Source code for biothings.utils.common

This module contains util functions may be shared by both BioThings data-hub and web components.
In general, do not include utils depending on any third-party modules.
import asyncio
import base64
import concurrent.futures
import fnmatch
import glob
import gzip
import hashlib
import importlib
import inspect
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import pickle
import random
import string
import sys
import time
import types
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from collections import UserDict, UserList
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import date, datetime, timezone
from functools import partial
from itertools import islice
from shlex import shlex

import requests
import yaml

# from json serial, catching special type
# import _sre     # TODO: unused import;remove it once confirmed

# ===============================================================================
# Misc. Utility functions
# ===============================================================================
[docs] def ask(prompt, options="YN"): """Prompt Yes or No,return the upper case 'Y' or 'N'.""" options = options.upper() while 1: s = input(prompt + "[%s]" % "|".join(list(options))).strip().upper() if s in options: break return s
[docs] def timesofar(t0, clock=0, t1=None): """return the string(eg.'3m3.42s') for the passed real time/CPU time so far from given t0 (return from t0=time.time() for real time/ t0=time.clock() for CPU time).""" t1 = t1 or time.clock() if clock else time.time() t = t1 - t0 h = int(t / 3600) m = int((t % 3600) / 60) s = round((t % 3600) % 60, 2) t_str = "" if h != 0: t_str += "%sh" % h if m != 0: t_str += "%sm" % m t_str += "%ss" % s return t_str
[docs] def is_int(s): """return True or False if input string is integer or not.""" try: int(s) return True except (ValueError, TypeError): return False
[docs] def is_str(s): """return True or False if input is a string or not. python3 compatible. """ return isinstance(s, str)
[docs] def is_seq(li): """return True if input is either a list or a tuple.""" return isinstance(li, (list, tuple))
[docs] def is_float(f): """return True if input is a float.""" return isinstance(f, float)
[docs] def is_scalar(f): # return type(f) in (int, str, bool, float, bytes) or f is None or is_int(f) or is_float(f) or is_str(f) return isinstance(f, (int, str, bool, float, bytes)) or f is None
[docs] def iter_n(iterable, n, with_cnt=False): """ Iterate an iterator by chunks (of n) if with_cnt is True, return (chunk, cnt) each time ref """ it = iter(iterable) if with_cnt: cnt = 0 while True: chunk = tuple(islice(it, n)) if not chunk: return if with_cnt: cnt += len(chunk) yield (chunk, cnt) else: yield chunk
[docs] def addsuffix(filename, suffix, noext=False): """Add suffix in front of ".extension", so keeping the same extension. if noext is True, remove extension from the filename.""" if noext: return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + suffix else: return suffix.join(os.path.splitext(filename))
[docs] def safewfile(filename, prompt=True, default="C", mode="w"): """return a file handle in 'w' mode,use alternative name if same name exist. if prompt == 1, ask for overwriting,appending or changing name, else, changing to available name automatically.""" suffix = 1 while 1: if not os.path.exists(filename): break print('Warning:"%s" exists.' % filename, end="") if prompt: option = ask("Overwrite,Append or Change name?", "OAC") else: option = default if option == "O": if not prompt or ask("You sure?") == "Y": print("Overwritten.") break elif option == "A": print("Append to original file.") f = open(filename, "a") f.write("\n" + "=" * 20 + "Appending on " + time.ctime() + "=" * 20 + "\n") return f, filename print('Use "%s" instead.' % addsuffix(filename, "_" + str(suffix))) filename = addsuffix(filename, "_" + str(suffix)) suffix += 1 return open(filename, mode), filename
[docs] def anyfile(infile, mode="r"): """ return a file handler with the support for gzip/zip comppressed files. if infile is a two value tuple, then first one is the compressed file; the second one is the actual filename in the compressed file. e.g., ('', 'aa.txt') """ if isinstance(infile, tuple): infile, rawfile = infile[:2] else: rawfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] filetype = os.path.splitext(infile)[1].lower() if filetype == ".gz": # import gzip in_f = io.TextIOWrapper(gzip.GzipFile(infile, mode)) elif filetype == ".zip": import zipfile in_f = io.TextIOWrapper(zipfile.ZipFile(infile, mode).open(rawfile, mode)) elif filetype == ".xz": import lzma in_f = io.TextIOWrapper(lzma.LZMAFile(infile, mode)) else: in_f = open(infile, mode) return in_f
