up to that given version (if possible). """ async def do(version): try: dklass = self.managers["dump_manager"][src_name][0] # only one dumper allowed / source dobj = self.managers["dump_manager"].create_instance(dklass) update_path = dobj.find_update_path(version, backend_version=dobj.target_backend.version) version_path = [v["build_version"] for v in update_path] if not version_path:"No update path found") return "Found path for updating from version '%s' to version '%s': %s", dobj.target_backend.version, version, version_path, ) if dry: return version_path self.validator.validate(version_path=version_path, force=force) for step_version in version_path:"Downloading data for version '%s'", step_version) jobs = self.managers["dump_manager"].dump_src(src_name, version=step_version, force=force) download = asyncio.gather(*jobs) res = await download assert len(res) == 1 if res[0] is None: # download ready, now install"Updating backend to version '%s'", step_version) jobs = self.managers["upload_manager"].upload_src( src_name, use_no_downtime_method=use_no_downtime_method, ) upload = asyncio.gather(*jobs) res = await upload except Exception: self.logger.exception("data install failed") raise return asyncio.ensure_future(do(version))
[docs] def get_folder_name(self, url): return os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(url))
[docs] def get_class_name(self, folder): """Return class-compliant name from a folder name""" return folder.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
[docs] def list_biothings(self): """ Example: [{'name': '', 'url': ''}] """ versions = deepcopy(self.version_urls) for version in versions: environments = [] for name, dumpers in self.managers["dump_manager"].register.items(): if name == version["name"]: break if name.startswith(f"{version['name']}__"): dumper = dumpers[0] environments.append({"name": name, "es_host": dumper.ES_HOST}) if environments: version["environments"] = environments return versions
[docs] def configure(self): """ Either configure autohub from static definition (STANDALONE_CONFIG) where different hard-coded names of indexes can be managed on different ES server, *or* use a indexer factory where index names are taken from version_urls *but* only one ES host is used. """ default_standalone_conf = getattr(btconfig, "STANDALONE_CONFIG", {}).get("_default") if not default_standalone_conf: assert self.indexer_factory, "No STANDALONE_CONFIG defined, and no indexer factory class defined as well" indexer_configs = [] for info in self.version_urls: version_url = info["url"] if self.indexer_factory: pidxr, actual_conf = self.indexer_factory.create(info["name"]) indexer_configs.append( { "src_name": info["name"], "pidxr": pidxr, "es_host": actual_conf["es_host"], "index": actual_conf["index"], "version_url": version_url, } )"Autohub configured for %s (dynamic): %s" % (info["name"], actual_conf)) else: actual_conf = btconfig.STANDALONE_CONFIG.get(info["name"], default_standalone_conf) assert actual_conf, "No standalone config could be found for data release '%s'" % info["name"]"Autohub configured for %s (static): %s" % (info["name"], actual_conf)) if isinstance(actual_conf["es_host"], dict): indexer_configs += [ { "src_name": info["name"], "pidxr": partial( ESIndexer, index=actual_conf["index"], doc_type=None, es_host=es_host_url, ), "es_host": es_host_url, "es_host_environment": es_host_environment, "index": actual_conf["index"], "version_url": version_url, } for es_host_environment, es_host_url in actual_conf["es_host"].items() ] else: indexer_configs.append( { "src_name": info["name"], "pidxr": partial( ESIndexer, index=actual_conf["index"], doc_type=None, es_host=actual_conf["es_host"] ), "es_host": actual_conf["es_host"], "index": actual_conf["index"], "version_url": version_url, } ) for indexer_config in indexer_configs: partial_backend = partial(DocESBackend, indexer_config["pidxr"]) version_url = indexer_config["version_url"] SRC_NAME = indexer_config["src_name"] SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT = SRC_NAME if "es_host_environment" in indexer_config: SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT += f"__{indexer_config['es_host_environment']}" dump_class_name = "%sDumper" % self.get_class_name(SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT) # dumper dumper_klass = type( dump_class_name, (self.__class__.DEFAULT_DUMPER_CLASS,), { "TARGET_BACKEND": partial_backend, "SRC_NAME": SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT, "SRC_ROOT_FOLDER": os.path.join(btconfig.DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT, SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT), "VERSION_URL": version_url, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": btconfig.STANDALONE_AWS_CREDENTIALS.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": btconfig.STANDALONE_AWS_CREDENTIALS.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), "ES_HOST": indexer_config["es_host"], }, ) sys.modules["biothings.hub.standalone"].__dict__[dump_class_name] = dumper_klass self.managers["dump_manager"].register_classes([dumper_klass]) # uploader # syncer will work on index used in web part esb = (indexer_config["es_host"], indexer_config["index"], None) partial_syncer = partial(self.managers["sync_manager"].sync, "es", target_backend=esb) # manually register biothings source uploader # this uploader will use dumped data to update an ES index uploader_class_name = "%sUploader" % self.get_class_name(SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT) uploader_klass = type( uploader_class_name, (self.__class__.DEFAULT_UPLOADER_CLASS,), { "TARGET_BACKEND": partial_backend, "SYNCER_FUNC": partial_syncer, "AUTO_PURGE_INDEX": True, # because we believe "name": SRC_NAME_BY_ENVIRONMENT, }, ) sys.modules["biothings.hub.standalone"].__dict__[uploader_class_name] = uploader_klass self.managers["upload_manager"].register_classes([uploader_klass])
[docs] def configure_auto_release(self, config): if hasattr(config, "AUTO_RELEASE_CONFIG"): if isinstance(config.AUTO_RELEASE_CONFIG, dict): for src, src_config in config.AUTO_RELEASE_CONFIG.items(): schedule = src_config install_args = {"src_name": src} if isinstance(src_config, dict): schedule = src_config["schedule"] install_args.update(src_config.get("extra") or {})"Scheduling auto release for %s.", src) self.managers["job_manager"].submit( partial(self.install, **install_args), schedule, )