Source code for biothings.web.handlers.query

Elasticsearch Handlers


    Supports: (all features above and)
    - access to biothing_type attribute
    - access to ES query pipeline stages
    - pretty print elasticsearch exceptions
    - common control option out_format

    - biothings.web.handlers.MetadataSourceHandler
    - biothings.web.handlers.MetadataFieldHandler
    - myvariant.web.beacon.BeaconHandler


    Supports: (all features above and)
    - common control options (raw, rawquery)
    - common transform options (dotfield, always_list...)
    - query pipeline customization hooks
    - single query through GET
    - multiple quers through POST

    - biothings.web.handlers.BiothingHandler
    - biothings.web.handlers.QueryHandler


import logging
from collections import Counter
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
from types import CoroutineType

from tornado.web import Finish, HTTPError

from biothings.utils import serializer
from import GAEvent
from biothings.web.handlers.base import BaseAPIHandler
from biothings.web.query.pipeline import QueryPipelineException, QueryPipelineInterrupt

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BaseQueryHandler(BaseAPIHandler):
[docs] def initialize(self, biothing_type=None, *args, **kwargs): super().initialize(*args, **kwargs) self.biothing_type = biothing_type self.pipeline = self.biothings.pipeline self.metadata = self.biothings.metadata
[docs] def prepare(self): super().prepare() # provide convenient access to next stages self.args.biothing_type = self.biothing_type self.event = GAEvent( { "__secondary__": [], # secondary analytical objective: field tracking "category": "{}_api".format(self.biothings.config.APP_VERSION), # eg.'v1_api' "action": "_".join((, self.request.method.lower())), # eg.'query_get' # 'label': 'fetch_all', etc. # 'value': 100, # number of queries } ) if self.args._source: fields = [str(field) for field in self.args._source] # in case input is not str fields = [field.split(".", 1)[0] for field in fields] # only consider root keys for field, cnt in Counter(fields).items(): self.event["__secondary__"].append( GAEvent({"category": "parameter_tracking", "action": "field_filter", "label": field, "value": cnt}) ) else: self.event["__secondary__"].append( GAEvent( { "category": "parameter_tracking", "action": "field_filter", "label": "all", } ) )
[docs] def write(self, chunk): # add an additional header to the JSON formatter # with a header image and a title-like section # further more, show a link to documentation # relevant settings in config: # HTML_OUT_TITLE # HTML_OUT_HEADER_IMG # HTML_OUT_<ENDPOINT>_DOCS DEFAULT_TITLE = "<p>Biothings API</p>" DEFAULT_IMG = "" try: if self.format == "html": config = self.biothings.config chunk = self.render_string( template_name="api.html", data=serializer.to_json(chunk), link=serializer.URL(self.request.full_url()).remove("format"), title_div=getattr(config, "HTML_OUT_TITLE", "") or DEFAULT_TITLE, header_img=getattr(config, "HTML_OUT_HEADER_IMG", "") or DEFAULT_IMG, learn_more=getattr(config, f"HTML_OUT_{}_DOCS", ""), ) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return super(BaseAPIHandler, self).write(chunk) except Exception as exc: logger.warning(exc) super().write(chunk)
[docs] class MetadataSourceHandler(BaseQueryHandler): """ GET /metadata """ name = "metadata" kwargs = dict(BaseQueryHandler.kwargs) kwargs["GET"] = { "dev": {"type": bool, "default": False}, "raw": {"type": bool, "default": False}, }
[docs] async def get(self): info = await self.metadata.refresh(self.biothing_type) meta = self.metadata.get_metadata(self.biothing_type) if self.args.raw: raise Finish(info) elif meta["software"] = self.biothings.devinfo.get() else: # remove debug info for field in list(meta): if field.startswith("_"): meta.pop(field, None) if iscoroutinefunction(self.extras): meta = await self.extras(meta) else: meta = self.extras(meta) self.finish(dict(sorted(meta.items())))
[docs] def extras(self, _meta): """ Override to add app specific metadata. """ return _meta
[docs] class MetadataFieldHandler(BaseQueryHandler): """ GET /metadata/fields """ name = "fields" kwargs = dict(BaseQueryHandler.kwargs) kwargs["GET"] = { "raw": {"type": bool, "default": False}, "search": {"type": str, "default": None}, "prefix": {"type": str, "default": None}, }
[docs] async def get(self): await self.metadata.refresh(self.biothing_type) mapping = self.metadata.get_mappings(self.biothing_type) if self.args.raw: raise Finish(mapping) result = self.pipeline.formatter.transform_mapping(mapping, self.args.prefix, self.finish(result)
async def ensure_awaitable(obj): if isinstance(obj, CoroutineType): return await obj return obj def capture_exceptions(coro): async def _method(*args, **kwargs): try: return await coro(*args, **kwargs) except QueryPipelineInterrupt as itr: raise Finish(itr.details) except QueryPipelineException as exc: raise HTTPError(exc.code, None, exc.details, reason=exc.summary) return _method
[docs] class BiothingHandler(BaseQueryHandler): r""" Biothings Annotation Endpoint URL pattern examples: /{pre}/{ver}/{typ}/? /{pre}/{ver}/{typ}/([^\/]+)/? queries a term against a pre-determined field that represents the id of a document, like _id and dbsnp.rsid GET -> {...} or [{...}, ...] POST -> [{...}, ...] """ name = "annotation"
[docs] @capture_exceptions async def post(self, *args, **kwargs): self.event["value"] = len(self.args["id"]) result = await ensure_awaitable(self.pipeline.fetch(**self.args)) self.finish(result)
[docs] @capture_exceptions async def get(self, *args, **kwargs): self.event["value"] = 1 result = await ensure_awaitable(self.pipeline.fetch(**self.args)) self.finish(result)
[docs] class QueryHandler(BaseQueryHandler): """ Biothings Query Endpoint URL pattern examples: /{pre}/{ver}/{typ}/query/? /{pre}/{ver}//query/? GET -> {...} POST -> [{...}, ...] """ name = "query"
[docs] @capture_exceptions async def post(self, *args, **kwargs): self.event["value"] = len(self.args["q"]) result = await ensure_awaitable(**self.args)) self.finish(result)
[docs] @capture_exceptions async def get(self, *args, **kwargs): self.event["value"] = 1 if self.args.get("fetch_all"): self.event["label"] = "fetch_all" if self.args.get("fetch_all") or self.args.get("scroll_id") or self.args.get("q") == "__any__": self.clear_header("Cache-Control") response = await ensure_awaitable(**self.args)) self.finish(response)