[docs] def is_filehandle(fh): """return True/False if fh is a file-like object""" return hasattr(fh, "read") and hasattr(fh, "close")
## This is another (older) implementation of open_anyfile ## Keep the code here for reference # # class open_anyfile(object): # '''a context manager can be used in "with" stmt. # accepts a filehandle or anything accepted by anyfile function. # with open_anyfile('test.txt') as in_f: # do_something() # ''' # def __init__(self, infile, mode='r'): # self.infile = infile # self.mode = mode # def __enter__(self): # if is_filehandle(self.infile): # self.in_f = self.infile # else: # self.in_f = anyfile(self.infile, mode=self.mode) # return self.in_f # def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # self.in_f.close()
[docs] @contextmanager def open_anyfile(infile, mode="r"): """a context manager can be used in "with" stmt. accepts a filehandle or anything accepted by anyfile function. with open_anyfile('test.txt') as in_f: do_something() """ if is_filehandle(infile): in_f = infile else: in_f = anyfile(infile, mode=mode) try: yield in_f finally: in_f.close()
[docs] class dotdict(dict): def __getattr__(self, attr): value = self.get(attr, None) if isinstance(value, dict): value = dotdict(value) setattr(self, attr, value) return value else: return value __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
[docs] def get_dotfield_value(dotfield, d): """ Explore dictionary d using dotfield notation and return value. Example:: d = {"a":{"b":1}}. get_dotfield_value("a.b",d) => 1 """ fields = dotfield.split(".") if len(fields) == 1: return d[fields[0]] else: first = fields[0] return get_dotfield_value(".".join(fields[1:]), d[first])
[docs] def find_value_in_doc(dotfield, value, doc): """ Explore mixed dictionary using dotfield notation and return value. Stringify before search Support wildcard searching The comparison is case-sensitive Example:: X = {"a":{"b": "1"},"x":[{"y": "3", "z": "4"}, "5"]} Y = ["a", {"b": "1"}, {"x":[{"y": "3", "z": "4"}, "5"]}] Z = ["a", {"b": "1"}, {"x":[{"y": "34567", "z": "4"}, "5"]}] assert find_value_in_doc("a.b", "1", X) assert find_value_in_doc("x.y", "3", X) assert find_value_in_doc("x.y", "3*7", Z) assert find_value_in_doc("x.y", "34567", Z) assert find_value_in_doc("x", "5", Y) assert find_value_in_doc("a.b", "c", X) is False assert find_value_in_doc("a", "c", X) is False """ if dotfield == "": fields = [] else: fields = dotfield.split(".") if isinstance(doc, list): try: for item in doc: found = find_value_in_doc(dotfield, value, item) if found: return found return False except Exception: return False elif isinstance(doc, dict): if not fields: return False return find_value_in_doc(".".join(fields[1:]), value, doc.get(fields[0])) else: # doc is a scalar value, we will stringify it and then compare with value if fields: return False if doc is None and value is not None: return False return fnmatch.fnmatchcase(str(doc), value)
[docs] def split_ids(q): """ split input query string into list of ids. any of ``" \t\n\x0b\x0c\r|,+"`` as the separator, but perserving a phrase if quoted (either single or double quoted) more detailed rules see: e.g.:: >>> split_ids('CDK2 CDK3') ['CDK2', 'CDK3'] >>> split_ids('"CDK2 CDK3"\n CDk4') ['CDK2 CDK3', 'CDK4'] """ # Python3 strings are already unicode, .encode # now returns a bytearray, which cannot be searched with # shlex. For now, do this terrible thing until we discuss if sys.version_info.major == 3: lex = shlex(q, posix=True) else: lex = shlex(q.encode("utf8"), posix=True) lex.whitespace = " \t\n\x0b\x0c\r|,+" lex.whitespace_split = True lex.commenters = "" if sys.version_info.major == 3: ids = [x.strip() for x in list(lex)] else: ids = [x.decode("utf8").strip() for x in list(lex)] ids = [x for x in ids if x] return ids
[docs] def get_compressed_outfile(filename, compress="gzip"): """Get a output file handler with given compress method. currently support gzip/bz2/lzma, lzma only available in py3 """ if compress == "gzip": # import gzip out_f = gzip.GzipFile(filename, "wb") elif compress == "bz2": import bz2 out_f = bz2.BZ2File(filename, "wb") elif compress == "lzma" or compress == "xz": import lzma out_f = lzma.LZMAFile(filename, "wb") elif compress is None: out_f = open(filename, "wb") else: raise ValueError("Invalid compress parameter.") return out_f
