Source code for biothings.utils.dotstring

from .common import is_str

[docs] def last_element(d, key_list): """Return the last element and key for a document d given a docstring. A document d is passed with a list of keys key_list. A generator is then returned for all elements that match all keys. Not that there may be a 1-to-many relationship between keys and elements due to lists in the document. :param d: document d to return elements from :param key_list: list of keys that specify elements in the document d :return: generator for elements that match all keys """ # preconditions if not d or not key_list: return k = key_list.pop(0) # termination if not key_list: yield k, d # recursion else: try: t = d[k] except KeyError: return # key does not exist except TypeError: return # not sub-scriptable if isinstance(t, dict): yield from last_element(t, key_list) elif isinstance(t, list): for l in t: yield from last_element(l, key_list.copy()) elif isinstance(t, tuple): # unsupported type raise ValueError("unsupported type in key {}".format(k))
[docs] def key_value(dictionary, key): """Return a generator for all values in a dictionary specific by a dotstirng (key) if key is not found from the dictionary, None is returned. :param dictionary: a dictionary to return values from :param key: key that specifies a value in the dictionary :return: generator for values that match the given key """ def safe_ref(k, d): if d: try: return d[k] except KeyError: pass if not is_str(key): raise TypeError("key argument must of be of type 'str'") key_list = key.split(".") for k, le in last_element(dictionary, key_list): yield safe_ref(k, le)
[docs] def set_key_value(dictionary, key, value): """Set values all values in dictionary matching a dotstring key to a specified value. if key is not found in dictionary, it just skip quietly. :param dictionary: a dictionary to set values in :param key: key that specifies an element in the dictionary :return: dictionary after changes have been made """ def safe_assign(k, d): if d: try: d[k] = value except KeyError: pass if not is_str(key): raise TypeError("key argument must of be of type 'str'") key_list = key.split(".") for k, le in last_element(dictionary, key_list): safe_assign(k, le) return dictionary
[docs] def remove_key(dictionary, key): """Remove field specified by the docstring key :param dictionary: a dictionary to remove the value from :param key: key that specifies an element in the dictionary :return: dictionary after changes have been made """ if not is_str(key): raise TypeError("key argument must of be of type 'str'") key_list = key.split(".") for k, le in last_element(dictionary, key_list): try: del le[k] except KeyError: pass return dictionary
[docs] def list_length(d, field): """Return the length of a list specified by field. If field represents a list in the document, then return its length. Otherwise return 0. :param d: a dictionary :param field: the dotstring field specifying a list """ default_value = 0 try: lst = next(key_value(d, field)) except StopIteration: return default_value if isinstance(lst, list): return len(lst) else: return default_value