Source code for biothings.utils.dotfield

import orjson

[docs] def make_object(attr, value): """ Create dictionary following the input dot notation and the value. Example:: make_object('a.b.c', 100) --> {a:{b:{c:100}}} make_object(['a','b','c'], 100) --> {a:{b:{c:100}}} """ attr_list = attr.split(".") s = "" for k in attr_list: s += '{"' + k + '":' # Old implementation using json module # s += json.dumps(value) # s += "}" * (len(attr_list)) # return json.loads(s) # New implementation using orjson module s += orjson.dumps(value).decode("utf-8") # decoding is necessary because orjson dumps into bytes s += "}" * (len(attr_list)) return orjson.loads(s)
[docs] def merge_object(obj1, obj2): for k in obj2: try: if isinstance(obj2[k], dict): obj1[k] = merge_object(obj1[k], obj2[k]) else: obj1[k] = obj2[k] except Exception: obj1[k] = obj2[k] return obj1
[docs] def parse_dot_fields(doc): """ Example: parse_dot_fields({'a': 1, 'b.c': 2, 'b.a.c': 3}) should return {'a': 1, 'b': {'a': {'c': 3}, 'c': 2}} """ dot_fields = [] expanded_doc = {} for key in doc: if key.find(".") != -1: dot_fields.append(key) expanded_doc = merge_object(expanded_doc, make_object(key, doc[key])) doc.update(expanded_doc) for key in dot_fields: del doc[key] return doc
[docs] def compose_dot_fields_by_fields(doc, fields): """ Reverse funtion of parse_dot_fields """ res = None to_del = set() for k in fields: if k.find(".") != -1: if not res: import copy res = copy.deepcopy(doc) ks = k.split(".") broke = False if ks[0] in doc: t = doc[ks[0]] for e in ks[1:]: if e in t: t = t[e] else: broke = True break if broke: continue to_del.add(ks[0]) res[k] = t for k in to_del: del res[k] return res if res else doc