[docs] def open_compressed_file(filename): """Get a read-only file-handler for compressed file, currently support gzip/bz2/lzma, lzma only available in py3 """ in_f = open(filename, "rb") sig = in_f.close() if sig[:3] == b"\x1f\x8b\x08": # this is a gzip file # import gzip fobj = gzip.GzipFile(filename, "rb") elif sig[:3] == b"BZh": # this is a bz2 file import bz2 fobj = bz2.BZ2File(filename, "r") elif sig[:5] == b"\xfd7zXZ": # this is a lzma file import lzma fobj = lzma.LZMAFile(filename, "r") else: # assuming uncompressed ? fobj = open(filename, "rb") return fobj
[docs] def dump(obj, filename, protocol=4, compress="gzip"): """Saves a compressed object to disk protocol version 4 is the default for py3.8, supported since py3.4 """ # NOTE: py3.8 added protocol=5 support, 4 is still the default, # We can check later to set 5 as the default when it's time. out_f = get_compressed_outfile(filename, compress=compress) pickle.dump(obj, out_f, protocol=protocol) out_f.close()
[docs] def dump2gridfs(obj, filename, db, protocol=2): """Save a compressed (support gzip only) object to MongoDB gridfs.""" import gridfs # import gzip fs = gridfs.GridFS(db) if fs.exists(_id=filename): fs.delete(filename) fobj = fs.new_file(filename=filename, _id=filename) try: gzfobj = gzip.GzipFile(filename=filename, mode="wb", fileobj=fobj) pickle.dump(obj, gzfobj, protocol=protocol) finally: gzfobj.close() fobj.close()
[docs] def loadobj(filename, mode="file"): """ Loads a compressed object from disk file (or file-like handler) or MongoDB gridfs file (mode='gridfs') :: obj = loadobj('data.pyobj') obj = loadobj(('data.pyobj', mongo_db), mode='gridfs') """ # import gzip if mode == "gridfs": import gridfs filename, db = filename # input is a tuple of (filename, mongo_db) fs = gridfs.GridFS(db) fobj = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fs.get(filename)) else: if is_str(filename): fobj = open_compressed_file(filename) else: fobj = filename # input is a file-like handler try: obj = pickle.load(fobj) finally: fobj.close() return obj
[docs] def list2dict(a_list, keyitem, alwayslist=False): """ Return a dictionary with specified keyitem as key, others as values. keyitem can be an index or a sequence of indexes. For example:: li = [['A','a',1], ['B','a',2], ['A','b',3]] list2dict(li, 0)---> {'A':[('a',1),('b',3)], 'B':('a',2)} If alwayslist is True, values are always a list even there is only one item in it. :: list2dict(li, 0, True)---> {'A':[('a',1),('b',3)], 'B':[('a',2),]} """ _dict = {} for x in a_list: if isinstance(keyitem, int): # single item as key key = x[keyitem] value = tuple(x[:keyitem] + x[keyitem + 1 :]) else: key = tuple([x[i] for i in keyitem]) value = tuple([x[i] for i in range(len(a_list)) if i not in keyitem]) if len(value) == 1: # single value value = value[0] if key not in _dict: if alwayslist: _dict[key] = [ value, ] else: _dict[key] = value else: current_value = _dict[key] if not isinstance(current_value, list): current_value = [ current_value, ] current_value.append(value) _dict[key] = current_value return _dict
[docs] def filter_dict(d, keys): """ Remove keys from dict "d". "keys" is a list of string, dotfield notation can be used to express nested keys. If key to remove doesn't exist, silently ignore it """ if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] for key in keys: if "." in key: innerkey = ".".join(key.split(".")[1:]) rkey = key.split(".")[0] if rkey in d: d[rkey] = filter_dict(d[rkey], innerkey) else: continue else: d.pop(key, None) return d
[docs] def get_random_string(): strb = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(6), "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 2)).encode("ascii")) return strb.decode("ascii")
[docs] def get_timestamp(): return time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
[docs] class LogPrint: def __init__(self, log_f, log=1, timestamp=0): """If this class is set to sys.stdout, it will output both log_f and __stdout__. log_f is a file handler. """ self.log_f = log_f self.log = log self.timestamp = timestamp if self.timestamp: self.log_f.write("*" * 10 + "Log starts at " + time.ctime() + "*" * 10 + "\n")
[docs] def write(self, text): sys.__stdout__.write(text) if self.log: self.log_f.write(text) self.flush()
[docs] def flush(self): self.log_f.flush()
[docs] def start(self): sys.stdout = self
[docs] def pause(self): sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
[docs] def resume(self): sys.stdout = self
[docs] def close(self): if self.timestamp: self.log_f.write("*" * 10 + "Log ends at " + time.ctime() + "*" * 10 + "\n") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ self.log_f.close()
