from .dotstring import list_length, remove_key
class ExcludeFieldsById:
This class provides a framework to exclude fields for certain
identifiers. Up to three arguments are passed to this class, an
identifier list, a list of fields to remove, and minimum list
size. The identifier list is a list of document identifiers to act
on. The list of fields are fields that will be removed; they are
specified using a dotstring notation. The minimum list size is
the minimum number of elements that should be in a list in order
for it to be removed. The 'drugbank', 'chebi', and 'ndc' data
sources were manually tested with this class.
def __init__(self, exclusion_ids, field_lst, min_list_size=1000):
Fields to truncate are specified by field_lst. The
dot-notation is accepted.
self.exclusion_ids = exclusion_ids
self.field_lst = field_lst
self.min_list_size = min_list_size
def __call__(self, f):
Truncate specified fields on documents on call.
:param f: function to apply to, this function should return documents
def wrapped_f(*args):
input_docs = f(*args)
for doc in input_docs:
if doc["_id"] in self.exclusion_ids:
for field in self.field_lst:
# min_list_size check
if list_length(doc, field) > self.min_list_size:
remove_key(doc, field)
yield doc
return wrapped_f