[docs] def fileno(self): return self.log_f.fileno()
[docs] def setup_logfile(logfile): fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")) logging.getLogger().addHandler(fh)
[docs] def find_doc(k, keys): """Used by jsonld insertion in""" n = len(keys) for i in range(n): # if k is a dictionary, then directly get its value if isinstance(k, dict): k = k[keys[i]] # if k is a list, then loop through k elif isinstance(k, list): tmp = [] for item in k: try: if isinstance(item[keys[i]], dict): tmp.append(item[keys[i]]) elif isinstance(item[keys[i]], list): for _item in item[keys[i]]: tmp.append(_item) except Exception: continue k = tmp return k
[docs] def SubStr(input_string, start_string="", end_string="", include=0): """Return the substring between start_string and end_string. If start_string is '', cut string from the beginning of input_string. If end_string is '', cut string to the end of input_string. If either start_string or end_string can not be found from input_string, return ''. The end_pos is the first position of end_string after start_string. If multi-occurence,cut at the first position. include=0(default), does not include start/end_string; include=1: include start/end_string.""" start_pos = input_string.find(start_string) if start_pos == -1: return "" start_pos += len(start_string) if end_string == "": end_pos = len(input_string) else: end_pos = input_string[start_pos:].find(end_string) # get the end_pos relative with the start_pos if end_pos == -1: return "" else: end_pos += start_pos # get actual end_pos if include == 1: return input_string[start_pos - len(start_string) : end_pos + len(end_string)] else: return input_string[start_pos:end_pos]
[docs] def safe_unicode(s, mask="#"): """replace non-decodable char into "#".""" try: _s = str(s) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: pos = e.args[2] _s = s.replace(s[pos], mask) print('Warning: invalid character "%s" is masked as "%s".' % (s[pos], mask)) return safe_unicode(_s, mask) return _s
[docs] def file_newer(source, target): """return True if source file is newer than target file.""" return os.stat(source)[-2] > os.stat(target)[-2]
[docs] def newer(t0, t1, fmt="%Y%m%d"): """t0 and t1 are string of timestamps matching "format" pattern. Return True if t1 is newer than t0. """ return datetime.strptime(t0, fmt) < datetime.strptime(t1, fmt)
[docs] class BiothingsJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """A class to dump Python Datetime object. json.dumps(data, cls=DateTimeJSONEncoder, indent=indent) """
[docs] def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, (datetime, date)): return o.isoformat() elif isinstance(o, UserDict): return dict(o) elif isinstance(o, UserList): return list(o) else: return super().default(o)
[docs] def json_serial(obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code""" if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)): if obj.tzinfo is None: # assuming UTC if no timezone info obj = obj.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) serial = obj.isoformat() return serial elif isinstance(obj, type): return str(obj) elif "SRE_Pattern" in type(obj).__name__: # can't find the class return obj.pattern elif isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType): return "__function__" raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj))
[docs] def json_encode(obj): """Tornado-aimed json encoder, it does the same job as tornado.escape.json_encode but also deals with datetime encoding""" return json.dumps(obj, default=json_serial).replace("</", r"<\/")
[docs] def rmdashfr(top): """Recursively delete dirs and files from "top" directory, then delete "top" dir""" assert top # prevent rm -fr * ... (let's be explicit there) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) try: os.rmdir(top) except FileNotFoundError: # top did not exist, silently ignore pass
[docs] def get_class_from_classpath(class_path): str_mod, str_klass = ".".join(class_path.split(".")[:-1]), class_path.split(".")[-1] mod = importlib.import_module(str_mod) return getattr(mod, str_klass)
[docs] def find_classes_subclassing(mods, baseclass): """ Given a module or a list of modules, inspect and find all classes which are a subclass of the given baseclass, inside those modules """ # collect all modules found in given modules if not isinstance(mods, list): mods = [mods] innner_mods = inspect.getmembers(mods, lambda obj: isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType)) mods.extend(innner_mods) classes = [] for m in mods: name_klasses = inspect.getmembers(m, lambda obj: isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, baseclass)) if name_klasses: for name, klass in name_klasses: del name classes.append(klass) return classes
[docs] def sanitize_tarfile(tar_object, directory): """ Prevent user-assisted remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) sequence in filenames in a TAR archive, a related issue to CVE-2007-4559 """ for member in tar_object.getmembers(): target = os.path.join(directory, abs_directory = os.path.abspath(directory) abs_target = os.path.abspath(target) prefix = os.path.commonprefix([abs_directory, abs_target]) if not prefix == abs_directory: raise Exception("Attempted Path Traversal in Tar File")
[docs] def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix="B"): # for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, "Yi", suffix)
[docs] def unzipall(folder, pattern="*.zip"): """ unzip all zip files in "folder", in "folder" """ import zipfile for zfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, pattern)): zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfile)"unzipping '%s'", zf.filename) zf.extractall(folder)"done unzipping '%s'", zf.filename)
[docs] def untargzall(folder, pattern="*.tar.gz"): """ gunzip and untar all ``*.tar.gz`` files in "folder" """ import tarfile for tgz in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, pattern)): gz = gzip.GzipFile(tgz) tf = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=gz) sanitize_tarfile(tf, folder)"untargz '%s'", tf.extractall(folder)"done untargz '%s'",
[docs] def untarall(folder, pattern="*.tar"): """ untar all ``*.tar`` files in "folder" """ import tarfile for tg in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, pattern)): tf = tarfile.TarFile(tg) sanitize_tarfile(tf, folder)"untargz '%s'", tf.extractall(folder)"done untar '%s'",
[docs] def gunzipall(folder, pattern="*.gz"): """ gunzip all ``*.gz`` files in "folder" """ for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, pattern)): # build uncompress filename from gz file and pattern # pattern is used to select/filter files, but it may not # match the gzip file suffix (usually ".gz"), so assuming it's the last # bit after "." suffix = ".%s" % pattern.split(".")[1] gunzip(f, suffix)
[docs] def unxzall(folder, pattern="*.xz"): """ unxz all xz files in "folder", in "folder" """ import tarfile for xzfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, pattern)):"unxzing '%s'", xzfile) with, "r:xz") as tf: sanitize_tarfile(tf, folder) tf.extractall(folder)"done unxzing '%s'", xzfile)
[docs] def gunzip(f, pattern="*.gz"): # build uncompress filename from gz file and pattern destf = f.replace(pattern.replace("*", ""), "") fout = open(destf, "wb") with gzip.GzipFile(f) as gz:"gunzip '%s'", for line in gz: fout.write(line)"Done gunzip '%s'", fout.close()
[docs] async def aiogunzipall(folder, pattern, job_manager, pinfo): """ Gunzip all files in folder matching pattern. job_manager is used for parallelisation, and pinfo is a pre-filled dict used by job_manager to report jobs in the hub (see bt.utils.manager.JobManager) """ jobs = [] got_error = None"Unzipping files in '%s'", folder) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, pattern)): pinfo["description"] = os.path.basename(f) job = await job_manager.defer_to_process(pinfo, partial(gunzip, f, pattern=pattern)) def gunzipped(fut, infile): try: # res = fut.result() fut.result() except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to gunzip file %s: %s", infile, e) nonlocal got_error got_error = e job.add_done_callback(partial(gunzipped, infile=f)) jobs.append(job) if got_error: raise got_error if jobs: await asyncio.gather(*jobs) if got_error: raise got_error
[docs] def uncompressall(folder): """Try to uncompress any known archive files in folder""" unzipall(folder) untargzall(folder) gunzipall(folder) unxzall(folder)
[docs] def md5sum(fname): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fname, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
[docs] class splitstr(str): """Type representing strings with space in it"""
[docs] class nan(object): """Represents NaN type, but not as a float"""
[docs] class inf(object): """Represents Inf type, but not as a float"""
[docs] def traverse(obj, leaf_node=False): """ Output path-dictionary pairs. For example, input: { 'exac_nontcga': {'af': 0.00001883}, 'gnomad_exome': {'af': {'af': 0.0000119429, 'af_afr': 0.000123077}}, 'snpeff': {'ann': [{'effect': 'intron_variant', 'feature_id': 'NM_014672.3'}, {'effect': 'intron_variant', 'feature_id': 'NM_001256678.1'}]} } will be translated to a generator: ( ("exac_nontcga", {"af": 0.00001883}), ("", {"af": 0.0000119429, "af_afr": 0.000123077}), ("gnomad_exome", {"af": {"af": 0.0000119429, "af_afr": 0.000123077}}), ("snpeff.ann", {"effect": "intron_variant", "feature_id": "NM_014672.3"}), ("snpeff.ann", {"effect": "intron_variant", "feature_id": "NM_001256678.1"}), ("snpeff.ann", [{ ... },{ ... }]), ("snpeff", {"ann": [{ ... },{ ... }]}), ('', {'exac_nontcga': {...}, 'gnomad_exome': {...}, 'snpeff': {...}}) ) or when traversing leaf nodes: ( ('', 0.00001883), ('', 0.0000119429), ('', 0.000123077), ('snpeff.ann.effect', 'intron_variant'), ('snpeff.ann.feature_id', 'NM_014672.3'), ('snpeff.ann.effect', 'intron_variant'), ('snpeff.ann.feature_id', 'NM_001256678.1') ) """ if isinstance(obj, (dict, UserDict)): # path level increases for key in obj: for sub_path, val in traverse(obj[key], leaf_node): yield ".".join((str(key), str(sub_path))).strip("."), val if not leaf_node: yield "", obj elif isinstance(obj, list): # does not affect path for item in obj: for sub_path, val in traverse(item, leaf_node): yield sub_path, val if not leaf_node or not obj: # [] count as a leaf node yield "", obj elif leaf_node: # including str, int, float, and *None*. yield "", obj
[docs] def run_once(): """ should_run_task_1 = run_once() print(should_run_task_1()) -> True print(should_run_task_1()) -> False print(should_run_task_1()) -> False print(should_run_task_1()) -> False should_run_task_2 = run_once() print(should_run_task_2('2a')) -> True print(should_run_task_2('2b')) -> True print(should_run_task_2('2a')) -> False print(should_run_task_2('2b')) -> False ... """ has_run = set() def should_run(identifier=None): if identifier in has_run: return False has_run.add(identifier) return True return should_run
[docs] def merge(x, dx): """ Merge dictionary dx (Δx) into dictionary x. If __REPLACE__ key is present in any level z in dx, z in x is replaced, instead of merged, with z in dx. """ assert isinstance(x, dict) assert isinstance(dx, dict) if dx.pop("__REPLACE__", None): # merge dx with "nothing" just to # make sure to remove any "__REPLACE__" _y = {} merge(_y, dx) x.clear() x.update(_y) return x for k, v in dx.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): if v.get("__REMOVE__"): x.pop(k, None) continue if not isinstance(x.get(k), dict): x[k] = {} merge(x[k], v) else: x[k] = v return x
[docs] def get_loop(): """Since Python 3.10, a Deprecation warning is emitted if there is no running event loop. In future Python releases, a RuntimeError will be raised instead. Ref: """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) return loop
[docs] def get_loop_with_max_workers(max_workers=None): loop = get_loop() executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) loop.set_default_executor(executor) return loop
[docs] class DummyConfig(types.ModuleType): """This class allows "import config" or "from biothings import config" to work without actually creating a file: import sys from biothings.utils.common import DummyConfig sys.modules["config"] = DummyConfig('config') sys.modules["biothings.config"] = DummyConfig('config') """ pass
[docs] def get_plugin_name_from_local_manifest(path): default_name = os.path.basename(path) manifest_json_path = os.path.join(path, "manifest.json") manifest_yaml_path = os.path.join(path, "manifest.yaml") if os.path.isfile(manifest_json_path): with open(manifest_json_path, "r") as fp: manifest_json = json.loads( return manifest_json.get("name", default_name) elif os.path.isfile(manifest_yaml_path): with open(manifest_yaml_path, "r") as fp: manifest_json = yaml.safe_load(fp) return manifest_json.get("name", default_name) else: return None
[docs] def get_plugin_name_from_remote_manifest(url): split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) name = os.path.basename(split.path).replace(".git", "") org_name = os.path.dirname(split.path).strip("/") manifest_json = {} manifest_json_url = f"{org_name}/{name}/master/manifest.json" manifest_yaml_url = f"{org_name}/{name}/master/manifest.yaml" try: response = requests.get(url=manifest_json_url) manifest_json = json.loads(response.text) except Exception: response = requests.get(url=manifest_yaml_url) manifest_json = yaml.safe_load(response.text) finally: name = manifest_json.get("name", name) return name
[docs] def parse_folder_name_from_url(url): split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) folder_name = os.path.basename(split.path).replace(".git", "") return folder_name